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RE: Moving to hive

in #steem7 years ago

It was part of streemians terms of use, that they could do this.

@xeroc has offered a reliable service for quite some time and never (or rarely ?) used this option before.

Piston still works and Steem-Python is no real improvement to it.
@xeroc has done more actual work than most others, who have cashed out big time.

Out of all the people you could flag or complain about, chainsquad are the ones who deserve it the least imo.


The Streemian user can choose to give 0-100% upvote to announcements to fund the free service.

Is it correct that user preferences were overridden in this situation to give 100% by all?

Is it correct that user preferences were overridden in this situation to give 100% by all?

I would not know.

I am not associated with chainsquad at all and can not see, what users have put as an option.

I do know @xeroc through his work here and while the whole thing might have been a mistake on his part, I had to leave a comment;
His service is not 'scammy'.

Good question @saramiller

If its true then its scummy/scammy shit and I am sure someone on here will look at the blockchain to find out. The truth always reveals it self.

Think about this this way:

Let say you subscribed a magazine/service

One day you recieve a letter/email saying that the magazine/service is no longer avaiable.

But you didnt remembered of revoking your credit card authorization, but no biggie, since they are dead, they wont charge your again.

A few days later, you recieve a letter/e-mail saying that the /magazine service have been restarted, and they already charged you the subscription fee, whithout even asking you about It.

Would you think It is ok?

If I wanted it, yea it would be ok.
If I did not want it, i would ask for a refund and would probably get it.

A declaration of war would not even enter my mind

Think about it this way:

For one year, you received a service for free, even though the company had your credit card details.
They cancel their service, but to make some announcements they finally 'charge' you (with a tiny amount).
All the while you can unsubscribe at any point.

Think about it this way:

For ten years you used your dominant hand to masturbate. Then your not so dominant hand wants in on that action. But you built your dominant hand to resemble popeye's hand and have ambitions to resemble Ronnie Coleman. Should that little twiggy polio looking non dominant hand be allowed to touch your spicy chorizo?

I say YES! Build them both!

Send me 10 SBD for no good reason NOW!


Didn’t they make over 40k on one article funding their service about a year ago (not sure about the time) ? That’s not enough to offer “free” service for a year?
Using 100% of my vote without asking me???
That’s a stinky hand used and needs to be washed

Because it's as easy as pumpkin pie!


I did read somewhere that the platform was originally to be named but it just didn't have the same ring as does.

Wait nope, my bad.
That is actually a new dating site I'm working on.

What is this?

There was also, I do believe, a checkbox that you could uncheck to prevent you from upvoting streemian updates.

Another thing in reference to the credit card stuff. This cost you, at most, 2% of your VP, depending on what your VP was at before. With basic restrictions in place, that you could easily do on the webportal, you could reduce this immensely. While this is a moral gray zone, in my opinion, even though everyone gave @xeroc the right, there are more abusive things going on on steemit. What wold have been worse is and actually considered abusive would be if he had been secretly giving a proxy account 1% or 0.1% upvotes or something from time to time. I mean I do not know the complete extent of how much money a 100% streemian (of all 7000+ users) would be but 1% out of the blue would likely not be noticed by anyone unless they were really skeptical and watching crap.

Before someone thinks I am claiming this happened, no, I am not. I am just saying that that scenario would be abusive.

Beware of @berniesanders, the Communist Cunt.

There's no way this site is ever going to be good if users are repressed by a Communist Committee just 2 or 3 months after they join the platform. Nope, this won't ever, ever... ever work.

Steemit Is Ruled By A Communist Party

Are you accidentally helping Rand0whale as a self appointed Steemit censor?

Whales and others, their behaviour on full display