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RE: Cultural Marxism Underway: 'Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling'

in #society6 years ago

The western tradition of steady progress towards individual rights and freedoms rather than institutionalized group privileges granted by authoritarian absolutists is very much under attack and intentionally so. I have often discussed the goal of the financiers behind the social justice narrative is to reestablish feudalism under a bankster plutocracy in a technocratic guise.

Banksters loved the monarchies, because via debt and blackmail it was easy to gain control of the true mechanisms of power; in a republic based on the concept of liberty for the individual, establishing such control necessitates immense resources and is untenable over time - thus the western tradition and the Christian culture that birthed it must be toppled.

One will note that social justice and cultural Marxism aren't making much headway in staunchly Christian lands. Nor are they needed in tyrannical theocracies or coercive collectivist enclaves where overt violence can be exercised against those who dissent because their culture and traditions of leadership have a drastically different understanding of the value of the individual.

Rectenwald is batting 1000 by calling out the totalitarian freak show of pseudo-intellectual oppressors for what they are: the collapse of the most advanced and equitable civilization for the most number of people in recorded history.


Yeah, sounds right, just a new kind of feudalism covered up in a new system of control to make it look pretty. Destroy the cultural foundations and replace it with politically established norms of correctness to further control, extort and imprison people.