Home 🏠

Yesterday's travel day from Melbourne to Wellington and then a 2 hour drive home went well, i was up pretty early and got ready before walking the 8 minutes to my terminal.

The flight was on time and we got breakfast which consisted of scrambled 🥚🥚🥓🫘hash browns, plus a drink like coffee/tea/juice or water.

Once i cleared customs/security i headed for the long term car park, my car started first pop even after sitting there for the last 19 days.

After getting home we had Fish n Chips for Dinner and maybe a Bourbon n coke or 3.

Today has been a busy day but its good to do some of the stuff i normally do, like go Grocery shopping mow the lawns and wash a couple of cars.

For Dinner we decided a BBQ was in order and we had Sausages and some Lamb kebabs.



Plus some Steak of course and yes Smudge had quite a bit the little piglet.

Tomorrow i will be doing more stuff around the house but i do plan on going for a Mountain bike which i am looking forward too.

Have a good Sunday

all pics are mine
smudge approves this post
this post is 100% human made

I am @kiwiscanfly 🥝🐔



I have a Black and White Cat that comes into my Garden, but he's very stand-offish... I guess he thinks I'm going to kill him...lol...

Actually i think its the other way around.

That Cat is studying you waiting to potential attack your arse.


I sure wouldn't want to mess with your cat...lol...

finally you arrive at home again, n meet with smudge...
happy weekend
home sweet home

Its nice to be home

Have a good day ..