"Staying in shape / Lower Body Muscle Exercises".

in #slcfitness-s22w52 months ago
Hello Amigos. How are you doing? I am happy to be here participating on the season 22 week 5 on staying in shape/ lower body muscles exercise



Staying in shape is not optional, it is a necessity. To stay in shape means to stay in health. There are lots of health benefits of staying in shape.

Lower body muscles exercises are those physical activities that targets the muscles in the lower half of the body, that is from the waist down.

The major muscle groups are the
•Legs: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles
•Hips: Hip flexors, piriformis
•Calves: Gastrocnemius and soleus muscles

The lower body muscles exercise is essential for activities like running, walking, jumping, infact it carries the upper body
.Benefits Of Lower Body Muscles Exercise
•Improves the strength of the muscles
•It enhances body balance, stability and coordination
•It increases flexibility and motion
•It enhances overall athletic performance and functionality

In course of this contest, the instructor has chosen 3 lower body muscles exercise to be performed which are Squats for the entire muscle group, Calf curls, Thigh or quad curls

Squats for the entire muscle group


Squats are compound exercise that engages and strengthes the lower back, legs and hips muscles helping to improve body balance and coordination, increases leg and hip bone density

Squat is a very common Exercise, infact I would love to say that in course of our day to day activity, we may have practiced this exercise unconsciously, but maybe in a wrong and improper way

The Proper way to squat
The Proper way to squat is to stand with feet wide apart and toes pointing out, keep a straight back, then slowly lower yourself download to a squat position (Your weight should be pressing on your hips).
Remember to keep your back straight. Stay in that position for about 5 seconds then slowly raise yourself back to a standing position

Calf Curls


This is another kind of lower body muscles exercise. It targets the muscles in the back of the lower leg, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

How To Perform Calf Curl Exercise
To person the calf curl Exercise, it requires the person to be in a standing position with legs apart (not wide apart). The hands should be at the side or at your waist. Lift the heels above the ground so you stand on your toes (just as if you want to tiptoe) and bring it back to the ground position. Repeat this step as many times as you can. If this is done rightly, you will notice that the body weight rest on the toe.

Thigh/Quad Curl


This is a simple yet very effective exercise. It is just like sitting down and swinging your legs, but in this case, you are raising both legs at same time.
In this exercise, we are going to sit down and raise our legs high as we can then gently bring them back. Do this repeatedly as you can

Make a demonstration video doing the three exercises with the instructions above. Use the following chart to guide you in doing so:

Squats8 Reps10 seconds8 Reps
Calf curl8 Reps10 seconds8 Reps
Thigh curl8 Reps10 seconds8 Reps

I am not consistent with exercising. In fact, I can say that the major exercise I do is walking. Knowing my body and how I shouldn't immediately rush into professional or hard exercises, but start from the basis, I had to go for the soft level of the lower body muscles exercise which is 8 Reps and 10 seconds rest, then repeat

At the very beginning of my exercise, that is the first rep, I felt pain in my lower back, hips and legs, but at the second rep, the pain subsided

Out of the 3 exercises, the most difficult to me was the squat exercise. It involves technicality and not just bending down and Coming up. I felt pain in my lower back most especially.

The calf exercise was the least painful to me, I would say it is because I am used to it, something, I unconsciously do it while stretching. This doesn't mean I didn't feel any pain, I felt pain on my toe and calf muscles

Finally, the thigh curl, this particularly was discomforting because I had to sit on a high seat and raise both legs up high as much as I could.

In summary, working out the lower body muscles should not been neglected because it is the lower body that carries the upper body and if it is weak, mobility will be very difficult

25% of this post payout goes to @null
I will invite @josepha @ngoenyi @chant to participate in this contest


¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Las sentadillas son un ejercicio súper exigentes... Me atrevería a decir que de los tres, este donde se pone a prueba qué tanto queremos fortalecer nuestras piernas.

Te felicito por el trabajo que realizaste... Continúa haciendo ejercicios. Un fuerte abrazo💚
