On Writing Well
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. ~Stephen King

You can read 30 books on how to be good at something this year. But what do you have now? A blank manuscript and a lot of good ideas on how to write.
Do not get me wrong: I want you to read and study how to be better at what you do. Since I am a writer, and we are on Steemit.com, I will use writing as the example. The best writers read. A lot. They read everything they can get their hands on, not just in the genre they work.
But to be a good writer, or any sort of writer at all, you have to write.
Write every day.
You can watch videos on how to weightlift all day long, but if you don't pick up a barbell you will remain stuck in the same place in your fitness indefinitely.
You are going to make mistakes. And some of your work will not be fit for human eyes. But you are getting better with each sentence you form and put onto paper. With every thought you wrangle and set down, you are training your brain by making new neural connections and pathways. And these connections will grow stronger and bring you more confidence only if you exercise them by using them every day.

One mistake I see with potential writers is that they believe they need more formal training before they start writing. I started writing in Junior High School. It is not what I set out to do but my instructors told me I was good at it and so I just went with it. They urged me to pursue it as a career, telling me I had a unique talent for it and needed to nurture this blessing.

I brought us to the higher level of poverty after a few years of working two jobs and was fortunate to land in a situation where I provided room and board to a Manny in exchange for his housekeeping and babysitting services, which was extremely helpful as raising children alone is an almost impossible task. It was then when my writing decided to claw it's way out of the background quite loudly. It was something I could do while on break, or late at night after the boys were asleep, and something my teachers had suggested would bring me a decent living.
Plus, JK Rowling's story kept tickling my subconscious. She had been a single mother, working as a cocktail waitress just like me, struggling with juggling which bills to pay each month- just like me. She had the Harry Potter story burning in her head so she wrote it when she could: during nap times and on the back of cocktail napkins at work. It took years, and many rejections by publishers, before someone finally took a chance and now her story of a boy wizard is an empire.
Besides... I loved to write. When I started I realized I'd forgotten how mush I loved it! I enjoyed creating worlds with fiction, and it brought me great satisfaction writing articles after learning and researching the subject. I derive great pleasure networking with fellow writers and having deep conversations with my audience. I have met many amazing people because of my writing, and have been to places and explored ideas I never would have had I not dove into this wonderful field. I truly enjoy writing. And although I used to think it was not a "real" career, I am so happy I listened to my instincts and gave it a shot. I am a writer. It is my calling. And my true love <3

So I wrote.
I wrote for pennies. Sometimes I wrote for nothing. Within a month I had a gig as a contributing writer for a popular and fast growing website. It only paid $20 a month for 8 articles but hey- I was a paid writer! The more I wrote the better tasks I found, and the better my pay. And now I am a professional freelance writer with published books and pay my bills from weaving words. I am by no means rich, lol, I have a ways to go in that regard!- but I can afford what my boys need and not have to worry about the lights or water being turned off or anyone going hungry each night. I work 12-14 hour days, seven days a week, but I do not have a commute and I can be home for my kids. That is important for me.

As soon as I can recover from the horrible accident I was in the other week and buy a replacement vehicle- I would appreciate any help you could give and take part in @Papa-Peppers CryptoJeep Challenge- I wish to start taking classes toward my MFA in Creative Writing. Think about this for a second- had I decided to wait to start writing until I could get more professional schooling, I would still be working two jobs and never seeing my boys. I would be struggling to pay bills and I definitely would not have enough time or the hopes for a little money to pursue my MFA in the near future.
The moral of the story is you must start now. Not tomorrow, or after your kid turns 5, or when you get a raise and can "afford" it, or after you lose ten pounds- now. Whatever your dream is, if you don't take steps toward it every single day you will never make progress and your dream will remain that- just a dream.
Start now. I promise you will be happy you did.
Make your dreams a reality and be the best you that you can be, starting now.
