5 Reasons Steemgigs Could Disrupt Fiverr
I’ve used both Fiverr and Steemit for hiring people and being hired.
I hired writers and translators in Steemit, and also was hired in Steemit as a writer for the Steem Wiki. Well, I hired myself to contribute some articles to the Steem Wiki and the amount of Steem I received as compensation was based on the amount of work I did. The bulk of my earnings in Steemit come from my articles. After I publish my articles in Medium, I copy them over to Steemit to earn the digital currency, Steem.
Right now, using the latest exchange rate, 1 Steem is worth a little less than $1. The amount I make per article varies but I used to average around $100 per article. Now it's around $40 as Berniesanders has decided to add me to his downvote war list, along with the entire country of Korea.
I know this may sound odd, but because Bernie has decided to target me, reducing my rewards, it has made me re-think my strategy on Steemit and dive deeper into trying to go big. In a weird way, he's forcing me to become more resourceful, successful, and creative. So, @berniesanders, thanks for taking away my rewards, so that I can better find ways to serve the Steemit community in a more effective and bigger way, and also find more success and attract more followers here.
While you can indeed take away my Steem, you cannot take away my followers, my dignity and my creativity and intelligence that is unstoppable. It is my hope that one day we can have a conversation, as I have tried a few times to find out more about your life, but you have declined my offers.
I have a new mission and focus for Steemit, one that I am very excited about: to disrupt Fiverr with Steemgigs, with my new partner, @surpassinggoogle.
Steemgigs is his baby, but I will facilitate and oversee some of the art direction, marketing and outside social media in order to make this a successful venture. I came up with a similar idea about a year ago, but I didn't have a partner. Now, I have a solid partnership with a person whose vision is closely aligned with my own.
This article was written for Hackernoon which has an audience of 114,000 active readers. So, keep that in mind when you're reading this.
Being on both sides of these platforms as a freelancer and an employer gives me a very good perspective about the future of the gig economy.
The Steemit platform is monetized which means every article I write in there generates a certain amount of money. But there are also side gigs now in Steemit and an official Steemgigs account that connects people seeking gigs with those offering gigs. Steemit is a very new platform (1 year old) but it contains unique features that Fiverr and other centralized companies cannot compete with.
Here are five solid reasons I think Steemgigs could disrupt Fiverr in the near future.
1. Freelancers can make a lot more money in Steemit than Fiverr.
I will give you the example of a Steemit user named @fisteganos. He lives in Nigeria, where the average salary is $60 per month. He was hired by @kus-knee to write a transcription of Dan Larimer’s speech. Here’s the original gig instructions. So, after the gig was finished, @kus-knee paid @fisteganos 50 SBD ($50) for his work transcribing the video into text. These two people were connected by an amazing Steemit community member, @surpassinggoogle, who started the Steemgigs project. He has good people skills, so he acts as a go-between to help people find each other. Ok, here’s where it gets interesting: after @fisteganos completed his Steemgig and was paid by @kus-knee, he wrote an in-depth Steemit post about his experience, which went pretty viral. He made an additional $394 from his article that detailed his positive experience. Here are screenshots of this article:
And here's his reward:
A couple things to understand about why Fi Steganos was so successful: he is a very passionate writer, hard-working, trustworthy, transparent, humble and also has a big heart.
When I found his story, I too, almost found myself in tears. Here’s why, this is from @fisteganos story:
Earlier this morning, he took me way back to my introductory post and I cringed. Who was I expecting to read that badly formatted post? Well, I can say that now thanks to @kus-knee. I have unfortunately slowed down on here but I haven’t forgotten all the goodwill I have received over time.
For @kus-knee, I would have done the gig for free without thinking twice about it!
So, you see that the community aspect of Steemit is responsible for bringing people together? Fiverr has no community aspect. I know a lot of you reading this will be skeptical due to the number of scams that exist on the internet but I will show you how the reputation system in Steemit is superior to Fiverr’s.
2. The reputation system in Steemit allows for easy discovery of trustworthy individuals to hire.
Next to each user’s name is a number which represents their reputation score. People who are popular, who do good work for the community or who are successful bloggers tend to have high reputation scores. Rep scores go up when others vote for your blogs and comments. People with very high rep scores can make people with low rep scores go up dramatically by voting.
Everyone starts out at 25.
