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RE: Questions 51 to 60!

in #questions8 years ago

I'll answer all your questions respectively.

  1. Life would not be easy if every one agreed with us. If every agreed then we have nothing left to call life. Because life is ups and downs.

2)Just don't convince any one. Show them that they are doing something bad with your health. They'll follow you easily.

  1. Its Basically our anger.

  2. Simple, because we don't want to loose that person. We were afraid "if he/she take it in a wrong way? :o"

  3. Its human nature. love is life that's why.

6)Hahah nah its ok to fart in gathering :P its nature's call babes :D

  1. We live in a world where when a child born he thought to secure his future. In a situation to secure his/her future he almost forgot that today is my yesterdays future :)

  2. Take control over your anger

  3. Not a single person is responsible or others mistake. So it should you who take responsibility of your own.

  4. Now is happening future has to come. You cannot imagine to happens in present. Your imaginations are for future.