Write on my wonderful Steemmates :)

Help Bless @ArbitraryKitten with @Papa-Pepper CryptoJeep Challenge!
My real life horror- the accident and PTSD
- Part 1-My Near Death Experience
- Part 2- the Accident Aftermath
- Part 3- Subtract the D from PTSD but Your Brain is Still Scrambled
- Part 4-How to Heal Mind and Body After an Accident & Helpful Advice for Your Loved Ones
- Part 4.5 What to Expect With Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Part 5- The Tunnel. A Real Life Horror
- Part 6- The Journey
- Part 7-My Healing & @Papa-Pepper CryptoJeep Challenge
Trigger warning- graphic and raw.
Images via Pixabay
Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡
With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!
How to Conjure and Practice Empathy
$25 USD for You & $25 USD for ME!
What to Expect With Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury
Belt. A 5 Minute Fiction Freewrite
How to Learn English for Free
Tips for New Steemit Writers
If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡
I've been following this saga of your accident through the work I do for our Discord group as you know. I've been afraid to ask, since I think I already know the answer. This car that was wrecked ... it wasn't your lovely brand new car you managed to buy with crypto (without letting the word crypto enter the negotiations) ... is it? (I just haven't been able to even stand that idea after all you went through to find it.)
I'm so glad you are alive. And I hope you can say for sure you're ok ... at least "considering." I remember the couple of accidents I've been in ... and it takes weeks, sometimes longer, before the "intrusion" stops. (It's like flashbacks ... but much more constant. Every time you stop doing something that keeps your brain fully occupied, you're right back in the crisis ... reliving it again and again.)
The psychology of trauma is itself fascinating. But you have to live it to really appreciate all the things they teach about it in academics. The intrusion, the sense of dissociation, the constant fear that it's going to happen again, trying to own the experience and become used to the fact that it was real, it really happened ... and is now a part of who you have become.
Please be careful. Please take special care of yourself. Please know that you won't be completely "ok" emotionally / psychologically / physically for quite a while. It's not something you can just decree ... or rush.
Yes, it was CryptoJeep. She saved my life. It was the worst accident Northeast Nevada has had and the NHP was amazed I didn't suffer more... The lady not in a Jeep is still not awake, and had a long road of recovery...
Papa pepper is amazing, and started a campaign to bring back CryptoJeep he's just probably the most amazing human I've encountered.
I have a long road of physical recovery, but nowhere near as bad as it could have been. The mental and emotional on the other hand is the scariest to me... The psyche is going to take far longer to heal...
Thank you so much for stopping by with your encouraging words hun <3 it's good to see you
I'm so sorry that really was the car. You seemed so thrilled with it and it was like you had a special bond. (Maybe it was some kind of angel in disguise, sent to save your life, in spite of everything.) I'm terribly sorry, too, that the other woman is in such bad shape. My Lord, what an experience for all of you. I wish her well ... whatever happens from here.
Back off on any added stress for a while. Give yourself a chance to recover fully and put yourself together again. This is one time when "being tough" will not work in your favor. Little things will trigger reactions that surprise you. PTSD isn't just for war veterans.
I will keep you in my thoughts. That kind of energy helps. Friends are found in many places, and you certainly have made a few around here. It's especially good to see you, too.
<3 <3 <3 back. Always.
You know where to find me.
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There are some people that focus solely on someone's credentials, which can be infuriating sometimes. There are those who brag about their own credentials. "I've got this degree. I studied this or that for this many years." While there was me, not academic, with no credentials. But I had a manuscript. And then another, and another. And while that person kept on studying, I kept writing. By the time that person got another degree, I had written my 5 books. Then that person got a high paying job, but not in his field, and still bragged about his credentials, boasting about how much he knows this or that. Meanwhile, I rewrote, proofread, rewrote again some passages and kept on working. That guy kept on about how he could write this or that and become as famous as this person or that person. While I self-edited and brushed up on some grammar skills. He bragged about his English language proficiency, while I realised my grammar was better than his, with the book confirming everything I knew and teaching me a few things I did not.
