Steemit Saved My Life

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

2500 Followers and 5500 posts!!! Wow! October 15 is my 4 month Steemiversary. My, what a ride it’s been! I have learned so much from so many from all over the world! And I learned that you guys think I am a worthy teacher after being crowned the Queen of How To by the community! Thank you again @papa-pepper ~ but you’re still the King in my book ;)

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I first joined with high financial rewards being dangled like shiny objects on a Christmas tree from the Trending page. Seeing people like @ teamsteem @kingscrown and @sweetsssj make great money just by blogging was right up my alley! And quite frankly too much to resist! I have been writing for some time now, and have studied and implemented countless SEO, marketing and keyword tactics. I’m funny and entertaining, I got this, I thought, and anxiously awaited my approval while perusing the creative geniuses who have laid a beautiful and strong Steemit foundation.

I soon found out it’s not that easy! You don’t just come to Steemit and post and make $! You have to put in the time and be patient. You have to engage with the community and be consistent. You have to build your Steemit.

If you build it, they will come

Steemit saved my life. I was struggling something fierce.

Being a single mother in America is hard. Especially when a man who doesn’t deserve to be called a dad skips the country to avoid paying child support. And even more difficult when you are disabled from permanent injuries sustained from surviving a kidnapping and attempted murder. There is a general belief that there is assistance for moms like me. Sure, there is a bit, but the resources have been exhausted by the million other single moms who’s ex’s are not paying support that came before me.

I am thankful every day that I have been blessed with the talent to weave words together and can actually make a few bucks doing so. Without writing, we would not have survived. Sure, we are still struggling, we go without many things and I juggle which bills to pay each month, and there is the ever constant looming threat of not being able to afford rent, but we manage to at least keep a roof over our heads each month and don’t have to live without water or electricity too many days of the year.

Just before I stumbled upon Steemit, I was overwhelmed and frankly, done. I had no one to turn to and the stress of our situation had worn through me. And my kids didn’t understand why they had to duct tape their shoes when prior to the Mr leaving they always had several pairs of well constructed and well fitting shoes to choose from. They had gaming platforms and we did fun stuff all the time. Kids can’t understand such things on a deeper level. They just feel the unfairness of it all. They are powerless to what is happening in their world. The stress of not having anything suddenly and seeing that look in your children’s eyes… I was done. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I was broken.

Steemit saved my life.

I found something to strive for each day. I found a new love and something I can work toward in cryptocurrencies. I developed and nurture amazing relationships with awesome people I call friends here every day. I cherish these relationships, they are true and they are real. It’s not just about the Steeming- it’s about building a support network.

Building your own little community within the Steemit World.

I have people who truly care about me here, and I them. They wonder about me when I don’t post for a day or two. They ask about me and how my day is.

I have people I truly care about who I met on Steemit!

Steemit gave me hope.

I have not encountered such a genuinely caring community such as what we have in Steemit. The energy is so great that you can feel it shining onto you through the computer screen!

Now that’s big. That’s pretty powerful stuff.

We are transcending the anonymity of the internet. We Steemians are meeting each other in the real world. We are forming personal relationships outside of Steemit through our shared goals and drive. We are actively recruiting others, not because we get a referral bonus but because we believe in the power of the blockchain. Because we see Steemit is the future. Because of the support and encouragement we freely share and receive from the community! We must shout it from the rooftops! We tell everyone about it, why? It’s just like when you are in love with someone- you are compelled to share it with the world! You want everyone to feel as good as you do! You want everyone to experience this wonderful community that wants you to succeed!

I treasure you my Steemitzens. I am humbly thankful that I have you. And I strive to give you the best of me each day.

It’s been a spectacular 4 months, and I look forward to another 4 months. I will learn even more, get involved in more exciting ventures, and meet many more amazing individuals from all different mindsets and cultures.

All here to share in the wonderful community that is Steemit.

Thank you all for making Steemit the truly amazing place it is. Steemit is each one of us. Let’s rock this baby into the future!

Steemit is the future, and the possibilities are endless.

Thank you for being you. I’m lucky to have you.

An Original by


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Images via Pixabay and Creative Commons

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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In case you missed these stellar posts by @ArbitraryKitten :)


animated-arrow-image-0314 Join The Steemit Community
Intro, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
Open a New Tab, Make Extra Money While Steeming!
Friday the 13th Intruder- a True Story
7 Health Benefits of Honey
Use Raw Honey to Cure Your Allergies
Winner of the Name My Radio Show Contest!
90% of Our Problems are Caused by This
My Cat Biting Her Nails!
No More Excuses! Face Your Monster
How to Tell if a Snake is Poisonous
I am so mad
4 Easy Ways to Learn Anything Fast

If you find this post past the 7 day reward period, please consider upvoting one of my recent posts in appreciation.

