Are the people on Steem Fake nice?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I'm convinced I'm not the only person who has asked this question. In many ways Steem and more accurately said Steemit, is the aberrant of social media. Everytime I forget about this fact, every single time I attempt to engage on a disagreement on tweeter, I'm reminded of these interesting dynamics.

What are your experiences like? Do you think it's real? Do you like the way things work?

Hope everyone is having a beautiful Saturday


Youtube Mirror for Posterity


I appreciate the absence of trolls. I really dislike the fear of disagreement.

That being said, those who have been on here long enough have developed the capacity to kindly navigate conversation. Ie still being able to disagree, but not be a dick about it.

For me, sometimes I have a DGAF attitude and can be a little saltier than most people appreciate, but I like to address things head on and not beat around the bush.

So in short, there is a lot of "fake" on Steemit, but I think it will adjust eventually and will be a nice place to be.

Oh listen I won't argue with "the fear of disagreement" that part to me is obvious. But, is life not the same?

I mean, I disagree with people all the time. I just had and I kid you not somewhat of a uncomfortable disagreement on this post I wrote about ripple. I got called a bad person. But, what I try to do (i don't always get to) is to flip the situation and not react as if the internet has given me exemptions to let loose my emotional intelligence.

I believe disagreements, debates and what have you are an integral part of a healthy social structure. They are purifiers of arguments. But today, most who engage in "debates and disagreements" are not attempting to learn or polish their positions. They are simply jousting for the sage of egotistical aggrandizement.

So, it's up to us to be astute enough to recognize when to engage in disagreements, and when to leave the crazy old uncle to his whiskey sort of speak.

To me these dynamics are a virtual version of the things I've lived in life and not some aberrant behavior.

Pretty insightful video.
The commenters on here do seem a bit overly nice. Perhaps celebrities and famous people should all join Steem so they can punish their loser haters. lol

hahahahha yes, good idea... with the caveat they gotta power up of course.

Yes everybody is super nice here. And I don´t like it too much. See all this being super nice is making steemit the most boring social media platform I´ve ever been active on.

It´s a big problem for steemit that I never thought of. Steemit is actually not fun. If I go to reddit I know I will have a lot of fun and I will read interesting posts. On steemit 99% of people seem to play the safe game. Which is just lame to be honest.

Hahaha I guess I get your point, but... Reddit is still there and so is Twitter. So if one wants to joust someone the battlefields are available still

I'm not a social media person so I can't provide input on other platforms. On Steemit, well, I have seen 'fake nice'. Perhaps some people don't see it because they choose not to, or they don't pay any mind. Only reason I notice sometimes is because my work profession is in the field to 'dig for truth', 'find the root cause' of an issue and come up with a solution. My reaction to the 'fake nice' on here is simply to stay away from those individuals. Surround myself with good and sincere individuals (in my eyes anyway). Problem solved!

I think I take the same approach, I just never thought of it that clearly. It's not really a problem anyone should lose sleep over, don't you think?

Not at all! We keep steeming away and meet new people as we go. Some people can just stay in the rearview mirrow. Might be a slower growth but oh well. I'm realizing that as I get older, I simply don't have patience for some of the high school games. Like that chick that bamboozled you in COM, sigh, too high schoolish.

I just love the word bamboozled hahahhahah it makes me laugh every time.

I was thinking.. bad behaviour here on steemit may not get flagged cos of flag wars, but at least they will be ignored and not rewarded..
good behaviour/good comments are rewarded and encouraged - so we do more of them. It's like children with rewarding good behaviour, it really does seem to work! :D Good thought provoking post! thanks!
I do love interaction and quality comments!

I think you hit the nail on the head in your video. I’d agree that what some see as “fake” on Steem is in actuality a much better reflection of true social dynamics. While the “evil” we see more prevelantly in other platforms may not be fake... the bravado certainly is. Most trolls don’t have the nerve to act the same in “the real world,” although their thoughts and feelings may be more closely aligned to their online persona than we’d think.

Most trolls don’t have the nerve to act the same in “the real world,” although their thoughts and feelings may be more closely aligned to their online persona than we’d think.

Of course trolls would never act like that in the real world, there are many interesting psychological dynamics for trolling. Most of it comes from a negative self image projected outward. Hence when I get trolled, I feel bad for the guy/gal because as much as the word might be hurtful to me, I know that the troll is more than likely 10 times more miserable than me at my darkest time.

The people on Steemit don't seem to be acting abnormally at all. They act just like the people you meet in a bar or other public socializing space. Everyone is on their best behavior because they want to be accepted by the group. We all benefit from making the place more inviting to newcomers. It is a very good atmosphere.

