
Apparently lots of legal systems around the world also seem to have this role, but they serve in different capacities. I think it is worthwhile putting this on the #bisteemit and #statistics radar and see if we can get some facts and figures on this one. I know that someone like @paulag and @eastmael or even @littleboy would probably be able to gather more information than I can gather on this, and perhaps after some careful consideration of the facts we can come to some reasonable resolution of this issue?


@berniesanders: Sorry for posting this in your comments, but I think you need to take a look at this:


(also sorry @plushzilla for 'hijacking your comment' :P but I think Bernie should take a look at this)

I didn't think my comment was 'hijack worthy', but perhaps just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time :D
I will have a look at the post as well and see what this is all about...

LOL, I didn't mean to hijack :) Just needed @berniesanders' attention. The @earthnation is a known spammer/scammer (scroll down on their posts) and was placed on Bernie's blacklist recently and went down for a while. It seems they're resurfacing, which would be quite bad for Steem.

Appreciate the heads up, maybe you can find someone else to flag them. Good luck.


I agree @plushzilla, someone needs to do a due diligence audit on this one

There's enough payout generated from this post to consider or warrant further investigation for sure. The problem with being able to look into this further is that I can't see a clear dispute between the parties concerned, so it is unlikely that any form of dispute resolution is going to help if neither side can put forward a clear argument that they are willing to back up with objective information and then let an independent party make a decision. But if they do want to resolve this I have proposed several dispute resolution processes previously and would welcome an opportunity to put it to the test.


Hi. I am writing about healt. I am giving so important informations. How about follow me? :)

Hi @furkan007 - seems like you are new to steemit. It is good that you are writing about health related topics, I think many people would be interested. Can you please write a post with the tag #introduceyourself so that the community can find out more about you? This way you will attract followers that are interested in the topics that you are writing about :) If you need more help there will be people happy to give you some tips and advice as well.

nicely done :)

I thought it was a joke.

downvoted for being off topic, and requesting follows.

Ah, so now @berniesanders set up an army of bots, to attack everyone who disagrees with him. What a cute little troll he is. I was about to leave, but not anymore. I refuse to allow a depressed and disgruntled brat making me leave.

Protecting the platform? No, he's not. @berniesanders is turning SteemIt into 4Chan.

This user made an incredible post about it, without ever sinking down to their level. They attacked that, as well, thus proving they are not interested in contributing to this community, but only in tearing it apart:

And they claim to be protecting the platform. What a joke. They're destroying SteemIt out of spite.

The list of users they're attacking out of spite and jealously is bigger than the phone book. And of course, you already know about @haejin, the original victim. The rest of us are being attacked merely for defending his work on this platform. That how low these babies sank.

When all else fails, we return to our elementary school ways. Fighting and flagging. Steem is not immune.

I don't know why @berniesanders has such a low reputation. Seems to be a okay guy for me but why are people flagging him and hurting his reputation without any reason?
-18? That's the lowest I have ever seen although I'm new here...
Seems unfair... fishy... manipulation...
Not good though this is not good... We need moderators to check for the flags... People are just using it as a weapon to use in case of a conflict here. You can't just flag someone without any reason.
We need to review this flag system... I'm putting forward this issue on minnowsupport panel in Dec 9.

@berniesanders Yes...this is a bit strange. I think that we can all learn from another and also improve things, if they're not as effected or one sided! Lets all work for a better Steemit! I have also seen some strange moves that make the community pool swing one way. This is a place where we should be able to speak the truth and not be afraid of getting unfairly flagged.
PEOPLE take a look at the detais! Is sometimes odd to see a new comer have a great reputation right of the back, with little to no content... not to mention having an effortless growth in the community. I personally have had my highs and lows here. There's times where I dedicate a lot of planning on content gathering; just to get emotionally crushed by the payout. But that is life, and I'm ok with it. But lets not get crushed by the preferences some people have here with the advantages. Life is not fair but lets not be suckers either. Best wishes to all.

nice but what does it means?

Work towards a better and happy Steemit .

Why am I not surprised that not only did I randomly get here, but the only comment that makes the most sense to me is yours Mr. @creatovert . I'm sitting here saying, I totally agree with this guy... only to see that it's you. I chuckled. I'm not sure how this started but isn't quality content up to the eye of the beholder? While I may not have a pod of whales hunting down my posts, I still consider my content bomb diggity dot com. So if someone ends up really enjoying what I create, but some other whale hates what I put out, will I be in the middle of a steemit war? Using flags, upvotes and whales as weapons? I can understand the salt behind self voting. Is this something that needs to be re-evaluated?