Today, my first book is edited by a real professional editor and a friend of mine is going to paint the art for the cover. I've set a goal to publish Book 1 in 2018, you see. It's the big push now that the books are ready.
And that guy is still bragging.
I love this story! Perfectly in line with what I'm saying :)
Well done and congratulations, by the way. You've earned it <3
Thanks. I just hoe I can get to my goal and publish. My biggest fear is that no one knows about the book. Self-publishing requires finding a good team. I will need marketing and publicity, so I'll ahve to find a team to help me with that. Right now, I've got to format things. But I think the next step is the ISBN, which in Canada is free, yay!
Start with all the free advertising you can- facebook, twitter, instagram, of course Steemit. As more and more people read the book, some of them will advertise it for free on their social media accounts because they like it. Then take all revenue as you get it and put it back into the book- you're essentially "investing" in it by paying for advertising. But research the advertising avenues you're considering well. There are many that are not good for books. Freebies help, too. Ask those who get a free copy for shares on social media and honest reviews.
That's a good idea. I also am wondering how much the ads cost for Anarchapulco and such events. There are bound to be people into fantasy fiction there. I'll see if it's worth the cost too. But I do plan gifting the book to a few people who could potentially do some promo to help me out.
And attending such events, even just to go- I mean if you cannot afford a table yet, and wearing a tshirt advertising your book and armed with fliers you can pass out to everyone you talk to who shows interest in the genre and your book in particular is an idea :)
Ooh, I like the T-shirt idea. Flyers with the QR code so people can use their phones to go a purchase a copy instantly if they want.
The first book is always an investment. Once you have people interested in Book 1, then they'll most likely want to read the rest of the series.
When You share what is going on straight from the Heart people really like that here on STEEMIT. @arbitrarykitten you do have a Gift and you are using it right here everyday.
I enjoy being here and inspiring, as well as being inspired every day. This is a phenomenal place filled with so much talent and passion and drive, I am blessed to be able to be a part of your life <3
Your story is inspiring to say the least, just like there are different levels and styles of writers, there are different types of readers on different levels as well; so a person shouldn't let the lack of formal training in writing stop them from writing. Words are a great medium of expression, just go on and express yourself is all one needs to do.
The key is to keep going, which your story proves.
Thanks and hope things are getting better.
Plus, experience is an education in itsef.
The healing is going much slower than I would like, lol, but I am a stubborn and energy riddled lass ;) However, I am making myself take it very easy. Just wait 'till I get a full pardon from the torture experts ;)
@arbitrarykitten .
What i say to you . you make my eyes full of tears .
A lot of struggle you did . i appreciate you .
Very well done .
I am on steemit but i do not need money because i manage my life from my sports carrier and from my study or parents .
But you . very struggle you are doing .
Dont lose hope . a day will come you will get every dream you want .
Yep today you do tomorrow you will be having some experience .
Really i dont want to write . but after having my first writing on steemit i feel happy and want to do more best . i learn a lot of things from my mistakes and from other bloggers .
But the main problems is no one appreciate your work . talents is every where but talent hide there self in ignorance of others .
If today we appreciate tomorrow they do more good for more support .
Thank you and god bless you . keep it up dear .
It takes time to build an audience to appreciate your work. Nothing happens overnight. You must work diligently and continuously, and you will be noticed by more and more :)
Thank you kindly <3 I appreciate you, too :)
Ok thank you very much for advice . i will do my best .
I know you will. You have the drive to succeed.
You are very welcome. And I am here anytime if you have any questions or need encouragement or whatever :)
To my own good I already started few days ago.
"Started what?"
I realized I've been quite sloppy recently with my writing, and I had many different projects that I've started but left half way done. So, I did myself a simple thing: I made myself a TO-DO list with daily tasks (like freewriting) and with the those bigger tasks, like unfinished blog posts. It'll be an experiment I'll follow for 30 days and get as much done as possible, to grab the bull by the horns and steer myself more towards where I want to be in the future.
