Questions 51 to 60!

in #questions7 years ago

What are the most empowering questions we can ask today? Asking new questions is the easiest way to take control of our lives and make our lives perfect RIGHT THIS MOMENT!

Over the last several weeks, many of the challenges and power thoughts I have experienced have been converted into a question here that I hope is helpful for all of us to think about along with further reflections and my thoughts. Our goal in looking at these questions is a life full of the best answers and an elevated level of consciousness.

New to the power of questions?

How often do we ask ourselves "what is wrong with me?" What kind of answers do we get when we ask that? We think of things like how we look, how we feel, how people treat us, and then we feel bad. When we change our question to "What do I need to learn from this?" the answers pour in with helpful suggestions such as how to love everyone unconditionally, how to accept the world, and how to experience forgiveness. With this in mind, let us consider the questions below!

Questions 51 to 60!

  1. Why do we think life would be better if everyone agreed with us? Why do we get mad when people disagree with us? Wouldn't life be so boring if everyone agreed with us? I find it strange how easy it can be for me to get upset when someone disagrees with me and yet I also know that is what makes the world fun. Asking these questions helps me get out of believing life would be better if everyone agreed with me and also helps with letting go of anger when people do disagree.
  2. How do we talk about being vegan or anything good we are doing with our health without offending those who aren't doing it? How do we communicate what we are doing better in our lives without prompting defensiveness by others that will feel like they are wrong for not doing what we are? I asked my mother in law this and she recommended giving only the information possible. The next time someone says "Wow you have lost weight" I am planning to say thank you and see about directing the conversation to them instead of saying thank you along with a 10 minute explanation as to how I lost weight including my vegan diet, walking, and how we are destroying the planet eating meat. The most appropriate time to mention these things seems to be when people have curiosity because then the message might go through. Mostly when I have launched into these topics people just get defensive and turn further away than when the conversation started.
  3. Where do we get the courage to give people around us heartfelt compliments? I love giving a great compliment and find that I often have to be vulnerable first by asking for what I need before I am open to seeing the full beauty and grace of a person around me. Why then is it so hard when I see someone and have a compliment ready to take the leap of faith in giving it? Am I afraid the compliment will be rejected and I will look stupid? Again :)
  4. What makes it safe to give a member of the desired sex a compliment? Why do we feel afraid to appreciate another person that might be similar to our partner? Do we feel that the only safe way to be faithful is to keep a safe distance from anyone else we might be interested in sexually or are we scared of being vulnerable? I have found the more I am able to notice the beauty and grace of all women, the more I am able to notice it about my wife which means it is a necessity I am open to giving any person, regardless of how attractive, a compliment. I told one recent massage therapist I thought she was a beautiful partner after she shared about her life situation for a few minutes and I left the session feeling really good.
  5. Why do we get frustrated, upset, and angry when my friends and family are given challenges in life such as a diagnosis from the doctor or legal problems or relationships dissolving or health issues or addiction? Have we not often seen our best personal growth and return to gratitude through these very things? How many of us have enlarged our spiritual life only through suffering? Without that suffering, would we have been motivated to make the growth? I am thinking about this today as someone I care about just received bad news on their test results from the doctor and I initially attempted to argue with it. Then I reflected more and realized this challenge might be exactly the motivation the person needs to change their life for the better. Maybe this diagnosis will be helpful for them the way my own health issues were helpful for me in finding motivation to try a different way of living?
  6. Is it more selfish to let out a fart when other people are around or to hold it in and suffer the discomfort of bloating and repeated fart attempts held back which then is translated into being irritated and distracted with others? I went for holding the farts in high school and now I usually just fart as soon as I feel like except when in the car sometimes because I do not want any more false alarms from my family thinking my daughter needs a new diaper when really it was me that shit my pants. Thank God for time alone when this question becomes irrelevant.
  7. What works to avoid getting tricked out of paying attention to this moment and completely becoming lost in the fantasy of tomorrow and yesterday? Is not today beautiful enough to enjoy as is? Maybe it is harder to get tricked out if there is less judgement upon coming back? What if being okay with a journey into fantasy and the exit from it together is the best? I often get so excited about something like Steem and our future that I miss the beauty of all the things I wanted in life like a family.
  8. How do we become the most generous? Where are the opportunities in our lives to truly give without self seeking motives? I am not sure it is possible to separate generosity from self seeking because even in writing this with my hope to give you the tools to ask empowering questions today, I really just want to feel useful also.
  9. Am I just being myself by default or do I have to learn and practice being who I am? Who am I anyway? I am that I am! How do I isolate times when I am definitely not being myself?
  10. Why worry about the future when so much is happening now? Where do we get the crazy idea that now is not good enough when now all we really have? Our culture is one of never good enough which is spreading like a disease. The more we get and have, the more it is all not enough. I am grateful for a lot of spiritual experiences which have given me a path out. Still, it is easy to forget and slip back into thinking if I just had one more witness vote I would be happier!

