Ritual and Spirituality: Heal and Empower!

in #spirituality6 years ago


Ritual is a way to bring energy from the spiritual realm into physical manifestation. As I studied Native American practices, I was drawn to the way they honor God in all things. In this circle ritual, you will call in all aspects of our Creator to bring in universal life force energy and create a sacred space. You might want to amplify the vortex by placing quartz crystals at each of the four directions. Candles by each crystal will enhance the quality of your experience. Some native traditions use yellow to symbolize the east, red for the south, black for the west and white for the north. You can also create chalices containing the elements of fire, water, earth and air respectively.

After the invocation, state your intentions for what you would like to manifest or heal. If you build an altar, place your requests on it and release the outcome to the Universe. This dynamic intensifies in a group as we support each other in the process of creation. You might want to incorporate guidance from the celestial and natural realms by using Angel and Fairy cards from Doreen Virtue. In closing, you can drum and rattle to add power and energy to your vortex. The drum helps to bring you into the present moment. The silence after the drumming ends is powerful and you can use that time for a few minutes of quiet meditation. Have fun, be creative and feel the Divine within you being expressed into the physical world.

Begin by saying these words aloud:

"I honor and acknowledge the different facets our Creator in the heavens and in the earth. I'd like to call in healing angels, including Archangel Raphael and I ask for assistance from the elementals and nature spirits. I also invoke the blessings of the Christ Force and ascended masters.

Spirit of the East, realm of the soul and element of fire, come into our circle and enlighten us. We honor the human kingdom and the season of spring, a time of new beginnings. Please bring your powers of creativity and inspiration to our union. Thank you for your illumination.

Spirit of the South, realm of the emotions and element of water, come into our circle and strengthen us. We honor the plant kingdom and the season of summer, a time of productivity and growth. Please bring your powers of vigor and endurance to our union. Thank you for your vitality.

Spirit of the West, realm of the body and element of earth, come into our circle and transform us. We honor the mineral kingdom and the season of fall, a time of harvest and preparation. Please bring your powers of gathering and introspection to our union. Thank you for your insight.

Spirit of the North, realm of the mind and element of air, come into our circle and inform us. We honor the animal kingdom and the season of winter, a time of purification. Please bring your powers of renewal and cleansing to our union. Thank you for your patience.

Spirit of the Heavens, Grandfather Sky, great masculine force behind all that is, come into our circle and empower us. Please bring in your powers of divine perception and replace all illusions so that we dwell in perfection and truth. Thank you for your wisdom.
Spirit of Nature, Grandmother Earth, great feminine force behind all that is, come into our circle and nurture us. Please bring in your powers of regeneration so that we experience healing. Thank you for your sustenance.

I honor and acknowledge my Creator as the Source of all good. I choose to bring ________ in to my life. I choose for ________ to be healed. I let go easily, trusting that nothing leaves my life unless there is something better coming. I live in an abundant world and all is perfect in my universe. I appreciate the blessings in my life and I give thanks to God." And so it is.

This post was published through #steemauto
Photo credits: Unsplash.com

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Mediterranean Sea - Alexandria, Egypt

Man and Nature - Dahab, Sinai

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Last Act - Flash Fiction
