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RE: Steemit Slam #2 - Theme: From A Child's View (+Winner Week 1)

in #slam8 years ago

Mine is a total free form piece of whimsy and it has a super long real back story (there's a link at the bottom of the poetry post) ... but the story that the whimsy told me is this:

Excited children tell the most fascinating tales as quickly as possible and it ends suddenly and logically.

Children's stories don't seem to have a pattern but they do. Children count everything. Animals are seen as equals.

This bit of whimsy, is best read as fast as possible. Take a slight breath whenever you run short on air. Except, before reading the concluding "And then," take a deep breath and let the last phrase out in a big sigh.

A Country Child's Day - Steemit Slam #2

I enjoyed all the entries. But ultimately I have to most highly recommend
@rensoul17 for

It takes bravery to see a child's point of view as important as your own. Their view is not always fully developed but it is their world. And very often they see more clearly than we exactly what is wrong with our world.

Ha. And then, when we are seen so clearly and simply? Then how brave are we?

May I suggest two things? Ok. Thank you.

  • To make it slightly more fair for late entries, would it be possible to post a link to our poem with the recommendation but then come back through the week to edit our post to add one or two more recommendations?
    -- Yes, I'm effectively saying give everyone 3 votes.
  • Second I can highly recommend listing this link in your blog as a way to locate all the poems. I'm mentioning this because it took me a bit too figure it out. ... of course, I reserve the right to have blindly overlooked the info in your post. ;-)

Thank you for creating this fun!