/r/steemit user growth spike + check these posts out!
I just finished cleaning some spam out of the steemit subreddit when I noticed both the subscribed and active user count is way up.

It's not massive numbers compared to usage on steemit itself , but its still a pretty positive growth sign to me that we've exceeded last years peak in unique viewers.

This is already intense and we're still just this tiny blip in a corner of the interwebs that most people haven't heard of yet.
Payment declined : only 3 people had access to those charts, and it wouldn't feel right to gain from an unfair advantage.
While you're here .. Check these posts out :


- Perhaps Pauline Hanson should be in a separate Senate, so she's not holding the rest of the Senators back... by @aussiesteem

- A Walkthrough Of Some Of Our Australian Prepping Supplies: A Discussion About The Advantages Of A Deep Pantry And A Look At Our Food, Water, Sanitation & Fuel Supplies. by @nolnocluap

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I was on there last night making some comments. My problem is that every time I fire up reddit, I cant stop the thoughts that say "You're doing this shit for free! Go back to Steemit!"
Thankyou - I understand those feels.. I approve shadowbanned users and clear obvious spam etc but I don't have the time to answer every random question there as well so I appreciate anyone actually commenting instead of just self-promoting
me too!!!! but i always end EVRRY reddit facebook or youtube post with a nad for steemit like "oh and i could be gettinG PAID for this comment in steemit.com go check my profile! and i always do that it is like at LEAST not wasting the comment if it canhep steemit grow!!!!
but more mportantly, u shoudl USE reddit as a resource to take from and like for example, u could doa aily post shpwing WHAT we missed on reddit!
like do a daily posr showing what we all isse today on the front page of reddit.com/r/ethtrader and it could be SOOO useful cuz honestly then we wouldnt HAVE to go see what people on reddit are saying!
many sart peopel are still addicted to reddit and dont wanna do the work of moving to steemit to start over etc and so they fiind anexcuse to bash steemit hahaha whenthey dont get paid shit and eventuay noone will use reddit so thetre will be no point ingoing there
untill then u shuld do fdaily reddit reports from /r//bitcoin /r/ethtrader nd other popular crypto subreddits etc! would subsciirbe and upvote thoe posts for sure if u made em!
Which is exactly why Steemit grows to fast.
Steemit is really versatile and addictive. You see a good mix of all sorts of content here. Normal blog posts, videos with text, Vlogs, educational series, memes, recipes, photos.
It's a combination of the offerings of many other social networking sites mixed into one. That's the value proposition that I believe in. And, of course, it's nice that you actually get paid and see the results whenever due effort is put in.
I've more or less stopped using Facebook in the 9 days I've been on Steemit. I probably only logged in a couple times to play Tetris and chat on Facebook messenger. I'm a little surprised at how quickly I could feel detached and liberated from Facebook ;)
Woot! What a great week with the community it has been, Glad to see the stats!
lol i dont get the GIF llol were u tryin to post an animated gif if u copy and paste the gif it wont work it stays a stil iamge u need ti ppst the .gif url link lol NICE goo seeiin u here man LOL dude u see @@@tj4real got fifteen hundred bucks off one post that i resteemed i am so happy i coul do that for him u shoudl all go check it out https://steemit.com/steemit/@tj4real/introducing-some-few-africans-to-steemit-2017621t16162865z
This is great news. Things are definitely moving in the right direction. Hopefully it will continue.
Hey austin. Do you use steemian? If so could you tell me why this keeps happening (refer to the picture) Every ten minutes after I enable it the thing just turns off again. Do I have to wait for my steem voting power to fully replenish before hitting that button? Also what exactly does that button do?
Someone on reddit asked me "Why is r/reddit has such a low activit?" To which I answered "We're getting paid to talk about Steem on Steem that's why!"
Now I know r/steemit is a good place to have activity. We'll see how things will go from there.
Aha exactly, everything else feels like wasted effort at first - but in the bigger picture its important to make sure our presence is felt on other platforms too. It was killing me to see how dead the subreddit got when I could see massive growth on the site so it's about time activity surged :)
bro good seeing u here! thank u for voting on that post by @tj4real this one https://steemit.com/steemit/@tj4real/introducing-some-few-africans-to-steemit-2017621t16162865z because he got OVER $1500 off ONE post i resteemed and i am pretty sure u helped upvote it! so THANL u man! thank uto ALL the whales thi is a HUGE story i just posted story about this succcess and i LOVE seeing steemit fulfill its promiseto become the bank of 2 billion un bankable people in developing world!
u are a great suppprt for me early on and u showed me how i could keep gonga nd choose my own destiny! I ssaw a great opportnity in your psts and tried to mimic it in my own style!
we should not forget the whalesthat helped us when we become whales ourslves !
i believe u can even get more italians on steemit and become th steemithub for italy one day like i will be steemit hub for san diego!
It keep growing everyday, soon it will become a household name.
Great post..!!
upvoted and followed..!!
keep it going..!
have a great day..!
I just put up a post about these economic social-media refugees from Facebook that are flooding the borders of steemit. To summarize it here, I think that the growth is going to be good for producers of quality content and will force out these folks who are trying to pick the pockets of the reward pool with self-upvoted comments like, "cool post, follow me and I'll follow you" and spammy blog entries like "make this the most upvoted post on steemit in a week". Gotta put in the work to gain a following or invest in SP. No easy money like some think.
Exactly, there's no point trying to cheat it - build a legit following of people who actually care about your content and the rewards will come in time. We'll probably always have a minor drain on the reward pool from low quality spam slipping through, but its such a tiny reward compared to what's possible if they actually tried to use the platform properly.
I couldn't agree more! Where else can you find such a high income potential with an open door for any blogger who's willing to come in? I don't think there are many opportunities for people to do what they enjoy in media where they don't have to come from obscurity and build up a following the hard way or catch a big break from an established media outlet. Steemit is more than legit if your content is up to par.