
Yes, many people who have never posted, bought any steem, or powered anything up. Until today. Seems to me like this is nothing but a huge shill factory. I'd call you a shill, but you're too ignorant.

A sigmoid reward curve would be interesting, too. That made self-voting less attractive but would also prevent extremely high payouts because it is getting flat in the end again.

Apart from that 'diminishing returns' would make self-voting less attractive as well.

Stinc, et al, doesnt care, that i can tell.

Been going on from the beginning.


I reckon he's a toy analyst - he just makes ridiculous EW "calls" in bull markets. If he's done so well, he doesn't need jack from the rewards pool. Simple.

Shill ? It is TA , you probably don't know that . This is not some Pump & Dump thing . anyway you could have talked it out with him , whatever your concerns were . Why did you just flagged him before giving any reason ? You should have contacted him and raise your concerns like a grown men .

Yep, many did, and now the Steemit Mafia is attacking us. Good work team Steemit. We can just go private, and say fuck this place. Yall can get your piddly little 1 SBD for bot payouts, while real content moves to another site.