The hard work to accomplish your goal #8 - Tokio 2020 Paralympic games Boccia - @annadeda

My name is Αννα Ντέντα (Anna Deda) and I'm an athlete of the Boccia Greek national Paralympic team.
As you might have known on 26 to July , in Portugal, will be held a very important competition, the Boccia Open World Championship. It is very important because by participating in this championship I have the opportunity to secure some points that are needed for my qualification for Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
Unfortunately though, the responsible state organization for the Paralympic Greek National Boccia team informed us that it won't support any of the team financially to participate in Boccia Open World Championship. Moreover, they told us that whoever wants to participate in this Championship, they will have to pay on their own.
The amount of money that I need for me and my assistant (my mother) is 5,000 euro, that is, about 1200 Steem Dollars (today's price).
The expenses for 10 days in details are:
500+500 Entry fees - meaning 1000 euro.
1000-1200 Airplane tickets + 800 sport equipment = 2000 transportation.
2000 Accommodation in the Hotel plus the meals chosen by the Sport Event Organization.
That's the reason I decided to start a weekly series of posts to collect the amount of money needed for my participation in this important competition.
The deadline for entering this championship is until June 10st.
In case the amount of money needed is not collected until the deadline, then the money from your votes until then will be given as a donation to the Athletic Association for People with Disabilities "Saint Christopher".
Athletic Association for People with Disabilities "Saint Christopher" details are:
Οδός : Γ. Παπαθανασίου 190 02 Παιανια.
Telephone : 00302106644203. Fax : 00302106642068
E-mail address : [email protected]

This is my Eighth post dedicated to my cause. I am very happy because my previous post went very well and this thanks to all my friends of Steemit. Among of all my friends there are some special friends that without their indispensable help and even their support, it would not have been possible to realize my dream and these special friends are: My generous @onceuponatime , my gentle @kpine , my dear @liondani , and my sweetest @mariandavp. Words are never enough to thank these people. The only thing I can say is a thousand thanks from the bottom of my heart to these special people, but even this is very little if you compare it with the help they give me. But it's the only thing that I can do and that's why I never stop saying how grateful I am to them in my every post. I'll always do this because these people deserve this and much more. Thank you so much again.
As I said in my previous post, in Madrid there will be a European Championship on 25/3/2018. I have sent my participation in this championship so we will leave with the Greek national team next Sunday. As you can understand our training these days is very hard and fatigue is very big, but when you love what you do, then you do it willingly because this is your job and also because you want to realize your dream. If I have to admit it to you, my friends, I feel much more confident about myself and I am sure that with the help of God and also with the help of all my friends of Steemit, I will make it to the next Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. Thank you again for your support and also for your messages full of love.

@onceuponatime , @kpine, @liondani. @mariandavp, @greek-trail @akito900 , @amadeus , @anomaly , @aponanda56 , @asking00 , @aumsong , @avalsoriya , @avtzis.petros, @berniesanders , @bien , @cecicastor , @chiomee , @christosthegreek , @coolmyll , @daniel007 , @danknugs , @djpalaxtreme , @doubletroubles , @eatmymeatballs , @engagement , @erath , @evimeria , @fawadnaseem , @filotasrizas , @friend5 , @fuchs, @galberto, @garrysachdev , @gloriashirley , @haejin , @haejin , @harshallele , @hasenmann , @hellene8 , @hitmeasap, @hr1, @iflagtrash , @iliasdiamantis , @indominon , @jfernandez , @justyna @karenbuhr , @katerinaramm, @kerkyra , @koskl , @kzollove , @liondani , @lordneroo , @lordrazor , @loveisintheair, @marginal , @mariaentela , @mariandavp , @mariossap , @miikkikiikki, @mod-tamichh , @moeknows , @mrchull , @mr-phoenix , @mrseventeen , @mrshabushika , @muhaimin , @muna10 , @netm , @nextgencrypto , @ngc , @nikoleondas , @otsouvalas , @ozchartart , @producerbtw , @quangngo1990 , @randomthoughts , @rewardpoolrape , @rosquilla , @rouketas , @ruth-girl, @sarkostas , @shlomit , @skapaneas, @sofi-m , @steematis , @stefaniagarg , @stoorm , @synergy-now , , @thecyclist , @thedelegator , @theinsideout , @theodorelib , @thesloth , @theyeti , @tikotiko , @toister , @tuvokhl , @twiceuponatime , @unshakeable , @vault , , @yen80 , @zangmore , @chiomee , @rewardpoolrape , @miikkikiikki @ozchartart @theyeti @thesloth @iflagtrash @thedelegator @thecyclist @randomthoughts @ngc @mariossap @otsouvalas @unshakeable @evimeria @nikonintza @nicolerose @loveisintheair @rouketas @skapaneas @iliasdiamantis .
I would like to write down all your names that supported me but that was mostly impossible. So I will apologize if some of the names are not in this list. But you must know that I appreciate very much your support equally and I am so much grateful to all of you.
Thank you everyone for reading!
And remember to always see the positive side of life.

Congratulation dear I like ethlets and I proud of you my steemit friend
thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, God will provide. Amen.
thank you!
It's okay, God never fail his people, he will always provide for us.
Determination is the root of succes and your current situation does not stop ypu from doing what you can do .
lets help those who can not provide for their selves.
Life is sweet when all things are made according to Gods will.
thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!
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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Hi @annadeda congratulation and godblessed you and guide you always.
thank you!
Being with disabilities is not the hindrance to success. Your an inspiration here in this community @annadeda. Congrats and goodluck with your journey. Keep it up!
thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
Much welcome @annadeda