Here’s how it works: if you try to pull scams, the community will downvote you, which makes your score go lower. There are plagiarism bots (one called Cheetah) that detect plagiarized content from the web. There’s also a dedicated team that searches daily for plagiarized posts. Once you fall below a reputation score of 0, your posts are greyed out, which means people can see them only if they “unhide” them. Basically, this is Steemit’s form of a prison. There are ways to get out but it takes a lot of work and a person with a high rep has to do it. Obviously, the system in Steemit is currently flawed because big power users can abuse their stake and downvote whatever they want (due to the 12 hour downvote-only time). I'd like to see this removed in the future.
As you can see, @fisteganos has a rep score of 64 which is very high considering he joined 5 months ago. This reputation system is better because it is more comprehensive. It’s easy to tell the good people from the bad in Steemit and this is because people will show their true colors on a social network. Steemit allows people to form friendship bonds which go well beyond the scope of “business”. It is more similar the way tribes formed, with friendship bonds coming first, then business second. It’s a more natural way to find business partners. Plus, if someone didn’t fulfill their Steemgig, they would instantly lose their reputation and no one would ever work with them again in Steemit. Word travels very fast.
3. Anyone can become like a stock owner of Steemit.
Because everyone has a chance to earn Steem tokens, anyone can become invested in the future wealth of Steemit. With Fiverr, you’re just a cog in the wheel of someone else’s money dream. You have no chance to become a stock owner of Fiverr. Your options are very limited.
Everyone has a choice whether to keep their Steem tokens inside Steemit or exchange them for other currency (usually Bitcoin and fiat). When you decide to keep them inside of Steemit, you become more interested in having the value of your Steem go up. Because of this, you end up wanting to share Steemit with your friends and family. You become an organic extension of Steemit, as self-interest takes over. If Steemit is healthy, then your investment is healthy too. Everyone wins.
4. Steemit is not exploitative like Fiverr.
"This whole parasitic App has got around to making toil, alienation, and wrecking your health aspirational"
There was explosive outrage when this Fiverr ad came out which resulted in Fiverr being eviscerated by a journalist. Read that article here: http://www.stylist.co.uk/life/fiverr-advertising-campaign-doer-exhausted-freelance-woman-controversy-outrage
Fiverr’s prices are exploitative. While someone in Nigeria could in theory make a decent amount on Fiverr, someone in the United States could not. I’m sorry but a bunch of $5 gigs are not going to cut it for most people. Steemit levels the playing field in a lot of ways, because it allows anyone to make money and it doesn’t exploit low prices. The amount of success one reaches is largely determined by a number of factors, but it’s not restrictive, and is more holistic. This is because one’s success lies with the community, not just two people, employee and employer. The more you do for the Steemit community as a whole, the more money you will make (as a general rule). Of course, early adopters have a distinct advantage.
Many of the most successful posts, which go up into the thousands of dollars, are written by programmers, who have spent weeks if not months building applications for Steemit.
When they post the results of their hard work, the community compensates them. It ensures that the programmers continue building applications for the Steem blockchain. Steemit can be a place where dreams are hatched, cultivated then released. It is a totally different paradigm to anything else on the internet.
5. Communication is not restricted on Steemit like it is on Fiverr.
I recently read about a Fiverr gig that went pretty bad and the main cause of this was Fiverr’s restrictive communication rules.
Apparently, you can only use Fiverr’s platform to communicate, which means you can’t do a Skype call, email or video conference. Steemit has no restrictions whatsoever with regard to communication, so you are free to communicate in any way you wish, whether it be Skype, phone, email, video conference, whatever. This freedom allows you to dive deep and find people who resonate with your business ideas on a very profound level. I talked at length via Facebook messenger with the creator of Steemgigs to find out if we were matched up with our visions, goals and dreams for future projects. It turns out that our phone conversation was the catalyst that led me to realizing the real power of Steemgigs in its ability to transform society for the better. Without that conversation, I would still be trying to assess the personality and character of @surpassinggoogle. Now I know he’s the real deal as far as mission, passion, empathy and drive.
You can now follow Steemgigs on Twitter, @steemgigs to keep up to date with what’s going on with us:
Please follow us to spread the word about this amazing new Steemit project that has the potential to disrupt Fiverr and give back the power to creators. We will need all the social media help possible!
And if you’d like to either hire Steemians or get hired for Steemgigs, sign up for a Steemit.com account and follow @steemgigs. @surpassinggoogle and I are working together to expand Steemgigs and create some real value for both freelancers and employers. @surpassinggoogle has a dream of facilitating 5000 Steemgigs and I think once the benefits are understood, this number could go a lot higher. We are committed to making this happen.
