Sold a Car for STEEM!!! Anyone Accepting Steem as Payment?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)
🤑🤑 I truly hope this transaction is much like the guy who bought pizza!!🤑🤑

No idea if this is a first or not, but I haven't read of anyone else doing it. I sold a car for steem!!

A little backstory on the whole thing. Have had this 1999 Ford Expedition sitting in my driveway for a couple years now doing nothing. Kept thinking that I'd use it again, but then just kept not needing it for anything and it's a gas guzzler. So it was time to turn this beast into some steem as I feel steem will come back in value long term and this is a prime buying opportunity.

That said my intention was originally to sell this to someone and then take the funds and buy some LTC on coinbase and transfer that over to bittrex and change it to BTC to then purchase steem, then transfer that over to Steemit. That seriously is a little bit of a PITA, but it's what is needed to make things happen.

So when a family member who happens to be an investor in steem said he was interested in buying my truck I realized there was an opportunity here to sell a car for Steem. How cool is that?


The photo is my nephew and the truck I sold to @bjgeese after getting it home and giving it a much needed washing.

800 Steem to my account in seconds

I sold this car to my Brother in-law so I had zero risk of a fake cashiers check or any of the many other scams that people use to pay you for a car and get their hands on the title while leaving you with nothing. This is always a real risk when selling a car as a private party.

But let me tell you if this wasn't a sale to a family member this would have been an amazing way to do it. With easy to use account names Steem has a HUGE advantage of other crypto for sending and receiving money. Then add in zero transaction fee and nearly instant transactions this truly needs to be pushed more in the real world. Oh and lets not forget that once the transaction is complete it's irreversible.

Car Sale.PNG

My brother inlaw sent me the funds and before I could even get my account open on my phone the money was there. So cool!

This has me thinking

With these benefits of Steem as a payment form why not use it more?
➪ Easy to remember wallet name
➪ Nearly instant transactions
➪ No transaction fees
➪ Irreversible transaction

I sell vintage toys, games, comics, and cards at shows and would love to accept steem as a payment form. It's such a simple transaction and removes risk of charge backs that can happen with credit cards or even paypal. Is anyone out there promoting steem in this way? Has anyone tried to convince their customer base to use crypto (any form) as a payment option. What are your experiences if you have?

Seriously I am thinking about coming up with some sort of way to let my customers know that Steem is accepted and even preferred. Maybe offering a discount for using Steem as a payment form. Know this wasn't the main purpose of Steem, but it's very effective as a form of payment.

What can I sell next?

My account is now 800 steem richer and my Wife is very happy that the truck is no longer sitting in our driveway. Now I want to figure out what I can sell next for steem and really jump start my account in a big way here by selling items for steem. Will be looking more into @steemfleamarket and to see if there are other viable options for ways to market items for sale here on steemit. Also going to start asking customers if they are on steemit and if so give them an option to pay with steem or SBD.


This post made my day! What a dream it would be to deal in steem more often. We need more of this.

The transaction made my day. It was a few days ago and just been to busy to write about it. Think that there is so much potential here.

This is a great idea. I like to give stuff away for charities that I trust. On the other hand, I for sure have some vintage treasures and collectibles other Steemians are interested in. Besides I love to create my artwork and I am always happy if I sell something to be able to finance my new creative art projects or support artists here within the community from it.

I agree 100% - sure I would love to sell for steem. Never heard of @steemfleamarket before, does anybody have any experiences on this?

@steemfleemarket is in testing and will be out soon :D

How cool is this !!!!! Cannot wait ..... brilliant!

Follow me for more information when a new and greatly improved version of SteemFleaMarket rolls out. It will likely get a new name in the process as the plans are beyond what was there for the original version.

Did follow already :) Cannot wait to see the new version .... very very interested!!!

Smart move mate, I think steem will get back up high and you will have made a killer profit on a 800 dollar car.
@toyoko piss off!
btw. the dude who bought a pizza made a killer loss, not a killer profit.
I think you mean the pizzaplace who sold a pizza for loads of bts.
edit: Sorry for double comment dude, was meaning to edit but my bad.

Shit Not problem with the double post.

Oh I know it's kind of the reverse on the pizza thing, but was more thinking about the way it happened. Someone buys today with low value and later the value goes sky high. Think most people know about that story so it was fitting. Heck can you imagine if I had sold this back when steem was 7c? Honestly feel we all will be looking back saying I wish I had bought more when it was 80c!

