Cultural Marxism Underway: 'Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling'

in #society6 years ago (edited)

That's what an NYU professor by the name of Michael Rectenwald has to say. He's been posting on Facebook recently with warnings about the future of Western culture and civilization.


Two days ago he posted the following message that contains the quote used in the above title:

We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution — with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it. Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters. Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling. Leftist totalitarianism is running amok. We’re on the precipice of completely losing our culture, the benefits of western civilization, and the entire legacy of western civilizational history. A major resurgence and counter attack is necessary and soon.

He hits hard against the Cultural Marxism of our time, but he calls it the "Maoist-like Cultural Revolution". It's the same thing though, as I see it. The subversion, dismantling and destruction of a culture with the development of another in it's place. This is what is meant by Cultural Marxism and Maoist-like Cultural Revolution.

He sees the establishment "powers that be" (corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses) as orchestrating much of this move towards the destruction of cultural and national identity in favor of a globalized disjointed pseudo-"unity" identity politics and hyper-tolerance of anything that isn't the traditional foundations of Western society.

With the upheaval of many traditions and identities, much of what we have struggled to build over centuries of immorality leading to great moral living is in jeopardy. The progress of getting where we are has not been without much pain and suffering, doing great wrongs along the way to learn from our collective mistakes. But we've gotten to a better place now, and it does seem like the cultural foundations are eroding before us.

Yesterday, on August 1, Rectenwald posted another heavy hitting message about the attitude of many in the Left:

How dare the left have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history. Don’t come around here acting morally superior to me or anyone else, you monsters.

Look at all the democide mass-murdering in history, and you will find government Leftist power behind it. Left-bsaed communism and socialism in Russia, China and elsewhere account for more destruction that other political contingents, as I see it as well.

Rectenwald was also previously placed on paid leave after creating an alternate Twitter account to criticize and argue against "safe spaces, trigger warnings and the policing of Halloween costumes". Like other true classical liberals who favor principles of liberty, he's seen the true face of modern liberalism who have abandoned the principles behind "free speech, rigorous debate, intellectual curiosity and true diversity of opinion."

Do you think we're on the verge of "completely losing our culture"? Is it for the best? Some things need to change, certainly, but I argue for changes towards more morality as the change that's needed. It seems people are trying to overturn a large part of our way of life without regard for any moral violations being engaged in to warrant, certainly not the violence being employed by some.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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The western tradition of steady progress towards individual rights and freedoms rather than institutionalized group privileges granted by authoritarian absolutists is very much under attack and intentionally so. I have often discussed the goal of the financiers behind the social justice narrative is to reestablish feudalism under a bankster plutocracy in a technocratic guise.

Banksters loved the monarchies, because via debt and blackmail it was easy to gain control of the true mechanisms of power; in a republic based on the concept of liberty for the individual, establishing such control necessitates immense resources and is untenable over time - thus the western tradition and the Christian culture that birthed it must be toppled.

One will note that social justice and cultural Marxism aren't making much headway in staunchly Christian lands. Nor are they needed in tyrannical theocracies or coercive collectivist enclaves where overt violence can be exercised against those who dissent because their culture and traditions of leadership have a drastically different understanding of the value of the individual.

Rectenwald is batting 1000 by calling out the totalitarian freak show of pseudo-intellectual oppressors for what they are: the collapse of the most advanced and equitable civilization for the most number of people in recorded history.

Yeah, sounds right, just a new kind of feudalism covered up in a new system of control to make it look pretty. Destroy the cultural foundations and replace it with politically established norms of correctness to further control, extort and imprison people.

Do you think we're on the verge of "completely losing our culture"?

For decades or even a century, every effort has been made to destroy Western culture, the starting point is the absence of values, each day there are fewer values ​​and more corruption, depravity and degeneration, and this is what happens when idealism it is supplanted by materialism.

It is inevitable that there will be an answer to all this from those who wish to restore order.

Yes, ideals and values to try to uphold and strive for those ideals matter. In the age of subjecitivsm values are all relative and nothing is held as better...

Completely losing our culture?

I do not think we had a culture to begin with.
Most of our "culture" is based on lies told to us from history books during govern-cement indoctrination.

As people actually learn about what really happened, and teach their children... our children will wonder why those 4 cruel men are on a mountain.

The rest of our culture is borrowed. And just kinda continued without any depth of meaning.

Lastly, our culture is television shows. And they are impermanent as the "A Team" The Simpsons have done more to shape our view of reality than anything.

So, what is going to happen with this Mao-ist cultural revolution is they are going to pull back the curtain and reveal to everyone... nothing.

The states will break up, as well as many other countries.
But not so much of dividing but that groups will start coming back together sorta like tribes. These tribes will be called families.
And these families will resurrect ancient culture, as well as develop new culture.

