Running community on Steemit? Easy afternoon 10 miles
My wife's travelling in Scotland with her sister for a week, so I thought I would get some fresh air to keep myself from feeling too cooped up. Decided to go for an easy-pace 10 mile jog on one of my favorite trails: the tow path along Carnegie Lake. Not sure if there is much of a fitness or running community on Steemit yet. I've seen a couple posts here and there. Mostly I'm just a casual runner at the moment, but I love it! I'll keep posting whenever I have any interesting runs. Please comment below if you're a runner or into fitness so we can all get to know each other :)

5 miles in and about to turn around!

There is a series of small dams periodically along the trail.

Rusty old signs and fences pop up along the trail.

Beautiful river/lake on one side, and a Jurassic Park like forest on the other.

My attempt at an artsy panorama shot.

Scooby-Doo gummies after 5 miles to keep up the energy :)

I swear a dinosaur could walk out of here and it wouldn't surprise me.

I saw two beavers and a good-sized turtle along the route.

A couple of deer showed up along the path, but they didn't stick around.

Average pace was somewhere around 9:15, or so. Just taking it easy.
I'm not a runner, but it's good to see your post! It's a great exercise! The park is very interesting with beautiful river/lake and green forest. Cute deer and it's good that you saw the beavers and turtle as well! Nice atmosphere and I feel refreshed from here! I followed you now! ;)
Thanks! The trails are one of my favorite things about New Jersey. I'll be sure to check out your posts! :)
You're welcome! That's really great trails! ;)
Lots of green. Looks like a nice trail to walk also.
Definitely good for walking too! Thanks for reading.
Nice! Are you on Strava? It could be cool to get a steem running club going on there.
Thanks! I haven't heard of Strava before, I will have to check it out. I guess it is a social media platform for runners?
Yeah it is a bit like Nike+ or the other run trackers - use your phone or watch to track pace and route. Strava is cool because they implement clubs and teams which is nice; the segment feature where you can compare yourself to others on your favorite hill or sprint.
I'll look at getting a steem group going!
I'm on strava, have you sorted a steemit group?
Cool man!!
I really like your posts, everything is cool.
I like your way.
Looks identical to the C&O canal in DC
Nice, I've never had the chance to see it.
Looks like beautiful scenery for a run...
I'm always envious of the people who can run long distances and enjoy. I run often and also have a running challenge I'm doing, but I wouldn't say I enjoy running. I mainly run to stay in shape and fit.
Nice pictures and thanks for sharing. Hopefully the fitness community will slowly grow here!
I know how you feel, my wife is actually the runner, not me, so I would say I mainly do it to support her, and it's kind of fun going on long runs together on the weekends. The problem I have is that I'm kind of heavy for a long distance runner (like 190 lbs), so the miles add up on my feet and knees. I think I'm going to start cutting the miles some and cycling as cross training to spare the joints a little.
I use to love running in nature.
But my knees started to "protest" now I stick with kicks on the punchingbag.
I hear that. I was marathon training with my wife and still trying to lift weights 3-4 times a week, and after several weeks up around 50 miles per week it was just killing my knees. I think I need to scale back the running, especially cause I'm kind of heavy for a long distance runner. I'm gonna try to work in cycling more, which is a lot easier on my joints.
I hear you to:)
Yes that's is my plan also I use to be a long runner to.
Goodluck with the cycling
Today is a beautiful day outside and I'm on Steemit :D instead
Happens to me all the time haha
haha. same here. It's an addiction
Wonderful pics!
10 mile jogging around the lake?
How I miss that.
Place looks lit. ;)