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RE: Who needs sleep? I do.

in #sleep7 years ago

It is so true that to make the intent is the first step to change. You realize you need a difference in your current way of being and then you set about trying to actualize it. And even if you fail along the way, just regroup, readdress and move forward.

I, too, have set up my life to be pretty alarm free for the most part, however, I am a morning person by habit and inclination and find myself almost always sleeping the same schedule. Now that can change when I change location, but usually my body will set that rhythm.

The biggest change I noticed was when I completely changed my diet about 8 months ago. I slowly reduced carbs and caloric intake, slowly and not in a crazy way, and found my sleep even improved. It's all trial and error, so go forward and keep that intent!

Also adorable cat!


Yeah, there's definitely a connection for me between digestion and sleep quality. I don't have it quite pinned down yet.