Yeah that was sick, I dont know exactly how much it was, but I think someone got really depressed!
imagine being that lucky now, I think we are going to see that here on steem again as well (not as much as the pizza dude though).
I personally think steemit is way ahead of it's time, because when I tell people to google steemit and find out what it is, noone seems to really care about what they find or think it sounds to good to be true and almost all of them think it is a scam and keep asking where the money comes from and stuff.
It might take a few years but when the masses will finally realize the enormous potential that a decantralized self governed social media platform backed by a virtual currency has I think it will usher in a whole new era for steemit and elevating the steem and sbd to whole new heights.
So cross your fingers, pray, suck your thumb, go find yourself a 4leaf clover or whatever you prefer and hope it happens!

(not as much as the pizza dude though).
Don't crush my dreams...lmao Completely agree there isn't room for that type of growth.

People don't realize that money is created out of thin air each day by banks and corporations. They accept this as normal even though they have no clue it happens. But because crypto is new they assume it's a scam

And the banksters create unlimited amounts of new fiat currency all the time!

ℍ𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕣 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘....

Understand that every time you use a credit card you actually pull new currency into existence. That money you spent did not come from Bank of Asses bank account, it came from their line of credit.

So stop using your CC to buy coffee and other BS. It doesn't matter if you pay it off each month. The new currency has already been pulled into existence.

If you 🅤🅢🅔 🅒🅐🅢🅗 🅞🅡 🅒🅡🅨🅟🅣🅞 you will be sticking it to the banksters.

Its not really a loss or a gain, something is worth what its worth at the time you pay for it. If you paid 100 Bitcoins for a PIzza when 100 Bitcoins were worth $10 you didn't lose you got your pizza. Mentally however people feel like they are kicking themselvs for spending that crypto

Yes that is true, but I still think it was a good trade (I firmly believe that the car he sold for 800 steem (600usd) will defintly be worth 3k+ in a few months.
Apart from that, if he wanted to get rid of his car and gain steem, If he traveled the most used road (changing usd for w/e coin and later trade those for steem) he would have had to pay a lot of fees.
In his trade now he paid 0 fees, so it still is a gain. (in my opinion).
He could only make this trade because he knew someone who wanted to buy a car with steem (i can tell you those peopel are hard to find.

I haven't heard of anyone else selling or buying a car for Steem. Congrats! And as long as it's running, 800 Steem is a good price for a car with these values on the steem coin. Looking forward to seeing what else you can sell!

I would have sold it for more if it wasn't family. Car starts instantly even in sub zero weather after sitting for months on end. Needed breaks and a few other little things due to sitting so long, but it's a great running car. But for family I was happy to do a lower price.

That's nice of you to give them a deal. Gotta take care of family! That' surprising that it started so quickly after sitting for so long. What a heck of a car!

I think this is awesome. We need to continue to grow the Steemit userbase to make this even more possible. Right now a relatively small percentage of the world is into crypto, and an even smaller percentage into Steemit. I doubt anyone from outside Steemit would go out of their way to acquire Bitcoin to then acquire Steem, but for people who have it it makes a super easy and safer transaction.

I had thought about setting up a shop that only accepted Steemit or at the very least encouraged its use. Ultimatley didn't move forward because I couldn't find a good way to integrate it into a website short of having to manually have communicate my address to people and also questioned whehter the Steemit community was big enough to support a shop of this nature

Right now there isn't a good option for people to sell their stuff for steem, but follow me as something big is in the works and I'll be helping to promote it later on. Was asked to be part of the team and while it's very early stages, this is going to be big.

A of all, awesome
B of all, you're getting 50 MORE steem from upvotes about using steem for that
C of all, why are you bothering with the LTC part of that whole theoretical transaction? You can buy BTC on coinbase and trade it for steem on bittrex. That's what I do. Am I doing it wrong?

BTC has slower transfer speeds then LTC and more fees typically. So I like to know when I purchase the coin I can move it fast and cheap then make the other trades before the market changes. That is why I use LTC over BTC.

I get the desire for speed, but fee-wise, there's no incoming transfer fee on BTC at bittrex, and coinbase is wonderful for having no outgoing fee. And you have to pay an extra fee on the btc:ltc conversion at bittrex, so that's why I don't use ltc. So... it's trading that fee for speed, I guess, yeah (I do prefer LTC to BTC, and wish I could make a direct LTC:STEEM conversion with low fees.

You have the miner fees on BTC on the transfer from coinbase to bittrex.

Even using I never noticed! I need to pay more careful attention!

coinbase can't control what the miners charge for recording the transaction. When the miner fees were crazy high is when I paid attention. Now it's habit to use LTC.

sir thedarkhorse! this is a great story and a great post! But what if the people aren't steemians but have steem to buy with?

