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RE: 5 Reasons Steemgigs Could Disrupt Fiverr

in #steemgigs8 years ago (edited)

As I was raised in Alaska, I am familiar with a particular feature of tribal economies that may be highly applicable to Steemit, and @steemgig.

It is the potluck. The wealth of the tribe is owned by the chief. When this wealth becomes burdensome (when wealth is measured in fish, that doesn't take long) the chief holds a potluck where that wealth is delivered to the tribe as a feast.

The status of chiefs (reputation) is based on the recipients of this largesse, and creates a dependence on the goodwill of the tribe for chiefs.

Potlucks as transmitted to rural Americans tend to be more egalitarian, and to be less useful in terms of economic redistribution of wealth, as the attendees bring food to the event to share.

This doesn't make them less useful, and may be a more realistic analogy, and more applicable to @steemgig.

Hoped that perhaps this might be useful to you in your efforts, at least conceptually.

Thanks for posting links to @steemgig earlier. As you pointed out, despite my nascent interest, it is not entirely obvious to new users how to connect with particular individuals.


I find this of particular interest as I have been thinking a lot about tribes recently. I believe it is more natural for humans to want to belong to a tribe than say to a corporation. Tribes make us feel whole, like we matter and belong to something that will protect us. Corporations make us feel like a plastic refilliable lighter. Corporations don't care if we live or die, but tribes do. They rely on our gifts, and our complex relational webs. They are organic, while the corporation is inorganic. i grew up with potlucks......interesting history, thank you.