Thank you for reading these questions! Would you like to share your answers in the comments because what you write might help someone else more than this post?

Jerry Banfield

questions 51 - 60.png

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PS: Witness votes are the most powerful votes we make on Steem because one vote for a witness lasts indefinitely! Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because when we make our votes, we feel in control of our future together?

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Giving yourself constantly questions (especially productive questions), makes your progress and eventually success not a matter of "if", but "when".

I follow you bro.i am new here.please upvote me

Kool :)

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @mountrock! For more information, click here!

Great as always Jerry

Great questions. Dealing with them is already part of starting to improve, by forcing people to think about themselves. Very clever. You could as well put "philosophy" as additional tag. Not that this would significantly increase the number of readers, but it would be a true statement I guess.

I have one question: Why do people still use Facebook? Until now

Great post..thanks✋ . Following!!😃😃

I'll answer all your questions respectively.

  1. Life would not be easy if every one agreed with us. If every agreed then we have nothing left to call life. Because life is ups and downs.

2)Just don't convince any one. Show them that they are doing something bad with your health. They'll follow you easily.

  1. Its Basically our anger.

  2. Simple, because we don't want to loose that person. We were afraid "if he/she take it in a wrong way? :o"

  3. Its human nature. love is life that's why.

6)Hahah nah its ok to fart in gathering :P its nature's call babes :D

  1. We live in a world where when a child born he thought to secure his future. In a situation to secure his/her future he almost forgot that today is my yesterdays future :)

  2. Take control over your anger

  3. Not a single person is responsible or others mistake. So it should you who take responsibility of your own.

  4. Now is happening future has to come. You cannot imagine to happens in present. Your imaginations are for future.

One can not know if one does not ask.

That line came out better than I thought it would :P Completely made up. Some famous philosopher probably already said it.


good questions, and hard to answer, but well worth thinking about and worth an upvote, just wish it was worth more, my friend.

I cast my witness vote on @jerrybanfield and hope to see that name within the top 50 witness ranks :)

@jerrybanfield, you have too many questions to be answered. Each of these questions need a blog or 2 to cover them. I would start by giving my 2 cents opinion to the first question(s):

Why do we think life would be better if everyone agreed with us? Why do we get mad when people disagree with us?

We can see this phenomena in everyday life as well as in all wars and religious, race, color, gender and whatever you can come up with fights.
One the most amazing books in psychology I read were written by Dr. David Hawkins, who made the map (levels) of consciousness

Since I came across this map, my understanding of human behaviors (myself included) increased drastically. With understanding comes empathy and the ability to change ourselves and make a positive difference in the world.

As you can see, this map divides the human emotions (consciousness) into positive and negative energy. Usually negative feelings come in package of 2 or more, but never alone.

For example, when we require others to agree with our opinion and they don't, feelings of anger, pride, desire, fear and shame comes to the forefront. How? Well, the fact that we want others to agree with us is because of our desire to be correct or right in what we say because our pride is on stake because we fear that if we are wrong then we will lose face (pride), which makes us angry when someone doesn't agree with use because they just did what we feared, they made us look wrong, which makes us feel shame and hurts our pride. How could they?

Crossing the distance from negative to positive requires a lot of energy and courage. That is why courage is the factor that divides the positive from negative. Because if we are at the level of courage, then we will
1- Be able to bravely admit and accept that we can be wrong and that is okay.
2- We will understand that we should accept and respect differences and that being or having different opinion, doesn't necessarily make us wrong or right.
3- We will start listening to others' opinions and maybe learn to think in a broader way and grow wiser from these interactions.

I hope you find this helpful :)

Love and peace :D