Personally I wouldn't hold steem without a steemit account. This gets it off the exchanges account and IMO much safer. So not really sure the answer to your question. I have some steem on bittrex to play with, but unless it's for active trading that just isn't smart IMO.

howdy sir thedarkhorse and thanks for your answer, yes I agree with you, well there should be enough steemians in every area that would enable people to do business just on this platform, perhaps.

It will take onboarding more people in any given area to make it work. IMO there are maybe 50,000 active accounts based on numbers I've seen so spread that out over the world and realize the odds of bumping into someone with a steem account are very slim.

But if you start offering the option to purchase with steem and people know this and hate carrying cash they might consider setting up an account. Exposure over time peaks peoples interest IMO.

howdy again sir thedarkhorse! yes sir I agree and hopefully the signup changes coming with the hardfork will help more people join.

You can purchase the steem with a binance (or other exchange) account and then "withdraw" and send it to @meanbees without having a steem account.

That's why we need to continue to grow Steemit, right now there's not really enough users to sustain a business model that focused on transacting in Steem

howdy there rulesforrebels..yes I agree, I wonder how many we need to be active on here, at least a million?

That's an interesting question. I believe eBay has something like 171 million active users. Now eBay has been around FOREVER and is a dedicated ecommerce site so I don't think something would have to be to the level of eBay to be a success or a good marktplace.

I'm not really sure what it would take. One of my beefs with Steemit is that its a blogging platform and not a community. There's nothing wrong with that but I personally believe content is not the main focus on Steemit yet its setup as a content creation platform. Its meant to blog, we don't have groups, we don't have marketplaces, we dont have messaging.

Part of what has kept me from being even more involved on here is that I have to leave Steemit to do things. If I want to chat with people I have to go to discord or Steemchat or whatever people do. If I wnat to transact I would need to setup my own ecommerce site or something.

To me Steemit is more a community and more about networking than content and I wish the UI would cater more to what it truly is.

I realize Facebook is on a whole nother level and I imagine it costs a fortune to do something like that but I'd love to see Steemit get messaging, groups nad maybe some type of marketplace features and I think that would be HUGE

howdy back rulesforrebels! yes I couldn't agree more and I've heard so many on here lament the fact that many of these features could be brought in but nothing happens it seems except a few minor changes are coming with the hardfork.
You are so right though!

Yeah I've been hearing groups are comming groups are comming it will make Steemit better forever but it never comes. That's definitely a frustration, this platform is about networking yet if I wanted to have a chat with you and actually network, I'd have to go to one of your posts and drop a completely unrelated comment in a public space where everyone can see our convo and hope that you see it. Or I'd have to exchange emails with you through comments. Just doesn't really lend itself to making connections even though that's what seems to be the focus of this platform. It surely isn't content as content isn't really rewarded on here.

howdy again rulesforrebels! yes I know it's very strange but people say that the one's who can make these changes are concentrating on the blockchain part instead of the steemit part. So I'm not sure it all works but if they can help the blockchain then I guess that's a priority but someday they need to do things like you suggest with the better features, so yes, I agree.

That would be possible with SMF

Nicely done my friend. I have hoped that the @steemfleamarket would have taken off, but I can understand the hassles involved given the lack of search here. After I get adjusted into a bill routine here now that I have moved, I am going to try to sell the pinup girl autograph collection I inherited from my dad here for Steem. I am guessing I will need to search out for those who would be interested though.

I love the idea that you will be implementing in accepting it for your wares in the physical world. I have seen from the beginning of looking into crypto that as long as it is always tied to fiat as a gateway to buying/selling it would remain in the control of those who create the fiat. Only by bypassing them, as you did with your car will it gain some semblance of a decentalized transaction.

You continue to show your leadership skills as you show what can be done. Thank you.

@steemfleamarket is evolving way beyond what it was. Just was one a call with @kaliju about things and while it's to early to talk about it, know that huge things are coming.

haha that'a awesome!!! What is the world turning into? LOL so cool!!

Now that's a post I'd never think I would ever read. Way to go!

And you've got me thinking... I have been selling digital products online for 15 years, using PayPal. Selling tangible stuff is not impossible, - a little difficult to say the least - with a worldwide customers base. But digital products can be sent almost instantly. If somebody can develop a system, the process could even be automated...

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll just say don't jump into anything until another project I am working on rolls out. Just had a couple hour phone call and confirmed the project is what I thought and agreed to work on it. This will be a great place to sell digital products for steem once it's in place. When there is enough there to talk about I will share.

But for sure digital products are a great fit for selling for crypto to remove any sort of charge back issues.

Great! Can't wait! :0)