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I think every single person on Steemit should read this post. You have captured the essence of Steemit to the dot. Yes, we do make a profit on Steemit but we get way more than just money from it.

We get relationships, we get friendships, which in my opinion by far more valuable in life. That is what life is all about. Sharing your life's journey with some amazing people. It is not about accumulating paper and numbers on a bank account.

And you my friend are a true life inspiration to all of us. To go through all those things in life and to still BE HERE is incredible and inspirational. YOU SURVIVED AND THRIVED through it all. That is something to be very proud of because you did not give up. You kept going and the LIFE has rewarded you.

YOU are the prime example of saying if there is a will, there is always a way. Thank you for having the courage to write about here on Steemit and sharing it with us all. Not an easy thing to do by any means. You deserve all the success the Steemit can offer and I truly hope you get it.

Have an amazing and beautiful day. 💓💓

I agree, and responded thus. This reflects so well on Steemit, and on ArbitraryKitten.

I don't even have words...

This means so much hun.

Thank you so very much

Best of luck.

Thank you! And to you as well <3

You are welcome.

@arbitrarykitten You know how I feel about you and STEEMIT so of course I will throw in on such a FANTASTIC posting. You are such a blessing in many peoples lives and may I say that I am proud of you. Such a Fine Lady here on STEEMIT !

Awe, thank you so much <3 You make my heart happy :)

You are Welcome Sweet Lady.

Great article. You just earned another follower.
Sorry to hear you've dealt with so much adversity and difficulty, but it's also cool to hear how great of an attitude you have about it now and how much steemit has helped you!

I especially liked this part and agree with your sentiments a lot!

We are actively recruiting others, not because we get a referral bonus but because we believe in the power of the blockchain. Because we see Steemit is the future. Because of the support and encouragement we freely share and receive from the community! We must shout it from the rooftops! We tell everyone about it, why? It’s just like when you are in love with someone- you are compelled to share it with the world! You want everyone to feel as good as you do! You want everyone to experience this wonderful community that wants you to succeed!

Totally agree, and I felt your article was important enough to not only resteem but also I shared it on my Facebook page as well.

Continued good luck on here and best wishes to you!

Oh thank you so much! It means a lot that my experiences resonate with you, and I appreciate your boost :)

Hello @arbitrarykitten,

I wanted to upvote this, because of the content, but I feel compelled to reply with some words. I have a big bag of words in my heart (which I think with) which I would like to throw at you, but let me just try to put them into some form of sensible order before I do. Your post resonates with my life, very much. Not a correspondence with the tangible variables involved, but on an emotional and spritual (energy) level, it was one of the posts I had wished I'd composed myself. I cannot give it higher praise than that.

Through Steemit I feel that I have also found my writing style(?) again and just want to write and share, comment and grow with Steemit, as I can see it's potential. I feel like Steemit is something very special that I want to protect, nurture and help to grow, however I can, because it has given me a hope in something very positive, whereas, previously, there genuinely seemed as if there was no way out of the prison and with everyone playing warden, it was difficult to develop a sensible or workable way forward.

I feel that Steemit is offering this to all of us and those who follow us here.

But, I digress. What I really wanted to say was that your post was a pleasure to read and extremely well composed. You are indeed a talented writer, and as a pedant, I found no errors, which was a joy, but I do not wish to needlessly put down those that err, as it is human.......... plus I fear that I am guilty of such crimes against prose.

The content was extremely touching and it's such a nice feeling to know that I am in the company of a community of genuinely creative, developmental, free-thinking, forward-thinking, caring and considerate people. It's a pleasure to be here, it really is, and the pleasure is enhanced after reading posts like yours. Thank you, very much, for sharing this and Thank you, very, very much, for sharing a massive piece of yourself with us all.

All the best and take care :).

First I would like to say it's a pleasure to meet you, and I am happy we have bumped into each other in this rapidly growing Steemit Universe.

I am pretty transparent when it comes to matters of my heart (which I also think with) and mind. This is because of Steemit.

Prior to joining the community, I kept much of myself out of my work. Steemit has taught me that cannot be the case in this age of (dis) connection. It's both unhealthy and dis-genuine.

It makes my heart happy that my experiences resonate within you on a deep level. To share something like this platform we have found and embraced is profoundly unifying.

I believe everything happens for a reason, and everyone who comes into your life does so for a reason- you each have something to learn from each other.

