What If Steem Moons?

If you’ve been on Steemit for a while, you’ve seen more than a few people predicting $100 Steem. Sure, that might at first seem wildly optimistic but if there’s a successful rollout of Smart Media Tokens and SMT’s really take off, $100 might prove to be a lowball guesstimate. There sure does seem to be a lot of new development; it’s now a rare day when my Feed doesn’t include at least one post about a new dev team that I hadn’t already heard about.
Others here on Steemit have predictions for eventual four-digit Steem values, albeit without specific timeframes. @taskmaster4450 also thinks that 1,000 Steem Power will, for most who get to that point, prove to be life-changing money. Tangentially related, he and @phoneinf both talk a lot about the coming Age of Abundance. @phoneinf recently posted a D.Tube video suggesting that the technology implicit in an Age of Abundance might mean that financial independence could require much less money than you might think.
My mind wandered off into the weeds and I started wondering what $100 Steem might mean in terms of an income stream. 1,000 SP times $100 Steem is obviously $100,000 but the potential ongoing income from such an account is harder to guesstimate. Several people have done calculations showing that a 100% self-upvoting strategy using a bot to post and self-upvote every 2.4 hours can, at least in theory, garner a 35% annual rate of return. So, ballparkish, a 1KSP account can earn about 1 Steem Power per day on autopilot. Not the life I’d choose to live.
But I started wondering about what people with 1KSP accounts who aren’t self-voting at anywhere near that rate are earning in the here and now. SteemWhales.com has gone into limbo, but you can use steemdb.com to sort members by Steem Power. I selected a few people who had just over 1,000 Steem Power. This is not remotely statistically valid, my sample size is way too small. SteemDB sorts by vests rather than by Steem Power but, after converting, it becomes apparent that the site currently has about 6,600 members who have at least 1,000 SP in their accounts. I only looked at a small sample and results were all over the map. Some of the more active ones were making on the order of 30 Steem/SP a week, others were making only 5 or 6 Steem/SP a week in author rewards. For curation, active 1K Steemians were making 1.5-1.8 SP per week.

The accounts I looked at seem to suggest that it’s not implausible to assume that for an active 1KSP account that’s posting, commenting, and curating, it’s not that hard to be earning six or eight Steem Power a week in the current environment.
Let’s assume for the moment that the $100 Steem price a year or two from now is valid. Let’s also assume that to get to that point, the number of users on the site would need to increase dramatically over that time (probably quite likely as HF20 should make signing up for Steemit far easier and faster than it was for those of us here now). The total amount of Steem added to the ecosystem is growing by only about 8.9% a year, and that percentage is decreasing. Many more members competing for a reward pool that’s only a bit larger may mean that rewards may be harder to come by but that those you do earn may be far more valuable than they are now. So a 1,000 SP account might only be earning one or two Steem a week in rewards, but that could translate into a couple hundred dollars. In such a scenario, similar active accounts might be making a 10% annual rate of return. Even if membership skyrocketed, the related rise in the demand for Steem (for instance from entities issuing Smart Media Tokens who need Steem Power for bandwidth purposes) could mean that earning an annual rate of return of just a few percent would translate into a significant earnings stream. And don’t forget that your SP increases simply by being held as SP rather than as liquid Steem. Maybe not a lot, but with a high enough Steem price, potentially having a big effect on an income stream.
Okay, so I have no way to project any firm numbers. But what I’m suggesting is that acquiring even relatively modest amounts of Steem Power now when it’s relatively easy to do so has the potential to turn into a significant source of income in years to come.