If people learned about what really happened they would know those motherfuckers on that mountain are all awesome, but instead they are being taught that those white men, because they are white men, are cruel and evil and not great and that America is not great. It's propaganda, they choose to focus on and highlight any negatives and also to judge historical figures using modern morality in order to cast a negative light on some of the greatest men to ever live in order to destroy America.

Even if it's based on lies, it's still a culture. A culture doesn't need to be based in principles of truth or morality, although that would be an ideal culture ;) We can change the script and make a new one indeed.

Man if he is referring the the uk then he is sadly right. Great Britain is no longer great anymore :( or Well it’s going downhill and a rate that might not be able to be stopped.

Such crazy times we live in, for me I just can’t belive how quick this has all happened. I’m not even 30 years old yet and I can remember how just 10 years (even 5!) the world was not as wild socially as it is today. Then I can remember back just 15 years ago and it seems like the Stone Age in comparison,

back then could you even find a decent donar kabab?

That’s back when they were good!

that's something to consider, in my city we have been taking in Syrian refugees for 100 years but they were all Christians fleeing Muslim persecution so they easily integrated here, now that is not who is coming and they seem to have no interest in integration.

LOL. Yeah, things are going to change bad in Europe in the next decade or more...

It's kind of surprising to hear an NYU Professor seemingly sounding such an alarm...

The 'new morality' or lack thereof, being embraced now by many, will probably have them in shock when the plug is pulled on them down the road, by the very same "elite" that they so blindly do the bidding for today.

A 'useful idiot' is 'not' what I ever hope to become for the shadow masters...most will quite likely never realize they were simply 'used' and those that 'do' realize it, will be looking back in misery, I suspect.

Yes, it's surprising. The subjectivist post-modern relativism is the downward spiral into our own destruction :/

"completely losing our culture"

Lets not sugarcoat it. The attack is on white male culture. Just look at who the NYT just hired for their editorial board.

Insert any other race into her tweets and she would have to hide from the public. But she is a hero for her hatred of whites.

Yeah, it's wild the so-called "anti-racists" who are racist ... lol

Most of our culture is left - human rights, the Enlightement (and the liberties like freedom of speech), the knowledge that there is a class warfare against the poor (to point to Marx analysis of the economic reality), and so on.

LOL Sadly progressives have declared that they now oppose freedom of speech explicitly. If you support freedom of speech in 2018 then you my friend are a racist, sexist, anti gay deplorable righty.

Freedom of speech does not include being a racist or sexist or otherwise belittling other people, and that was the case since the beginning.

If you say "shoot all blacks on sight", that is not free speech, that is you being an racist idiot.

Freedom of speech really only applies to that which is offensive, the only speech that needs legal protection from the government is that which offends, that which you would call "hate speech" is the only speech that the freedom of speech is needed to protect, no one objects to "love speech" do they?

You shouldn't say "shoot all blacks on sight", what's wrong with you, if someone did that then you would be responsible, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence or freedom to commit other crimes, like inciting violence.
You just said "shoot all blacks on sight" but you think you should not be free to say that?
do you see how you are contradicting yourself?

No, I don't see any contradiction. You are just making one up by ignoring the context.

Just because I use the word "murder" does not mean I am one.

And no, Freedom of speech does not include "hate speech" (putting aside definition problems). Why? Because the freedom of speech, like any other freedom, ends when you are infringing on other's rights.

"You are just making one up by ignoring the context."

Context no longer matters, Papa John was called a racist because he said someone else said the N word. You said something you don't think should be allowed to be said. That's contradicting yourself.

Freedom of speech only includes hate speech, does anyone ever object to love speech? What other speech needs to be protected?

Hate speech does not infringe on anyone else's rights because there is no right not to be offended is there?

Left and right have changed over time. Originally, yes, liberals, classic liberals, were about liberty, which seems to be more towards the right now as libertarians are considered to be on the right.

One again, a well written post. I couldn't agree more with your points. We are certainly at a serious inflection point in our history. I see no real way out. The shouts of hatred grow louder by the day. The intolerance speeds to toward violence outbursts. It's only my deep faith in a God much bigger than our flawed human race that provides me a level of peace in this storm.

Truth is the way out ;)

Socialism and Marxism are not the answers. We have lowered the bar of morality too many times and there is no longer one recognized ultimate truth. Anyone can do what they want. Yet we have more division today than ever before. And this is ripe for picking. Sad our culture has gotten to this. Reminds me of the video - The Six generational spirit. - Which explains how morality and spirituality has decayed over the last 6 generations. Thanks. @krnel.

Nobody is undergoing anything. I think the damage has already been done. The culture war has been won and lost. The effects will take full effects in coming generations

Yeah, things have been done, but more is being done to progress it as well.