
It could be made into one, but then it would not be flexible anymore.
When we take concepts personally, when we associate our own value as a tribal member to the holding of the knowledge - thats when we have trouble up-dating or releasing.

that is when we take concept and make it an opinion.
A pinion, like a wheel - is a point of leverage, for applying force.
for altering the flow of events
that is control

The cheetah and the antelope both give and take from their environment, but neither, significantly alters the flow of resources in their environment by introducing rigid structures - either mental or physical.

The Beaver would be an interesting animal to study lol..
(certainly many men become obsessed with it ha ha)

The cheetah and the antelope both give and take from their environment, but neither, significantly alters the flow of resources in their environment by introducing rigid structures - either mental or physical.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what humans do.

Yes but we do experience the consequences of that, in a way nature is perfectly consistent. It bounces back everything - it is up to us to remain sensitive to the feedback and learn grace.

I have not been able to demonstrate that state consistently, so am not qualified to state that as fact. I only have glimpses of peace and something greater than "enough-ness".