🗡️Spiritual Warfare 🗡️
🏹The 8 Lessons I Learned
⭐Listen to the soft whispers
At the time I was working on my company and began to isolate putting all my efforts into my business plan. There was a point I felt a bit lonely and began to spend time with two women I had very little in common with. Chaos, heartbreak, and loss would soon follow suit. I went against my better judgment and did not listen to the soft whispers of my intuition warning me to take heed.
During this time I was preparing for the launch of my company. My company was my divine destiny and would be used to significantly impact the lives of young women leading them to know our saviors love.
⭐Some Doors are meant to be closed
I remember sharing my DREAM with these two very damaged, lost and broken souls. They laughed, snared, and ridiculed my DREAM. They couldn’t see the loving message of God’s grace in what I was doing. I am not sure they have ever known a love like Christ. I could see that they were envious that I had a DREAM and even when I began to open their minds to begin exploring their own DREAMS the door was quickly slammed shut.
Sometimes when doors close, there is a divine plan in order. We may not understand why things unfold the way they do but perhaps our Angels are saving us from more heartbreak. It is my personal belief that God had to redirect me and painfully teach me a lesson in discernment.
⭐Recognizing the Enemy
I could see the demonic forces at play. They would begin to assassinate my character and believe a lie they had fabricated to attempt to destroy all that I had been working on. I could see inside their spirits, and there was not one flicker of light or love. I quickly recognized the greater enemy in all this.
At the time of this enormous betrayal and launching of my company, my mentor of 9 years was dying. She was the only person in the world I had to lean on, and now she would be taken leaving me on this earth with no guidance or support, or so I felt.
I was alone. I was hurt, and I was deeply sad at all that I was humanly experiencing.

⭐Discernment isn't Judgement
I was severely traumatized spiritually, financially and emotionally by these two women. I had opened my heart and allowed them into my life knowing they were very dangerous and toxic for my spirit. I wanted to be an example of God’s love. I thought I could be a loving source and support for them. I was wrong.
Often times we are taught not to judge, and in my case, I wish I would have understood that it wasn’t judgment. I thought that I was being judgmental towards them, so I ignored the gut feeling I had on the inside. I minimized the warning my angles were whispering to me by quieting that part of me that was telling me, “DANGER DANGER.”
⭐We are all Sinners
Everyone has a story, everyone has a shadow self and fall short in the glory of God. I am a sinner, and I have areas in my life that continue to baffle me. I pray every morning for clarity on how to best handle my adversities and grow from them. This story isn’t about making them less than me but one thing is certain we value different things, and we serve different Gods.
This experience is a story of Spiritual Warfare. My spirit was under attack to deter me from using the gifts that God gave me. Each one of us has been born with our own unique set of talents. It is these gifts that we were blessed with that play a significant role in our divine destiny. God had been softly nudging me for some time to write a book and to begin a finishing and online intelligence academy for girls. My company encourages young women to increase strategies on emotional intelligence (pretty heart), engage themselves intellectually (pretty mind), and enhance themselves spiritually (pretty soul). Hence, the name The Pretty Soul.
⭐Judgment sometimes Protects us from harm
My message in sharing my experience with Spiritual Warfare is to bring to light how important it is to listen to your intuition, to your angles and to use discernment. Judgment sometimes protects us from harm. We don't want to be judgmental people and look down on others. We all bleed the same, and we are all on this earth doing the best we can.
However, it is important to align yourself with people who place value on integrity, truth, and grace. I don't hate these women. In fact, I feel very sad for them. We wouldn't be mad if our friend had cancer and in a sense, people who are spiritually sick have a sort of spiritual cancer. It is important to note that spirits are contagious so if you hang around sick people, you may become quite ill yourself. Just a thought.
Don’t hate the unfortunate, misguided souls. Do not harbor hate, resentment even if someone does wrong to you. It is not in your best interest to let the enemy redirect you. He wants to kill, steal and destroy all the good in you with the hope that you lose sight of who God created you to be.
