RE: 5 Reasons Steemgigs Could Disrupt Fiverr
YUP This is gonna be way better than any otehr website to get paid through because noone can take away yoru steem like paypal for example ca shut down your account steal alll your money and you cant do a thing about iit!
onsteemit its the ONLY pllace u can have a system of tips even dogetipbot on reddit was fucked up by an ovrzelous asshole who created it, let people load it up with hundreds of thousands of dollars of dogecoin and he BET them ALL on some altcooin trade gone bad and lost all the fuckin dogecooins and now none has their dogecoin tips on reddit! haha it was the ONE thingthat could ave made reddit liek steemit and it failed because it wasnt dceenttralized!
dude this is the ONLY website around that can do everything steemit does! we have our OWN internal money transfer system! hat ALONE is amazng! forget the abiity to earn steem with stories everyday the whole idea of just aving a crypto currency accont BUILT INTo a social media network is fucking the COMBINATION of the TWo most important p2p creations of the last 20 years we had Bit Torrent in 2002 for p2o transfer of FIles ythat cant eb stpped in 2008 we got Bitcoin a p2p transfer of MONEY that can Never be stopped, and now 2016 we have a combiationof social networks , bit torrent and bitcoin to make steemit,! It will only become stronger when we mix it wih a decebtralized inetrnet we can use from smart phone to smartphone using just the wifi, we canbroadcast to the blockchai using a wifi mesh network ontop of the low orbit satelte internet backbbone..just imagine....all steemit users buying those Gotennas that canallow your smarphone to broadcast its own signal for miles, gotenas could allwo for a backup mesh network to broadcast steemit over our OWN internet
see my post about bitcin over CB radio and steemit over radio signals!
we could even use steemit with carrier idgeons carrying blockchain signals LOl but ni serioulsy look we can use these Gotenas or theese mesh network Appps they have now called ZombieChat and FireChat it allows you to chat with people just in your local wifi area! but it allows for a mehs network to be built! using just smartphones! we already have the infrastructure for our OWN decetralized INTERNET
Carrier pigeons. let's do this.
The next step would be to add steemit wallet or replies to these pics
OMG did you know a pigeon was awarded a medal by british in WW2 because this messenger pigeon kept flying its message THROUGH gunfire and it had been REPEATEDLY injured!! an it kept going!

ok lol i basicallly just started writing a new post ima copy all this, redo it, make it a post now, cya in a second ima try and do this fast but keep It High Quality top shelf
goTenna looks really cool.
Also, what about smoke signals for BTC? Given my technical expertise level (lel) that may be my entry point.
Thanks for your great addition to a great post!