I remember how much good your manifestchallenge did for me and it's been already 4 months since that so it was about time to do another 30 days challenge :D
I can already see why this phrase would hold merit; sometimes we just need to do something before thinking because we can always think afterwards and adjust our actions accordingly. But if stayed in analysis-paralysis we don't get anything done AND we can't actually form an opinion whether we even like the thing we are stuck analyzing about.
And, food for thought... Yes, it has been four months since the manifest challenge... New year, new you and new me... I'm going to conjure something...
Thanks for the inspiration <3
Likewise <3
This is great, thanks for sharing! I recently did an article on Stephen King and On Writing funnily enough (as well as JK Rowling some time back) and touch on a few things you mention. Yeah, there's no substitute for direct experience. Good luck with it all! :)
Thank you <3
@arbitrarykiten so much to learn from you .
In my opinion for some, writing come naturally whereas some needs to frame the content to make it beautiful to the readers. and to enhance i would prefer to read as much as can, any author any article. Reading always give you something, and also help in building good content. and more you write the better you go.
Writing comes naturally for some, true. And there are a few who just cannot write. Just not their calling no matter how they try. But for most it can be developed and as you said- get better as you go :)
Correct...practice makes a man perfect👍
I always love reading your blogs @arbitrarykitten you have come a long way in a year, I remember when you were in a dark place last year and look at you now, a true fighter for sure. I still need to connect with you about my podcast. In regards to your article I was so het up on grammar, I know grammar is important and I am not the worlds best person when it comes to grammar, my spelling is ok however. But I echo what you say just get on and write, write every day be consistent and watch what happens.
I appreciate that :)
My schedule is pretty open, minus my Dr appts, so I am sure we can agree on a time for your podcast.
Good writers (in my eyes) are able to express their feelings and engage with their audience at least to some extent. After I left you an encouraging comment yesterday about your Tao of Steemit post, you headed over to my writing, left a one word comment, popped back into TSE and barely left 3 words.
Encouraging people to write is brilliant, I'll not take that away from your post. I think writing has opened up a lot of doors to me. But on this platform it's not about just the writing, it's about genuine engagement and you fell pretty short of the mark with that one yesterday.
Still, not to take anything away from this post. It's nice and I totally agree with you when it comes to getting people to write. Everyone just needs to learn to open themselves up and express their minds word, on paper. It's very freeing.
Regarding your short story, I left a comment because I found it intriguing and want to continue reading the next installment(s?) when you publish them. Then, I will be able to form an opinion and discuss the story as it unfolds.
As far as TSE, I am not sure what you mean. I do not talk in chat much- not on TSE or others, so I do not understand what you are trying to say. I do, however, chat extensively in private messages, but mostly I converse here on Steemit...
I just thought a message on my post stating: 'Intriguing...' was very cheap. Not constructive or valuable in any way to me.
In TSE, it's your opinion on how engaging you want to be based on the rules. There is rules there saying you only have to say 'upvoted and commented', but I think that's cheap as well.
Just my opinion, nothing personal.
Oh I understand what you are saying. I was with TSE long before it was TSE, so I can understand the fact you do not know me and how I operate :) That's cool, I get it. I save my words for the comments on Steemit itself, which is not cheap at all. Time is money, and that is where my fellow TSE'ers appreciate the words most.
I was planning on discussing your short story further after you released more episodes and I knew what was happening- which of course will allow for a deeper discussion.
But I thought to mention that what I read thus far I found intriguing so you would know you have another reader who wishes to see more of your work and so I could easily find the rest of the story when you publish. Would you have preferred I waited until the second or third installment of your short story before I upvoted and commented? Please let me know and I will make a note because the last thing I wish to do is offend <3 From a fellow author and creator to another.