I like to think of internet trolls as electronic vandals. Breaking windows and semi-anonymous attention-seeking are a negative way of seeking attention. Vandals assume that they will be rejected from the group, so they try to ruin the environment for everyone.

Steemit works like a functional liberal democracy. Everyone is generally cordial to strangers, eager to make friends, and tolerant of dissent. When negative behavior crops up it is dealt with inefficiently, but in a way that makes it clear that it is unacceptable and ultimately unprofitable.

Did you ever participate in a USENET group? It was the very first social media platform, 100% unmoderated, anonymous, and wide-open. Anyone could create a new group that was the only thing that kept things going. When one group devolved into spam, flame wars, and trolling, the group would pick up and move to a fresh group to start over again. The end result was a lot like Reddit without the corporate oversight.

Steemit seems to be demonstrating that it is possible to create a semi-anonymous public space where people will behave naturally. That is, they will behave like they do in face-to-face interactions with other humans.

I can honestly say, @Meno, that we enjoy your company and there is nothing fake about it.

thank you professor, I enjoy your company too... your balanced opinions are always welcome.


To answer your question.. I did not try Usenet, but i do remember MIRC. and I saw the exact same thing.

I think people are scared to hate because they are scared to get downvoted.

But it's nice to see friendly comments

Yeah, I don't really see the "fake nice" that people refer to either. Are there any particular examples to study? Because I have heard it too. And I think I saw an example at some point but I quickly forgot, as now the people I am interacting with are real enough. Besides, aren't people "fake nice" on facebook anyway? Like.... like.... like... like....

Is it some cross-cultural mixing where we get an impression where some people are being weirdly nice?

I don't know.

Believe me I have seen plenty of examples of people raving about mediocre poetry, amateurish fiction, uninspiring photography, terrible videos and music, etc.

I thought ... ok, maybe it's their friends and they have to say something nice.

And then I thought ... ok, it's people trying to fill in their quota of comments and there's so much crap on Steemit they might as well act like this is worthwhile so they can move on.

And then I thought ... ok, maybe they just don't know any better.

And then I thought ... ok, maybe they don't want to nip any spark of creativity in the bud before it even gets going. (I mean we all start somewhere ... and most early attempts are truly dismal. Hopefully they'll improve ... but I have to say in most cases I'm not optimistic.)

Since I am a master-of-moving-on when something doesn't impress me ... or strike a response, I find all the nicey-nicey comments pretty annoying. (But they do tell me who to avoid.) When I find a good post, a good comment, a thoughtful response, etc., those are the people whose blogs I check out.

I dare say the same mix of comments you'll see on any other platform though. Hmm. Facebook definitely. I suppose there they really may be friends. Or fake friends maintaining connections hmm. And that might be why you aren't there if you aren't there ;)

My response to such comments are mainly to ignore them. But actually I've found myself sometimes saying thanks regardless when they come to my post too. Depends on my mood I guess.

Is it some cross-cultural mixing where we get an impression where some people are being weirdly nice?

That is most definitely an element, because some people don't realize some terms of endearment are just poor cultural translations.

For my to call your "dear" seem condescending, but of course, in a different culture the literal translation is a social norm.

Sound vlog mr @meno

I think you are bang on with regards to the fact that their is consequence for actions in on the Steem blockchain - it does literally, pay to be nice.

Is fake niceness bad thing? I'm going to go with 'no' today.

The reason being is that niceness and kindness can be learned and reciprocated. Even if the the user starts of a little 'fake nice', continually being nice could potentially change this person as they get used to the good feeling that comes with being nice, and continue to take this route in life.

Just my opinion, have yourself a good weekend - I mean it :)

The reason being is that niceness and kindness can be learned and reciprocated. Even if the the user starts of a little 'fake nice', continually being nice could potentially change this person as they get used to the good feeling that comes with being nice, and continue to take this route in life.

Right as rain my friend. It's almost as if some people have to unlearn what they know from social media, to be able to engage here effectively. Those who do, succeed, those who can't unlearn, flop.


And of course, there are decent people like yourself that have the ability to hit the ground running, not needing to buck their ideas up at all :)

It is fake Asher, hence I refuse to join in, I did 6 months bro.

You are entitled to your opinion of course. Two years in a week, and one Steemfest later, I see fake and real. Gotta decide who's who.

I genuinely like you Asher, make sure though you stay true to yourself, as a quick buck is not worth a soul.

Thank you @shepz1, I hope that this is the case also and think that i'm doing OK so far.