Steem Cartoon : Comic Ideas from Life

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago


Finding Creative Ideas

I was a cartoonist before I became a lecturer. I chosed this path because the future wasn't as promising as before for us cartoonists. I still take some side projects merely to keep myself in touch with my industry. This is one closely knitted community within the industry. The people who I knew from day one when I started my career are my friends and mentors till today.

One thing about people in this creative industry is the ability to germinate ideas. Sometimes we run dry of ideas. Fortunately for me, I do not need to constant churn out new ideas. But these are some comic strips which I find my inspiration from real life experiences.

(This is the initial idea stage where characters are imported from my sketch book)

(I start the toning process)

(I improve on the toning of the characters)

The basic idea always come from sketching. This is where I will sometimes fill up my sketch book. That book is our trusty companion. This book is where we explore ideas and sometimes the sketch is where we develop the character further. Once I am settled with the idea and character, I will start with the toning process and give more depth to the character.

The inspiration is something that I draw from everyday life. Example, my own experiences with woman. The way I perceive how woman are interested in certain type of man...especially the type of man that appeal in Korean dramas.

(this is the process where I add the background)

The more relatable the character is to my readers, the better I am to communicate my story across. So, to me it is easy for me to speak my mind because I am just like my average reader. I feel that my life experiences do not depart far from theirs and it is easy to speak their lingo if I keep it relevant.


My Philosophy

My idea of making cartoon or comic is simple. It must not be too detached from our daily life's experiences. It is always worthwhile to identify the target audiences and put yourself in their shoes. The more we connect to our readers, the better our work will sell.

The above are simple step by step illustration how I create and idea and put the different steps of touches into my work. Different people have different method. For me, I always start with character development and sketching on my sketchbook.



Miss your stuffs on Ujang those days man. So great to see your works being "revived" on Steemit. How has the world changed over the past 20 over years, huh?

Yup... missed all the creative studio life as well when we were young and ambitious... now the digital technology has taken over ... some of us evolving, some still remain loyal to traditional... see how it goes...

When it comes to art, i believe both will co-exist.

Nice, you're a talented artist, I will follow your blog. I love to draw too, but usually with 3d pen. In near future I am going to present more of my works on my blog. Thanks for inspiration.

Thanks... yes please share your creative works ... i found that steemit is a very rewardable site for creative content... looking forward to see it...

Postingan yang keren

Terima kasih @gethachan ... come and join us with #steem-cartoon tag ... surely the community there will enjoy your content...

Sama sama ka @sireh and thankyou for your information hehe ^^/

terbaik ni sireh... macam dah nampak sikit bumbung kedai nasi arab ni..


wow @sireh! these are amazing! I really love your style and so much talent ❤👌 well done!

Thank you @bearone ... appreciate your nice word... hoping to post more next week... and please take a browse at our #steem-cartoon community... there are so many talented people there... Wish u happiness... cheers!

Pretty unique style you've got. I am like you aswell, I started out doing lots of comics when I was younger, but had to leave all that behind😑

Why not create a comic series here on steemit. I think it would be a great idea, perhaps a page a day or a chapter a week kinda thing😉

Thank you @susano... yup i agree with @kilojo ... post your comic here and let your childhood imagination alive again... good luck!

pehhh..terbaik post ni..menarikk!!

Hahah... thanks buddy!

Salam tuan, strip komik yg @sireh post ni mcm sy pernah baca lama dulu tp tak ingat tahun.

:) ... sekarang kongsi utk global audience pula... tapi disini saya cuma kongsi behind the scene process... cerita pula nanti perlu ditranslasi...

The initial stage itself is already looking awesome!

Looks amazing @sireh ! :)
Thanks for sharing! I'm not much of a cartoonist myself but I'm learning everyday :D

Thanks sir... honored by your comment... your digital paintings are amazing ... hopefully can be as good as you...

Thank you so much :')
It is a matter of practice, patience and study i guess :D I have the idea that everyone can do what i do! :D

it really takes a lot of practice to deliver what you can deliver.