I can't wait for the Reset...


As most of you already know, I thought the Reset was going to happen years ago...

I've been doing the Fine Tuning, but I was never in charge of the timing, other than it will happen in the Present, where everything happens...

It's probably why I always feel that we're so close...

So, here we are, the Day before Christmas, and I personally think it would make an excellent Christmas Present...

It would sure make for a Great Christmas Present...

What a shot in the arm that would make for all the people who've paid attention to what I've been writing...

I' personally prepared, like you wouldn't believe...

After all, I sure didn't know I was going to find one of the most important Silver and Gold Ores of the Century...

I was preparing for the Reset and writing my Blogs...

It was actually these Blogs that lead to my Discoveries...

When I picked up the Ore Samples, I sure wasn't able to Zoom in, like I'm able to do now...

I sure am glad I've been Stacking Silver, Gold and Common U.S. Coinage...

It will help me Jump Start my First Trip out to the area I found the Ore Samples...

There's no doubt in my mind, that I made a Major Discovery...

It all seems too good to be true...

I tried to disprove the huge number of Ounces in the Ore, but it all seemed impossible, seeing what I was able to see...

It all started with the Orange Stuff, that turned out to be Gold...

Then there's the Golden Carrot that is loaded with Silver and Gold...

I will be Filtering the latest Orange Stuff that came out of the Golden Carrot...

The first time I filtered the Clear Solution, it turned out to be White Stuff...

I'm starting to think if might be Rhodium...

I'm still not sure, but if it's Rhodium, it will be all the better for my cause...

Believe it or not, I'm expecting to bring back as much as 50 pounds of ore, that will more than likely be worth a Half Million of today's Fiat USD's...

Again, I realize how hard that is for anyone to believe, including myself...

I actually believe there could be as much as 6 ounces of Gold "Per Pound"...

And that doesn't even include the Silver and Possible Platinum Group Metals...


How many of you actually believe I made a Major Discovery...???

The Discovery will only Benefit me and all the People I'll be hiring...

Sure, I'll pay them plenty, because it's the least I can do...

I know I won't live forever, but I can sure help a lot of People along the way...

A discovery like this could get me killed...

It seems to happen all the time when someone makes a Huge Discovery...

It's the reason, I want to wait until "after" the Reset before I go out there...

I'll be prepared for sure...

I know I shouldn't go out there on my own, so I'll have to pick someone I can totally trust...

An ore like this will be a huge temptation for anyone...


First, I'll go out and collect more samples, than go back with Maps and Location Notices...

I'll probably do my own Fire Assays, because I'd be afraid of anyone following me out there to jump my Claims...

First I want to make a Placer Claim, then the Load Claims, and then the Mill Site Claim...

My next step will be to put in a Road and Power Lines...

I'm good at making Maps, to file with the County Recorder, before sending all the information to the Bureau of Land Management...

I need to make sure I don't make any mistakes, when Recording my Claims...

Again, I can't wait for the Reset, so I can get started...


Let me know what you think...


(How many of you actually believe I made a Major Discovery...???) I believe it, I hope you continue working on this discovery.
I wish you a happy night

I try to tell myself, it couldn't be as rich as I think it is... It sure would have made my life different, if I just looked a little closer and did the same tests... I suppose it's better late than never... But then, I probably never would have done the Fine Tuning for the U.S. Monetary Correction... I suppose, God was in charge of what I could see and what I couldn't see... At this point in my Life, the Reset is more important to me than all the Silver and Gold in the World... My Fine Tuning will make the World a better place for everyone... Who could ask for more than that...??? I'm happy, I was able to do something for others...

I agree when you say that you should NOT go out alone, pay a bodyguard, do not allow your life to change so drastically, according to what I have read you are happy with yourself, DO NOT change that, I ask GOD to protect you, you know that I feel affection and gratitude for you.

With a discovery such as mine, I wouldn't be about to trust having a bodyguard with me... I have been thinking of buying 2 Electric Mountain Bikes that fold in half... I have to do measurements to see if I can fit them in my car... There's a Family Member, I can trust... A discovery this big hasn't been found in over a hundred years... I need to be very careful that word doesn't get out when I do all the necessary filing... I may have to take my samples out of State to be tested, and use a Fake Name... Once my Claims are Filed, it becomes Public knowledge, if they have my name... I'll need to have our Cell Phones go Dark, so nobody can follow where I go... I keep trying to convince myself, that what I found can't be true, but so far, I haven't been able to convince myself... I'm happy the way my life is going... I don't know how I could have missed this 30 years ago, but I was so use to seeing rocks that sparkle, that I didn't think much of it... I was using my Golden Carrot Rock in the Garden to dig with...lol... All the pictures I posted, did help me see what I missed... I think this was Gods Reward for me fine tuning the U.S. Monetary System... Jesus once said, "Give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar... I've been telling people to give back the Fiat USD's owned the the Central Bank Owners... I think God helped me with the fine tuning, or at least lead me in the right direction...