I have been notified that there is a delay currently with Steemit.com signups because of the huge numbers of people wanting an account. There are a few other ways to get an account, so for further reading about this, go here to read @timcliff's solution. This has not been the case previously, and from what I understand, it is because Steemit has gained popularity in the past few months, so the traffic has become bigger than previously. They are working to resolve this bottleneck.
And the last reason I think Steemit will disrupt Fiverr is because Steemit is more fun.
Cheers for making it through this lengthy post. I didn’t even cover all the reasons, only the main ones. I will be curious how many reads it gets on Medium......And remember, if you have a steemgig to offer, make a post and use the hashtag, #steemgigs. Likewise, if you're looking for a gig, make a post, and use the hashtag #steemgigs. As we find others (hopefully people into organizational design), we can refine the way this works. For now, @surpassinggoogle can help connect these people together.
Thanks for reading,
This is interesting! I work on Fiverr and I don't like the fees they take from my job, 20% is too much.
EXACTLY. And then you don't get to build up a community and find out how that person is after your gig is over! Steemit is holistic, and more human..

YUP This is gonna be way better than any otehr website to get paid through because noone can take away yoru steem like paypal for example ca shut down your account steal alll your money and you cant do a thing about iit!
onsteemit its the ONLY pllace u can have a system of tips even dogetipbot on reddit was fucked up by an ovrzelous asshole who created it, let people load it up with hundreds of thousands of dollars of dogecoin and he BET them ALL on some altcooin trade gone bad and lost all the fuckin dogecooins and now none has their dogecoin tips on reddit! haha it was the ONE thingthat could ave made reddit liek steemit and it failed because it wasnt dceenttralized!
dude this is the ONLY website around that can do everything steemit does! we have our OWN internal money transfer system! hat ALONE is amazng! forget the abiity to earn steem with stories everyday the whole idea of just aving a crypto currency accont BUILT INTo a social media network is fucking the COMBINATION of the TWo most important p2p creations of the last 20 years we had Bit Torrent in 2002 for p2o transfer of FIles ythat cant eb stpped in 2008 we got Bitcoin a p2p transfer of MONEY that can Never be stopped, and now 2016 we have a combiationof social networks , bit torrent and bitcoin to make steemit,! It will only become stronger when we mix it wih a decebtralized inetrnet we can use from smart phone to smartphone using just the wifi, we canbroadcast to the blockchai using a wifi mesh network ontop of the low orbit satelte internet backbbone..just imagine....all steemit users buying those Gotennas that canallow your smarphone to broadcast its own signal for miles, gotenas could allwo for a backup mesh network to broadcast steemit over our OWN internet

see my post about bitcin over CB radio and steemit over radio signals! https://steemit.com/cbradio/@ackza/bitcoin-over-cb-radio-yup-could-this-be-the-safest-way-to-send-btcoins-long-distances-over-cb-and-ham-radios-imagine-dedicated
we could even use steemit with carrier idgeons carrying blockchain signals LOl but ni serioulsy look we can use these Gotenas or theese mesh network Appps they have now called ZombieChat and FireChat it allows you to chat with people just in your local wifi area! but it allows for a mehs network to be built! using just smartphones! we already have the infrastructure for our OWN decetralized INTERNET
Carrier pigeons. let's do this.
The next step would be to add steemit wallet or replies to these pics
OMG did you know a pigeon was awarded a medal by british in WW2 because this messenger pigeon kept flying its message THROUGH gunfire and it had been REPEATEDLY injured!! an it kept going!

ok lol i basicallly just started writing a new post ima copy all this, redo it, make it a post now, cya in a second ima try and do this fast but keep It High Quality top shelf
goTenna looks really cool.
Also, what about smoke signals for BTC? Given my technical expertise level (lel) that may be my entry point.
Thanks for your great addition to a great post!
Great idea. As a long time developer and someone who has used Fiverr and other outlets to find work, I'm all for moving that to steem and creating something new. Please continue to keep us posted. I will follow!
yeah, I will. many of us are treating this like a business, so development and constant focus is what we are doing now to bring visibility to it. The reputation system in here is pretty good to discover who people really are....and work with those you trust.
I'm really late in seeing this post. A great opportunity for many and I hope this prospers. Resteeming it now. :)
thank you. I always wondered who you were....
Excellently written and very powerful article @stellabelle; it's brilliant to see your perspective on this from both sides.
It's also fantastic for #steemgigs, and Steemit.com, to have someone with your reach and standing in the community championing this initiative and partnering with @surpassinggoogle!
