Smart Money: Rebranding Cryptocurrency for Mass Appeal

in #smartmoney8 years ago (edited)

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You're certainely genious! So clever to give that new name to the smartphone addicted generations X and Y for paying with their new smartmoney ;)

The smart money is on this post!

The 'smart money' is on this idea.

;) Amanda B @ Anarchapulco quite recently - Will Cryptocurrency Ever Get Its Killer App?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter. I can only agree with you on the fact that much of the lingo used around cryptocurrencies is usually not for the lay person and tends to comes with a branding, by the general populace, closer to the crook than the smart money you are referring us to.

The term "Smart Money" seems to go along the line of the smart TV, smart phones, Smart boards and so on... Now, every time I hear the "Smart" this or that, I almost cringe. So, personally, using this terminology would definitely not encourage me to get into it. Though, since I'm already in there and have been for many years, I'm not about to leave because such terminology would be used. LOL!!!

Maybe a healthy huge brainstorm would help us move into a transition of terms and bring a new realm of ideas as well as philosophy behind the idea of cryptocurrencies. Equally true though, maybe we could use the terms that are already used and keep on pushing through to change the prejudices surrounding cryptocurrencies?

One of the main idea that got me into the world of cryptocurrencies is the idea of "fairness" that accompanies the currencies as they run off of immutable algorithms. "Fair Money", maybe "Fair Coins" This might attract the so-called 99%!?

On the long-run, maybe our new generations will end up creating their own original term cut halfway through or turn it into an acronym or, even worse, a mnemonic acronym like "Digicies standing for "Di-gi"-tal curren-"cies"?! Anyhow, there seems to be a lot of waters going through the gates right now and the language is still finding its forms around this new realm of becoming-popular knowledge depending on the education around its presence and value to the rest of the world population. I really look forward to see what is going to come up and definitely see value in the terminology as well as in the discussion you have started around these thoughts. After all, we're all in the same boat.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks for your comment. I see your point about "smart" everything but it's way better than iEverything :) Also, the blockchain/crypto community seems to have no problem with the naming of smart contracts. I think that name has an appeal beyond us too.

Calling them fair money or coins would introduce too much new baggage I think. Nothing can be fair in the smart money world. Fairness is often the biggest complaint newcomers have (just look around Steem). Calling these things fair money would be doublespeak, and would set people up for disappointment.

Good thought on the shortened term. Digicies isn't bad!

(not so serious:) Now if only the world language was German, we could call them Notgeld 2.0! (serious:) I highly recommend anyone reading this comment to take a look at the fantastic post I linked in the last sentence.

A long time ago (1999 and 2000), I worked with a bunch of guys in Canada on an interesting project all involved with money.

The called it iMoney

I wonder where that name went - it was well before Apple grabbed all of that high ground with the iPod.

I would be looking for a word with the word money in it. SmartMoney is better for all the reasons you suggest. But I am not sure it is the best. All the best marketing names and ideas (other than the abstract ones) build the benefits and the emotional hooks into the names.

PayPal is a great example. SecurePay is another .

Thinking hats on.

Good points. In PayPal's case, I think it wasn't the name that drove (or hindered) adoption, it was the network effect. The biggest part of that network effect was eBay, and that from fairly early on (before eBay acquired them), it was often used as a payment method. I was an early eBay user, in the last century even. My first purchases used money orders sent through the mail. :)

This is brilliant. The dual meaning of this can not be underemphasized. Not only do regular people understand that "smart" is now tied to technology, it has a very positive gambling connotation. The "smart money" is on steem increasing exponentially in value. Sign me up for changing this terminology.

Good point and not something I considered.

Smart idea from a smart man! Kudos buddy! Love the rebrand idea, I will try using it.

Thanks. It will only catch on if it's used so yes, I'll be doing my best to change my own language.

Like the idea. I also think it is funny that regular people (like "our mums") have the following reactions:
bitcoin = dark web, drugs, guns, ...
ethereum = oh that sound innovative, is it a computer game?

Holy chipmunk chins! I've also been thinking about this for a long time and was considering writing a post about it. Smart money is definitely the answer! SO COOL. The faster we ditch 'cryptocurrency' the better! I saw this as immediately problematic, and from now on, I'm going to use the term,

smart money

Genius post.

I might do a Medium/Linkedin post about many people currently use this term?