I am happy to be sharing a path with you :)

Hello @arbitrarykitten. I have just read the first line of the second paragraph and have started typing, because I have said this in a reply to a comment you made before this one. I always reply to comments in order as soon as I can and always before creating a post. It's just how I like to do things on here. I just want you to know that when I say that I think from my heart, I mean it and I speak from my heart. The brain is not intelligent, it is clever, like somebody who remembers list of things or dates and details. They are good at memory recall, but they rarely think with their hearts, because they feel (or to be more accurate, they think) that the seat of intelligence lies in the mind, but this is not true.

The mind is a processor of information, which depends upon it's sub-conscious mind to order things into a logical comprehensible order, but if you 'exist' in the mind, you will be forever under control, either by an outer influence, or by own inhibitions and imposed limits, based on your own 'mental' perception. I see the sub-conscious as a kind of alcoholic uncle at Christmas, who sits at the back, or in the corner, of the room and occasionally shouts out random words or sentences, which you have to give attention to.

The conscious mind accepts the drunken uncle's suggestions and orders them to fit the logical pattern that makes sense to the vehicle, or person. The heart, on the other hand, truly knows. It is where you actually feel emotional pain, joy and a whole host of emotions. Think and feel with your heart and process with the brain or mind. This is the way of the future, I hope, as more and more people awaken to the fact that they have been traped in their own minds and so deeply engrained in them has it been that they have also been their own prison wardens.

Right, just read the rest of your post now :)..... That's so well written and I absolutely agree with your words and the sentiment behind them. I'm honoured and extremely appreciative to be here amongst such amazing people. I will not add anything more to what you have said in your post and it's not down to laziness, but because I would only be repeating you and I don't want to be accused of plagiarism or paraphrasing :).

It's now 4.45 am, so I have to go to bed and I haven't proofread this comment, so at the risk of error, here goes.

Thank you, very much, @arbitrarykitten, for your comment.

Take care :).

OH, I'm so right there. I'm so glad I found you. And I'm so glad I found Steemit. It really is an incredible community.

Oh I am so happy you found me too! And so glad we are on this wonderful Steemit journey together :)

Your story, and others like it, are one of the reasons I have such high hopes for Steemit. It's such a revolutionary platform and has the ability to have an incredibly positive impact on so many people and the communitites they live in.

It's definitely not a get rich quick scheme, which is great, that's how people realize that it's legit. If you want to get value, you have to give value. You have to participate. You have to engage. This in turn ends up creating community and bonds and It's incredibly cool to watch how it all unfolds.

So powerful in so many ways and it always brightens my day when I see stories like this that detail the impact it's already having. As you say, it's only going to get better as we share the love.

The amount of lives I've witnessed chased be off the wonderful Steemit community is staggering.

There is so much generosity and caring here it's surreal.

STEEM ever upward and onward! I firmly believe anyone who could but didn't join Steemit now will be regretful in one year!

STEEM ever upward and onward! I firmly believe anyone who could but didn't join Steemit now will be regretful in one year! @arbitrarykitten

You've received an upvote from #TheUnmentionables - a SteemIt community full of members who like to kick ass, take names, and occasionally do it wearing (or forgetting to wear) our unmentionables...


Please upvote this comment so we can help our members grow faster!

Schweet! Gratzie'

Well done @ arbitrarykitten, great to see the platform worked so well for some people. I hope it will continue to give you the energy (and rewards) you need :)
Next stop 5k followers!

It works for anyone willing to put in the consistent and quality effort :) Just a little patience is needed- trust me- I've had moments of frustration! But it's worth it on so many levels :)

Thank you!

Great post!! Its so great what Steemit has done for you and others alike. Being able to share the stories, learn, build relationships and while being able to get real world value from it!!
Its crazy to think how much time and commitment others spend on other platforms when steemit is here. It will change so many others as well!!!

Being some one my self who never liked the fakeness of facebook, or ads of youtube, insta ect, seeing steemit I knew the exact same as you it is a place to grow and where making real world connections pays in more than just monetary way but also in heart where a lot of us have been hurt!!

Steemit mends broken hearts.

@aggroed calls Steemit the Broken Hearts Club

It's true, so many of us who have been heart greatly are drawn to Steemit...

I love the ability to downvote trolls too!!! I mean what a better deterent in the first place!! That means already there will be less of them and then the few their are we can show their words not desired here.
I followed you and look forward to catching up on stories and seeing new ones!!

I've noticed the trolls and spammers do not last long here. If you do not build your tribe, there is no reason to stay so they move on in search for another quick promised buck.

Followed back! Looking forward to this wonderful Steemit journey with you!

Awesome job in 4 months By the way!!!