Disclaimer: This should not be construed as financial advice. I am not a registered financial advisor; I don't even play one on TV. Do your own due diligence. Batteries not included. Objects may be larger than they appear in mirror. Some assembly required. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.
Pixabay image at the start of the post, divider by @atopy
This is so much fun to think about. I don’t have anywhere near the understanding you have, but it motivates me to stay the course and continue my regular activity to read posts like this. It’s one of the cheapest investments out there—and can be accumulated through by investing time instead of (or in addition to) money. So it feels like a low-risk and high potential investment strategy. I’m having a lot of fine with it, which is a huge bonus. Either it takes off or it doesn’t. Either way I’m happy to be a part of it!
It's all about patience. Have you seen the junk on other social media sites? The key to success is building networks, clusters of people who share acquaintances, beliefs, values, proximity. Maybe counter to the idealistic goals of the Steem ecosystem, but it works and it only happens organically. SMTs actually are the IDEAL way to do this. And if that takes hold, where entrepreneurial people with strong brands or existing followers use their own initiative to develop profit centers using the Steemit blockchain -- that is where the value will come from, and that will send Steem to the moon.
This focus on upvotes and bots and the Steemit platform is important. But the vast majority of people will not use the platform to make money, nor will they try (or want to try). The vast majority of people will not even care whether they're earning steem or SBDs as long as they can connect in meaningful ways to people, information, and entertainment. Just the way it is.
We, early users, are the exception but it doesn't feel that way because we're all in this groove. When everybody around you seems to be doing the same thing, interested in the same thing, and generally idealogically aligned, it's natural to feel like you're the norm. You're not.
Facebook sold intimately private information about you and your friends and family to complete strangers who are using it to manipulate your decisions and beliefs. 95% of their users don't care. Just the way it is.
I think in general we can assume that as Steem gains market share the average return will regress toward the average return of global markets, usually estimated at about 4% annually. That will probably happen long before $1000 Steem.
Do we have a record of how many vests there have been over time?
There are 391,303,782,387 now. Say @joesomebody currently has 39MVests. Since Joe controls 1/10,000 of all vests he would on average earn 1/10,000th of all Steem produced per day, minus what witnesses get. So about 6 Steem per day based on holding about 19K SP right now. So Joe’s making about 11-12% APR just by being average. He’s posting, commenting, and curating, earning a bit here and there from all three activities.
Unless he powers down and instead reinvests his earnings into SP along the way, several years from now he will likely still control roughly 1/10,000th of outstanding vests (since the number of Steem per MVest is constantly going up but SP holders get an inflation adjustment continuously). The Steem inflation rate will be somewhat lower then, but Joe would still be earning, on average, 1/10,000th of Steem being produced. How does that 11-12% APR drop to 4% if he still has a “claim” on the same percentage of Steem being produced?
Currently we get a weird boost due to nobody really valuing Steem for itself, so the inflation rate is only marginally relevant to the price, but in a mass-adoption scenario this won't be true. A 9% inflation rate isn't sustainable against the global market. If we presume mass adoption happens then if the rate is sustained the price of Steem will reduce against other currencies concomitantly.
Also I suspect that as Steem increases in value there will be a higher percentage of it staked and thus more vests. Currently 28.5% of Steem is unstaked.
Well, Steem’s inflation rate continues to fall and at a slower rate than accounts are growing. The real test though will be if/when Steem blockchain usage goes parabolic.
Agreed. The amount of liquid Steem available might drop significantly at the same time that demand for it is accelerating.
I like the way you work it out. It all makes sense put that way.
My thought historically is similar to what I think @tcpolymath is saying. In other words (not putting words in his mouth, this is what I think), I think account values could sky rocket, but earning potential would remain similar as the reward pool thins. The way to gain income is to gain more quality votes for better content in the future as it is now.
I guess we will see. I am pretty stoked either way. There is so much value to this platform and I think it is great that the platform is developer centric. The more developer centric, the more great stuff we will see built.
If steem moons many active users on this platform will be very happy. I think SMT will get steem there.
I did some mental calculations like these myself... If steam became $100 in two years or even three time. Every current steemit user will become instantly at least a big dolphin.
I'm worried about the new people at that time though... STEEM would be so expensive and I believe some 'political' issues will emerge between people who join after STEEM moons & people who have joined by now.
As is, a lot of folks here are jealous of and resent the whales who got here before them. Human nature being what it is, similar feelings are almost certain to be here when there are a hundred million accounts instead of one million.
But the Steem blockchain has the potential for massive wealth creation so many, many people could do quite well.
Totally agree... I know my worry is unnecessary, but I know some people didn't think of this as possibility.
I think it will be very interesting how people handle themselves from their current ethical standards when such higher prices are reached. People will go from just a few cents worth of up votes to far a lot more if they are willing to spam. This also will mean just trying to get an auto upvote form someone before they leave and perhaps never check back when the prize rockets will be quite rewarding.
This also will just attract more people in general. Which case I’m not quite sure how many community will be ready to handle such a massive influx as people try and find rewards somewhere. While I would hope this would lead more places to focusing on there more active contributes and members in that community. I’m sure we will just see a bigger rise in the people who just put there blog link in every channel they can find that they can get away with.
I just hope by then the faucet abuse is more taken care of. That we have better systems in place for dealing with mass plagiarism. That some kind of better protection is put in place when dealing with the thieves and scammers in general.
I just hope for the most part people still remain civil. They see it as an opportunity that still need to be respected and treated as such.
Maybe we’ll shift from having minnows complaining about “whales abusing the system” to plankton complaining about “minnows abusing the system”. 😏
The logix is definitely there! I have been seeing it much easier to get SP than in the past when I was below 1,000 SP. I have also started to post once daily which I upvote at 100% and have seen the difference. It is also the conpunding effect of all of this reward logic that is improving the metrics. That is why taking advantage of this price is a smart move!
I have been selling mine and buying BTC ETH and BCH - I guess I should have kept it as SP but we will see in the coming year what way the price goes . I hope I am wrong and it skyrockets
Great article... it really got me thinking... Even $20 Steem would be amazing.. $100 and up would be life changing for many! Hopefully it moons over time, especially with SMTs on the horizon now... it's sweet to be in close to the ground floor...