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RE: Who needs sleep? I do.

in #sleep7 years ago

I’m been trying to survive sometimes off of 2-4 hours a night. The older I get the harder it seems to be able to function with less. So I can more than understand that. I also don’t consume coffee or anything else to help stay awake. Some people I’m not quite sure how they sleep with the insane amount of coffee or other stuff they consume daily.

If I was smarter I would set a cutoff time every night for steemit related activities and other stuff I do late at night. Set up a more normal sleeping schedule and try to developed a better sleeping pattern so I’m not struggling like an ant on todays like today.

But I’m not. I sometimes go to bed at 2 Am and other times I’m getting up at 2am. Other times I could be sleeping by 8pm or as late in the morning as 7am. Every day is different. Which is a horrible way to go about it.

For me at least if it’s raining outside I can fall asleep with easy. In fact that is when I tend to try and sleep if its late at night and still raining. Perhaps finding the right sound will be enough to try and ease this process. Get your mind somewhat off the pain you are having and focusing on something else.

For others I use to know it’s all about having the right mattress. I’ve known people who have to buy a new bed every 1 to 2 years. They swear it’s worth every cent it cost to update that often. Might also be something you want think about if it’s been a while. Creating the right setting to fall asleep, get into deep sleep, and stay there long enough is important.


I really love James Dueck's rain audio at for anytime rain would be helpful.