  • Fiber to keep the digestive from blocking.

  • Tons of water is necessary anyway, but especially with the fiber intake. Without water, fiber will create a brick inside the digestive tract.

  • Ingesting coconut oil to line the walls of the digestive. It acts as a lubricant to help everything flow.

  • Magnesium also aids the digestive plus helps with agitation levels.

  • And just to reiterate... LOTS of water!

<3 Hope this helps <3

lots of prunes are the key.

Of course there is! However, many of our users are taking things like Ambien or Zoloft and they have reported being able to replace their medication (with doctor approval and guidance) with natural CBD oil.

CBD oil can be taken with any other medicine, chemical, or drug that you currently are taking. There is no need to give up any of your current habits in order to start living a healthier life.

I consume medical marijuana as well as the products by PrimeMyBody and honestly I can't remember having had such sustainable energy.

Of course there is! However, many of our users are taking things like Ambien or Zoloft and they have reported being able to replace their medication (with doctor approval and guidance) with natural CBD oil.

CBD oil can be taken with any other medicine, chemical, or drug that you currently are taking. There is no need to give up any of your current habits in order to start living a healthier life.

I consume medical marijuana as well as the products by PrimeMyBody and honestly I can't remember having had such sustainable energy.