Running guru: Yes, you should run during winter time (2)
Hello fellow runners!
It is winter time in my home country, so there are not a lot of races in this time of the year. It's skiing season :)
It will all begin in march. Most people will jump out of their homes, ready to begin after winter sleep. But in march there are already some tradiotional running races in Slovenia and if you weren't running during winter, you should not participate. But people ignore that, and injuries come in.
So yes, you should run during winter time!
For runners winter time is usually the most important time of the year ... and be honest, most hard as well ... cold, windy, fogy weather ... every excuse should work, just to avoid it ... but my coach always said: as you sow in winter so shall you reap in summer. And that is the point.
Running can be fun during winter as well. Don't forget your cap and gloves!
Your lungs won't freeze, it's a myth (only be aware, if you have some problemes and your doctor said stop). Don't do a lot of speed work, focus on endurance. Kilometers, kilometers, kilometers ...
Be in the spring few steps before others!
Let it be enough for today. I will be glad answering your quastions about #running, you can even suggest a topic and if I found it intresting, I will write about it!
have a nice day ;)
My personal bests:
400m: 51,70
600m: 1:21,16
800m: 1:50,85
1000m: 2:26,67
1500m: 3:45,28
mile: 4:15,56
2000m: 5:21,10
3000m: 8:17,80
2000m steeple: 5:47,55
3000m steeple: 9:15,88
5000m: 14:41,20
10000m: 31:25,61
halfmaraton: 1:08:39 (Palmanova 2011, 1st place)
marathon: 2:40:23 (Valencia 2016)
More (some results are not updated):
Disclaimer: Sorry for my english, if there were lots of mistakes. I am not native english speaker and you may already know that is it even harder with writing =)
Hej hej, dobrodošel!
Našel sem te preko @runningproject posta.
Poglej še @teamslovenia in #teamslovenia.
Odlično, da nas je vedno več.
Skupaj naprej!
ja super ... vas pofollowam itak ... sej vsake tok bom tut kej o sloveniji napisu ... sem tri članke čist za foro na začetku, ker sem še svež, da sem mal vidu, o čem je sploh smiselno pisat, pa lahko kdaj kej pošerate, če se vam bo zdel smiselno ... in obratno ... se beremo ;)
Vsekakor. Delimo in se beremo. Srečno!
A runner must run with dreams in his hearts.

Emil Zatopek
Resteemed by @runningproject
Keep on running and posting man!!!!
sure do appreciate the ones running at night who use reflectors 👍
I will write about this as well ...
My friend in Detroit, Michigan (it gets COLD there) told me about Warrior Runs... that's where you run more miles than the temperature in Fahrenheit. There must be a metic equivalent. ;-)
Keep up the great work and writing!
Hey there! Nice post. I just started training and it's -4F/-20C here, so your post caught my attention. Good to know!
Your English is very good. Keep it up, and it will get better! Cheers!
My coach says "winter sleep is for bears, go out and run!" Weather conditions in Lithuania is hardly suitable for running (except this winter, its much warmer than usually). To motivate myself I usually sign up for the running event on March with a clear goal. For sure to reach that goal I have to run on winter :)
Yes, indeed :)