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RE: /r/steemit user growth spike + check these posts out!

in #reddit8 years ago

me too!!!! but i always end EVRRY reddit facebook or youtube post with a nad for steemit like "oh and i could be gettinG PAID for this comment in go check my profile! and i always do that it is like at LEAST not wasting the comment if it canhep steemit grow!!!!

but more mportantly, u shoudl USE reddit as a resource to take from and like for example, u could doa aily post shpwing WHAT we missed on reddit!

like do a daily posr showing what we all isse today on the front page of and it could be SOOO useful cuz honestly then we wouldnt HAVE to go see what people on reddit are saying!

many sart peopel are still addicted to reddit and dont wanna do the work of moving to steemit to start over etc and so they fiind anexcuse to bash steemit hahaha whenthey dont get paid shit and eventuay noone will use reddit so thetre will be no point ingoing there

untill then u shuld do fdaily reddit reports from /r//bitcoin /r/ethtrader nd other popular crypto subreddits etc! would subsciirbe and upvote thoe posts for sure if u made em!