I think it will be very interesting how people handle themselves from their current ethical standards when such higher prices are reached. People will go from just a few cents worth of up votes to far a lot more if they are willing to spam. This also will mean just trying to get an auto upvote form someone before they leave and perhaps never check back when the prize rockets will be quite rewarding.
This also will just attract more people in general. Which case I’m not quite sure how many community will be ready to handle such a massive influx as people try and find rewards somewhere. While I would hope this would lead more places to focusing on there more active contributes and members in that community. I’m sure we will just see a bigger rise in the people who just put there blog link in every channel they can find that they can get away with.
I just hope by then the faucet abuse is more taken care of. That we have better systems in place for dealing with mass plagiarism. That some kind of better protection is put in place when dealing with the thieves and scammers in general.
I just hope for the most part people still remain civil. They see it as an opportunity that still need to be respected and treated as such.
Maybe we’ll shift from having minnows complaining about “whales abusing the system” to plankton complaining about “minnows abusing the system”. 😏