I recently created a similarly positioned post - highlighting some of the huge benefits of #steemgigs.
The post also included a #steemgig; that is still available if anyone is interested in it
I can't wait to see further adoption of #steemgigs and the disruption of Fiverr.
what we really need is an organizational plan moving forward. It's hard to find the steemgigs due to the nature of this blog. When communities get here, we will be able to form a better grouping, with it all easy to figure out who is offering what gig. It will need a programming mind to really bring us to the next level....
Very true.
Well there are plenty of them / us on the platform and willing to help ;)
and we will need your help, as this is a community driven thing......we are working together, and each person brings the skills necessary to make it successful. it sounds like you're passionate about this idea.....if you're wanting to contribute let me know. I have several jobs right now (too many to list actually) but I felt so strongly that I could make a difference in this area because I'm a freelancer, employer, and a person who wants people to have more freedom in their lives. Ideally, I'd like to focus on creating a new gig economy that actually works.....the trick is, Steemit has way different rules, that are more tribe-oriented. It's a new paradigm that people don't understand well.
If you look at tribes, some in the past, the most alpha tribe leaders, the ones with the most power were the ones who gave the tribe the most meat. So if a hunter was really good, he shared his spoils with his tribe. This is the opposite paradigm of the corporate elite centralized authority model. Steemit is much more similar to the older tribe model, that relied on the gift economy, aligning with those who are givers. This is the part of the system that people need to be educated about. It's a shift in consciousness that is required for maximum success.
As I was raised in Alaska, I am familiar with a particular feature of tribal economies that may be highly applicable to Steemit, and @steemgig.
It is the potluck. The wealth of the tribe is owned by the chief. When this wealth becomes burdensome (when wealth is measured in fish, that doesn't take long) the chief holds a potluck where that wealth is delivered to the tribe as a feast.
The status of chiefs (reputation) is based on the recipients of this largesse, and creates a dependence on the goodwill of the tribe for chiefs.
Potlucks as transmitted to rural Americans tend to be more egalitarian, and to be less useful in terms of economic redistribution of wealth, as the attendees bring food to the event to share.
This doesn't make them less useful, and may be a more realistic analogy, and more applicable to @steemgig.
Hoped that perhaps this might be useful to you in your efforts, at least conceptually.
Thanks for posting links to @steemgig earlier. As you pointed out, despite my nascent interest, it is not entirely obvious to new users how to connect with particular individuals.
I find this of particular interest as I have been thinking a lot about tribes recently. I believe it is more natural for humans to want to belong to a tribe than say to a corporation. Tribes make us feel whole, like we matter and belong to something that will protect us. Corporations make us feel like a plastic refilliable lighter. Corporations don't care if we live or die, but tribes do. They rely on our gifts, and our complex relational webs. They are organic, while the corporation is inorganic. i grew up with potlucks......interesting history, thank you.
Wow, I never thought of it that way, but it makes a lot of sense - there's definitely a lot less trampling over one another to get to the top (dog-eat-dog); like there is in corporate environments.
After 10 years of software development for some of the largest companies in the world, I decided to try contracting / freelance work for a bit. Bitcoin / Ethereum / Blockchain was the real catalyst for me; that made me see that the winds of change were blowing - and in a direction that suited me personally.
I'm definitely interested in helping out where I can.
ok great. I am in the same boat. I worked for the corporate world as an artist and I can tell you it's pure exploitation. I had to make a decision: save my arms/wrists or continue working as a production artist. I chose to quit, but I never figured out to turn dreams into reality until i found steemit. And if you think of it, Dan Larimer, who invented the Graphene technology plus all the digital wallets, and Ned they both gifted us with these tools. It's up to us to form new alliances, with a new paradigm and make this successful. it's waiting for us, and everyone else.
yes, so many programmers! I love it because even though I taught myself to do some coding back in the day, I don't like it too much.....my skills are more artistic, so it's a match made in heaven with so many nerds here!
ok another thing I'll be doing is compiling all the steemgigs that have not filled yet, and to educate people both within steem and outside of what the gigs entail. This will be a weekly summary that is produced in a slick format.
This is sweetness or should i say greatness!
i'll read up on your gig and include it in the weekly publication. I'll do this on twitter, using Moments too, so people can find out about them
The only question I still have is, how will this do better than fivver's crazy low prices? Will there be a minimum price limit perhaps? or something else?
