Natural Transmission: The Journey

Hello Friends,

Throughout my life I have always felt separated from the herd. Typically I accredited this to my family's frequent moves, new schools and my designation as a "nerd" or "geek". I have been through many different chapters and fought to find myself on many occasions. In the past year, I have destroyed the Illusory world and welcomed in Truth. If you have found yourself here, please take a minute to read my story.

In my developmental years my mother would take me across the country by car to visit major American Indian cultural hubs. On these rides I would read consistently, and was exposed to a variety of traditions. My family always respected and had a connection to tribal arts. This would dissipate as I entered public school.

Secondary school was a challenge; however, I was a successful student. My primary passion was culture and humanity. I believed I should focus on culture, interaction, history and politics at University.

At University I studied International Relations student and completed that degree, along with one in History and Religious Studies. Government Agencies interviewed and requested the acceptance of programming and positions, which I declined due to internal opposition. This was my first intense experience with deep internal opposition to the direction society was guiding me. My family was disappointed but supported my decision.

At this point I had few options, and after some roaming I landed a job for a "start up" technology company. I worked diligently, attempting to conform to the droning call of society. In an attempt to regain honor from declining the government positions and show my value, I followed the advice my superiors and worked as hard as I could. This included being manipulated to work over 12 hours a day and manipulate junior employees to do the same.

This path led to the development of psychopathic tendencies, while simultaneously rising to the level of "Junior Executive" within three years. I ran a department of over 100 people, while following the psychopathic orders of the President and COO of the company.

At the same time internal opposition was consistently rising, self destruction was at an all time high and my relationships were deteriorating as I worshiped the dollar and power of man. This culminated in the loss of several close loved ones, severe alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and constant pressure to do the wrong thing from my capitalist masters. A classic display of making financial gains at the expense of my soul.

During this period of tension, I broke away from the job. I believed that I was suffering from mental illness, which was true but it was more self induced than I understood at the time. I continued to make poor choices, until I experienced a deep darkness. A darkness that I had never experienced before, despite living through many deeply low points in the past.

As I emerged from the darkness, I began to watch a number of conspiracy videos. This led me to videos and books on Mystery Traditions, which led me to Mark Passio's lecture on Natural Law. Additionally, I was reading and watching testimonies on the negative impacts of Flouride on the pineal gland and American diet.

Rather than simply watching or reading these sources, I began to take copious notes. Then I started to change, new motivations roiled up from deep inside of me.

I first stopped drinking alcohol. Followed by ending the consumption of processed foods, meat and dairy. Followed by quitting smoking tobacco cold turkey after over fifteen years of consistent smoking. This pattern of revival I have documented and am happy to assist anyone seeking Freedom from these chains.

Then I began a journey into understanding Occult Knowledge. Thanks to Mark Passio's generous A.R.K drive, I gained access to lectures and studies on many Occult traditions.

My first passion is Tarot. Mostly as a tool for meditation and understanding to gain a deeper knowledge of my Self, Nature and the Universe. I study Tarot daily and produce art which will be shared on this site in the near future.

This art is an attempt to activate both the Left & Right hemispheres of the brain by using the symbols of the Tarot along with natural images and limited text. I create this to help activate True thoughts, feelings and emotions within the viewer. There is no goal to manipulate or alter mindsets, only open the Truth. Please comment on how the images make you feel, rather than what they make you think.

Since I began to walk this path, I have quit my former corporate job (even though I was successful financially). I now have returned to my Dharma, helping people grow, gain Truth and succeed as healthy souls. This does not generate as much income; however, I am happy and Truly successful.

The goal now is to spread Truth and help reduce suffering as much as possible. There are short term and long term goals affiliated with this over-arching desire.

Short Term: Heal others with my art, Tarot readings, Physical & nutritional training sessions

Medium Term: Spread Freedom by growing a fan base of my art, Readings, Sessions, Share 100% organic food, soap and honey (we distribute locally)

Long Term: Open a Healing Retreat with my family and friends. This will include martial arts, diet, yoga, meditation and bio-diversity work with plants and animals.

Thank you for taking the time to read my short story here. Please take some time to sink into my art and please reach out with any thoughts or questions. I am available for open conversations and readings, it just requires advance scheduling. These are offered via Skype and Hangouts.

  • Natural Tranmission