I guess it's really all about the self voting or auto voting that whales have set up. Is this the problem? So we have whales fighting whales, countering eachothers posts with whale votes? This just doesn't seem like proper steemit etiquette to me. I hope you guys resolve this peacefully and can learn to coexist. Take care

Yeah we have a 3rd World war going on here in Steemit... It's creating a bad image of the community! :(

I'm sure this is all a bad hump in the learning process of Steemit. Once things cleared up things will be as bright as a rainbow. At the end of the day, this is still a great place/ community to be part of. Why is @berniesanders reputation so low??

I agree. After all, whales never really sleep. Some say whales shut off half of their brain at a time so they can continue breathing (they are conscious breathers). This means they have plenty of time to sort things out

The only way the reputation can go low is by getting flagged. And apparently, he's been flagged uncountable times I think... for no reason!

Hi. I am writing about healt. I am giving so important informations. How about follow me? :)

I have no idea about the spat going on between @berniesanders and others in the community but it does sound like we need to get our collective heads together to work out a way so the flagging process can't get personal and vindictive. Does excessive flagging have an impact on reputation? I'm kind of new so genuinely don't know the answer.

Yes @oceanelement excessive flagging brings your reputation to zero!


It's my understanding that sometime in the past a flag war that would make the current goings on look like a minor 5th grade lunchroom food fight happened and @berniesanders was repeatedly flagged by a single user with a very high rep(70+) that had a ton of Steem Power.

It seems in its short existence Steemit already has a colorful history.

@randystiefer It's very hard to gain reputation here... and it takes a lot of time and effort... But too bad that one single user can bring down your reputation to zero with just a few flags. It might take an year to reach (70) but it can get to (-18) in a few days,,,Don't you think the algorithm is faulty?

You really have to tip toe around the whales here and that is kind of whack.

fuck that, something has to change.

i was attacked by a 50 when i was a 35 and dropped to 12, but was saved by a whale that brought me back... and saw him downvote that guy.

so it really does depend on us having good whales... what is our protection from the bad ones?

@viraldome @klevn This algorithm sucks really... It's very hard for us minnows you know. When you flag back a whale, it doesn't even count to anything!

I didn't even know it was possible to have a negative reputation!

It wasn't too long ago that you were hated. Now it seems you are the most loved whale on Steemit. I think you can do more with this influence than involve yourself in this pettiness. Not trying to sound a cunt, but I do think you are in a unique position to make some much needed changes around here, because we have all been getting fucked for far too long, and until someone with some clout starts making some moves for us, we are all going to starve while the same select group of sycophants reap all the undeserved rewards that STEEM has to offer.

There's an Aussie here, @plushzilla.
He's a "Justice of the Peace", a lot like a notary public.
He doesn't have a horse in this race, and he's been posting a lot recently on the topic of arbitration.
You guys might be really enjoying yourselves, but if you'd like an independent third party to carefully look at all the facts and both of your best arguments, then decide who needs to apologise; maybe take it to him so you can bury the hatchet in time for New Years.

I second this one, @plushzilla put your processes to the test.

Hey Bernie - I haven't been ripped off from Blocktrades (hopefully never do) but I did come across something that kinda pissed me off on their last post - I think this is the very definition of "reward pool rape", and honestly I don't know anyone else who is doing a dam thing about it...

reward pool rape.jpeg

Just over the last 7 days of BS comments there is 335.61 SBD - at today's price $3750.00 +/-

I wont go into the whole "I work my ass off ... and this...", you already know the story... So if you are so inclined to do anything about it - at least now you know... :) Thnx...

Hello, @berniesanders, i like the pesonality you have put up on this platform, saving the reward pool. How you go about it may not have sat well with many, but sometimes ways like this are needed.
@blocktrade i know from the exchange and have noticed his votes on few minnow that i know for creating quality post. I never knew about him upvoting shit post until this came up.

Please i appeal to both @blocktrade and @berniesanders to please talk about the issues privately and compromise at some point. It is only hurting the platform, the reward pool, the minnows and both of you. I believe you both can come to a compromise.

You must be a real character in real life, just the way you express yourself.
I'm just sitting on a corner and eating popcorn about this entire drama :D

hopefully @blocktrades can change its policy or be ready with the consequences will be abandoned by its customers

Recently, when I transfered 53 SBD when it was trading about 2$, I noticed that blocktrades took a very high fee. I don't recall how high but it was around 3-5%. I have traded in shapeshift and their fee is generally much lower.

I have stopped using blocktrades. Now I use openledger. It is still not that good but better than blocktrades.

Blocktrades price are always high from the start, but he does say it on his site, even tho i stop using bt all together, i transfer steem to bittrex and sell it for btc, if i want to go the other way i buy steem on bittrex with btc and transfer into steemit, i avoid bt at all cost.

Thanks for the information. I am new to Steem and I was wondering what was the best way to purchase Steem. Since I already have a Bittrex account, I plan on following your advice

buy it from there and transfer it into steemit to power up without going into bt.

I've also stopped using blocktrades due to fees, I have started to use market.

Me too