I had a responsibility to myself, and I should have known better than to place myself in harm's way. The hardest part for me in all this was to forgive. How can I expect God to forgive me if I can't forgive others?
⭐There is a Silver Lining even in heartbreak
This wasn’t easy for me. I was very hurt, too be honest it took me seven months to Let Go and Let Love. God is my vindicator, and he is my source. If I had not been so deeply wounded by these two women, I would not have seen my mentor two weeks before she passed. I had no idea at the time she was dying. Even though I knew she had cancer it had not dawned on me that the cancer had spread.
Our last evening together was very soothing to my soul. I made her tomato soup and shared my heartbreak about the two women. She listened to me and knew my heart. She saw the harm that they had caused and she reassured me that everything would be okay. Just her presence alone made it better. I stayed the night with her. We slept in the same bed and morning came. I walked her dogs and kissed her goodbye. That was our last time together.
If it had not been for those girls, I might not have been so hurt and needed the consoling of my mentor. The significance of this is, the timing I needed her, and she needed me. If I had not gone over there to share my experience I may not have had the chance to spend time with her before she left this world. It saddens me to think that she was there for me, more than I was for her. She was dying, but I was the one crying. She was so strong, and it is her courage that has always inspired me. I miss her. I miss her terribly something awful. I hope to be a mentor like her one-day. There to console, to love and to listen.
⭐The Take-Away
There are darker forces at play. The enemy uses people to distract, to derail, to discourage in hopes to destroy the gifts that God has anointed you with and are waiting for you. Spiritual warfare is real. I often imagine a troop of angels surrounding me from harm. Remember to say your prayers. Pray for the people whom you love and are dear to your heart. I have a prayer list, and I go to spiritual battle for the girls who are most ardently beloved to me. I also try to pray for the creatures of the underworld in hopes that they find some peace and solace in their world too. Afterall they are the ones who need it the most.
This is a very good article on spiritual warfare. I read every word and my heart goes out to you for the murder of your mother. I cannot even imagine how that must have been for you.
The comparison between your mother's murderer and these girls was very clear to me of their toxic influence in your life. I will pray for them that the Lord will open their hearts and
minds to him. I am very glad good things come out of bad and you were able to spend time with your Mentor before she passed away.
I can understand her need for you and your need for her. You've left some good things to think about and I do understand that we must learn sometimes the hard way. We need to take the time to examine our feelings as to why we align ourselves with certain people. Sometimes we are able to understand what drew us to them in the first place. The verse we must not be yoked with unbelievers comes to mind. I have been guilty of the same in the past. I love what you are planning to do for young women. I pray for your success. Take care.
Thank you! It was a great lesson learned last year. Times have certainly changed and I think it is good to reflect and write about things we grow through. It is important to not be hardened by such situations and to continue to be a loving source for people. The world needs more healing. As a writer, it can be difficult to find your voice and begin writing on topics that inspire, encourage and motivate others. I hope this piece is read by someone who needs it. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead. Many Blessings,
🌷@theprettysoul 🌷
P.S I hope you like the picture. It was a project I have been working on. I am the angel on the rightside. I create art with people. It was a fun photoshoot. Hope you enjoyed your trip!!!
I do love the photo! It's amazingly beautiful! The trip was wonderful, thank you for asking. <3
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All the Best!!!
Great post thanks for sharing :)
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my share.
Kindest Thoughts,
🌷@theprettysoul 🌷
Wow this is an amazing post.
Amen! It is good that these lessons have been shared to us. Not a lot of people will realize that if someone is toxic, sometimes it is best to stay away instead of helping them. Sometimes it is better because otherwise we will be dragged to wherever they are going which may not be good for us at all.
Blessings to you!
Thank you for stopping by @artgirl,
Discernment has been one of my greatest lessons learned.