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RE: I can't wait for the Reset...

in #silvergoldstackers3 months ago

I agree when you say that you should NOT go out alone, pay a bodyguard, do not allow your life to change so drastically, according to what I have read you are happy with yourself, DO NOT change that, I ask GOD to protect you, you know that I feel affection and gratitude for you.


With a discovery such as mine, I wouldn't be about to trust having a bodyguard with me... I have been thinking of buying 2 Electric Mountain Bikes that fold in half... I have to do measurements to see if I can fit them in my car... There's a Family Member, I can trust... A discovery this big hasn't been found in over a hundred years... I need to be very careful that word doesn't get out when I do all the necessary filing... I may have to take my samples out of State to be tested, and use a Fake Name... Once my Claims are Filed, it becomes Public knowledge, if they have my name... I'll need to have our Cell Phones go Dark, so nobody can follow where I go... I keep trying to convince myself, that what I found can't be true, but so far, I haven't been able to convince myself... I'm happy the way my life is going... I don't know how I could have missed this 30 years ago, but I was so use to seeing rocks that sparkle, that I didn't think much of it... I was using my Golden Carrot Rock in the Garden to dig All the pictures I posted, did help me see what I missed... I think this was Gods Reward for me fine tuning the U.S. Monetary System... Jesus once said, "Give unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar... I've been telling people to give back the Fiat USD's owned the the Central Bank Owners... I think God helped me with the fine tuning, or at least lead me in the right direction...