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RE: Are the people on Steem Fake nice?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I appreciate the absence of trolls. I really dislike the fear of disagreement.

That being said, those who have been on here long enough have developed the capacity to kindly navigate conversation. Ie still being able to disagree, but not be a dick about it.

For me, sometimes I have a DGAF attitude and can be a little saltier than most people appreciate, but I like to address things head on and not beat around the bush.

So in short, there is a lot of "fake" on Steemit, but I think it will adjust eventually and will be a nice place to be.


Oh listen I won't argue with "the fear of disagreement" that part to me is obvious. But, is life not the same?

I mean, I disagree with people all the time. I just had and I kid you not somewhat of a uncomfortable disagreement on this post I wrote about ripple. I got called a bad person. But, what I try to do (i don't always get to) is to flip the situation and not react as if the internet has given me exemptions to let loose my emotional intelligence.

I believe disagreements, debates and what have you are an integral part of a healthy social structure. They are purifiers of arguments. But today, most who engage in "debates and disagreements" are not attempting to learn or polish their positions. They are simply jousting for the sage of egotistical aggrandizement.

So, it's up to us to be astute enough to recognize when to engage in disagreements, and when to leave the crazy old uncle to his whiskey sort of speak.

To me these dynamics are a virtual version of the things I've lived in life and not some aberrant behavior.