Palms & other stuff in Palms #runforsteem (FiftyRunsTillMay 6 of 50)
What an interesting run!
There was a mix of houses, apartments, schools, offices, light industrials, street side merchants. Pretty much, a little bit of every city thing there is. My mind had fun in the sketchier areas: The guy with the backpack being greeted by another guy in the apartment? Drug deal. The empty police car parked in from of Alex's Electrical? Shakedown. It was that kind of a night and that kind of a run.

The Run
Purpose: Test out the ankles. I saw Dr. Tosh today and he fixed them. I asked if I should just run a mile or two and he said he'd rather see how they performed on a full run, especially since he knows I listen to my body and would stop if prudent.
Plan: Aerobic run of 4 to 5 miles, preferably flat. Fill in some heatmap lines.
Results: My ankles held up! They gave me a little scare at 1 and 2.4 miles so I stopped and stretched. They held up fine. Due to starting a block over and some other poor routing choices (or maybe just determination to get everything from Veteran to Overland), the run was 5.64 miles.
Fueling: I'm on the road to fat-efficiency. I ran ~3 hours after dinner. Ran out of gas after 4 miles but finished strong.

The Sights and Sounds
As I wrote above, there was a wide mix in this neighborhood. There were people coming home from work, outside for a smoke, visiting friends (or drug dealers?), a sidewalk restaurant, having a party or a photoshoot, having band practice, and so much more! Oh, and I saw a possum crossing a busy street on my drive home. I captured what I could. I got caught taking some pics but people don't seem to mind so I'm getting more daring about it. Here's some of what I saw tonight:

Looks like you did the whole neighbourhood. Was that to avoid getting too far from home? I don't tend to take many pictures when I'm running as my phone is in an arm pouch. I have thought of taking another camera with me
You're the first person on SteemIt or Strava to notice! That earned you a 100% comment upvote. 👍🏻
Not my neighborhood. I have to drive to run these routes. When I finish the area I'm working on, I'm going to write up my 2018 running challenge: Filling in the Strava Heatmap. To give you a sense of distance, that rectangle to the SW of "PALMS" is over 10 miles.
Wow. I mostly run near home or work. It's about convenience
It’s a long story. Quick summary: this gives purpose to slow aerobic runs. The unforeseen benefits have been a welcome surprise.
If you like a liner, these shorts are great. They have normal pockets for light items and tight pockets on the liner for items that bounce around or could fall out. The smaller one is covered so I use it for my drivers license, a credit card, insurance card, some cash and my car key. The bigger pocket fits my iPhone 8+ which makes it pretty easy to access for Strava, Spotify, and the occasional incoming call. They're worth the price.
Beats my ice and snow. Thought I would try some cross training today and went ice skating. Nice switch. Hooray for those ankles.
You didn’t hear me complain about our frigid temperatures... it dropped into the 50s! 😂
ya..dont complain about yur temperatures. How about -40 celcius. I have skated in that temperature before. However yesterday was about zero. with a slight wind off the Atlantic.
-40 is easy... at least to convert since it’s the same. As for running, I’ll stay indoors at -40.
My plan had been to spend the winter in Denver and I was looking at compression pants (I only run in short... including single digit Celcius) and cramp-ons. Didn’t need them so I’ll take to 20-ish degrees of Los Angeles.
can't say I blame ya. I am getting tired of the cold and mostly the ice. Too many layers of clothing makes you feel like a child with a snowsuit on. eeekk
Very good man!!! Seems your ankles are working well!
Glad to hear the ankles behaved themselves!
Thanks, Dan!
We may train or peak for a certain race, but running is a lifetime sport.
Alberto Salazar
*Resteemed by @runningproject
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