This is a very good article on spiritual warfare. I read every word and my heart goes out to you for the murder of your mother. I cannot even imagine how that must have been for you.
The comparison between your mother's murderer and these girls was very clear to me of their toxic influence in your life. I will pray for them that the Lord will open their hearts and
minds to him. I am very glad good things come out of bad and you were able to spend time with your Mentor before she passed away.
I can understand her need for you and your need for her. You've left some good things to think about and I do understand that we must learn sometimes the hard way. We need to take the time to examine our feelings as to why we align ourselves with certain people. Sometimes we are able to understand what drew us to them in the first place. The verse we must not be yoked with unbelievers comes to mind. I have been guilty of the same in the past. I love what you are planning to do for young women. I pray for your success. Take care.
Thank you! It was a great lesson learned last year. Times have certainly changed and I think it is good to reflect and write about things we grow through. It is important to not be hardened by such situations and to continue to be a loving source for people. The world needs more healing. As a writer, it can be difficult to find your voice and begin writing on topics that inspire, encourage and motivate others. I hope this piece is read by someone who needs it. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. Many Blessings,
🌷@theprettysoul 🌷
P.S I hope you like the picture. It was a project I have been working on. I am the angel on the rightside. I create art with people. It was a fun photoshoot. Hope you enjoyed your trip!!!
I do love the photo! It's amazingly beautiful! The trip was wonderful, thank you for asking. <3