in #sport8 years ago

Calisthenics, what is it? The name Calisthenics is coming from the greek language and translated it means "beautiful" & "strength". The trainings form of calisthenics is the oldest one of history. Why? Because for calisthenics you have to use your own bodyweight for training.

Basic exercises are push ups, pull ups, dips, leg raises, knee raises, planks, l-sit and so on. This exercises are good for beginners to build up some muscels, strength and body tension.
Why are this basic exercises important? So you don't get hurt that easily if you start with the more advanced figures and exercises like muscle up, handstand, human flag, back lever, front lever, planche and so on.

But, if you really wanna have results and build something for life! You also need to watch what you eat. This doesn't mean you should go on a diet. No, no, no, no! Begin slowly to change your meals and know how much your body needs so you don't give him to much what you need to burn away afterwards. AND IMPORTANT! Don't forget the cheat day!!! Yes you heard right! Once a week you should eat shit and sweets. Why? Very simple. The body is always saving up for bad times, because we have this information in our genes. So if you always give him less or the exact amount what he needs, he thinks "Oh shit I need to save something, it's not really looking good!". And with the cheat day, you signal your body, "It's okay, we have enough. No need to save fat for bad times!". Really Simple.

Eat healthy, train everyday and make both things, part of your life!

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