We are looking at the bigger picture ultimately, so even down to steemit marketing and bringing steemit to the mainstream by making steemit relatable to even non-bloggers, keeping steemian who take breaks from blogging in the action as community can still occur while they are away becos their steemgigs are up and running etc
Steemgigs allow us room to play with creativity, so no restrictions, for instance, in some cases, the reverse can even be the case, where a steemian can decide to give out his own cash for steemians to have fun, doing things they already do, like give to charity etc as seen in this post:
i believe that post will give you a clearer picture. In general, steemit allows micro payments without fees and becos of community and even friendship and good conversation, you can get ridiculously lower prices on steemit than on fiverr. There have been steemgigs where a steemian offers to do editing for as low as 1 steem for 100 words etc. They will gladly do this, when #steemgigs get popular, even testimonial posts about your #steemgigs experience can potential earn you money like a regular post does!
infact, most of the #steemgigs offered by the @steemgigs account are free. Too, remember that fiverr has fees, so 1 dollar is removed from every 5 dollars. With #steemgigs, there is also room for testimonial posts which brings in potential additional earning, adds to the beauty of steemit, accomplishes further marketing by ranking in search engines and strengthens our existing community by bring out more of our creativity, fun and revealing more of the human behind the steemian!
there are no limits, that's the beauty of Steemit. You can do whatever you can afford to do, and the person who completes the steemgig can then write about their experience, just like @fisteganos. There is freedom here, which is expansive and will grow organically.
Lol. Great!
I tried to find the words but none seemed good enough! So I figured a smile should do great.
ah, it was very nice.
This is very interesting. Thanks for your comprehensive description.
I'm actually in the market for some technical/engineering/product design gigs, as my primary enterprise is moving a little slowly at the moment. I have some mad skills that someone out there in the community could very likely profit from. ;)
I've gone over and followed @steemgigs, and will stay tuned. Thanks! :D

Interesting, have you created a #steemgig post yet for your skills? I'll be working on creating some simplified HOW TO articles for Steemgigs, so people can easily understand what to do. First thing is to make a post using the #steemgigs tag an we will pick it up. I'll also be doing some weekly publications that list all the people who still have gigs to offer, so that people can become aware of your talents.
No, I have not yet created such a post.
I was planning to post an informal notice that I am available to engage for a gig using my skill set(s). I'm glad to discover that others have been thinking about this sort of interaction. Now that I know it exists, I'll be reading the @steemgigs articles and watching for your "HOW TOs" to get up to speed.
Thanks for responding. ;)
no problem
Hi, @stellabelle,
I've posted my #steemgig :
Thanks again for the prompting... ;)
We have an awesome community. We need to exhaust its capability! Let's know what we even have first of all! This is a beautiful thing! Who knows perhaps, the cure for Dementia etc is already within us here as redundant information in some steemians head! #steemgigs will playfully help bring these things out! Plus, the "human behind the steemian". #steemgigs fits well with "mining with minds"! With #steemgigs, we are mining every steemian's mind! When we find these beauty out, we flaunt it and celebrate it and with time even start to recommend pure steemian talent to non-steemian organizations out there or perhaps, they will come on steemit to seek talents who are only findable on steemit. #steemgigs plays the role of steemit got talent! Results from steemgigs will build a database that even steemians will soon contact us to get. zappl, viva, steepshot, steem community builders, new apps in the making will need this database soon and we compile it using steemgigs overtime, so it is handy. There no loss in anyway!
It's really amazing to see how steemit is serving as an incredible project nest. Thanks for your great contribution to the community @Stellabelle
I will have a need for Spanish translation soon, when I do some steemgigs. I just have to get some things sorted out first.
Hehe, well, I'll be happy to help you :)
Interesting read, thanks for sharing.
I have already offered a proofreading service HERE as I believe it could be a great opportunity to not only help non native English writers on steemit, but could also increase my exposure, following and reputation - any possible income from the steemgig is secondary.
Top marks to you @stellabelle and @surpassinggoogle for creating and growing @steemgigs
ok great. Has anyone taken you up yet on a steemgig? I want to compile a weekly list of people who are still looking for steemgigs.....
Also, if you're on twitter, it can help organize people into groups. That is what we need badly here on Steemit,
@velimir has said he will contact me when he is ready with his next post but the more the merrier.
I am on twitter, I can be found HERE
ok fantastic, I will follow you.....
That's great, thank you!
Many need this one but my problem has been how to approach them politely. @gmuxx steemgig is really open price-wise! There is one user called @patelincho that always comes to mind that could use this!