What is in your heart?
Many do not know that we are Tripartite that means that we are composed of God in three parts:
- Body
- Soul
- Spirit
We are integral beings, and we are not made just to eat, sleep, exercise.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
And the same God of peace sanctify you completely; and all your being, spirit, soul and body, be kept irreprehensible for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The heart has to do with salvation, so you must be careful because Jesus Christ is coming and it is through our heart.

Hello Steemians, blessed day, I greet you @genesis2000. I just want to remind you that each blog is a challenge for you and me, even if it does not seem like it; because the purpose of this is that we can learn together and improve each day.
The heart was created to live near the heart of God, so the Lord warns his people that they should trust him, there he will be blessed because his heart will be at the level that God wants you to have.
Luke 6:45
The good man, from the good treasure of his heart, brings out the good; and the bad man, from the bad treasure of his heart takes out the bad; Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
What we say springs from what is in our hearts:
Matthew 12:34
From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
If there is violence in your heart, so will your words, just as there is tenderness in your heart, so will your words.

Romans 10: 8 and 10
What do you say then? «The word is close to you; you have it in your mouth and in the ** heart ** ». Because with the ** heart ** it is believed to be justified, but with the mouth it is confessed to be saved.
Your mouth is related to your heart for salvation ... TO BE NOTICEED! is what the Lord is telling us through Paul.
Men is not a feminine issue so it is not that the heart is pierced by cupid and is only pink.

It is a matter of men to have a heart like that of God, it is a matter of men to have a brave heart to take your family as the head of home you are, SALVATION
