I don't want to work for anybody but for Blockchain - Part 1

in #prameshtyagi6 years ago (edited)

The picture above eludes everybody. We all want to work like him.

I myself worked for 20 years starting in 1995 and lately dreamed of working like the guy in the picture. In fact when I left my Job in 2015 -I went out to my village and started doing coding to use Amazon Cloud Service for my long conceived and nurtured ideas of running a AI enabled Robotic Trader as seen in below picture

Image may contain: Pramesh Tyagi, tree and outdoor

After working for nearly two years -I deployed my solution on AWS and it did produce very good results which I kept sharing on my web VulturesPick.

However, the dilemma I faced was

  1. I had to have somebody to monitor that everything is running OK
  2. If there was a problem then I had to be available to make it work again
  3. And if I needed to scale up then accordingly I needed more human resources

All the above points actually needed my round the clock personal attention which I always wanted to stay away from.

What was needed is an ecosystem in which an unbiased reward mechanism drives various stakeholders, according to their capability, to onboard, contribute, cooperate, compete, be rewarded, and leave & rejoin at wish without being answerable to any human being - the badass BOSS.

I kept searching to rescue myself from this grinding need of being available to run an organization and not becoming myself a badass boss. And then I re-stumbled upon the world of blockchain in March 2017. I say restumbled because first time I came close to it is when post Lehman Brothers Collapse - I happened to know about the now famous Bitcoin in March 2009 when I was packing my bags in Cairo to go to Houston on another important assignment in Schlumberger. I was convinced then about the merits of Bitcoin, although did not action, and I am convinced now.

In last one year I have studied a lot about this world of blockchain. I now see a possibility of realizing my dream of not working for anybody.

In next post I will list out various possibilities that I may engage myself in to free myself from working for a badass BOSS but for a system. Stay Tuned.

In the meantime please share your ideas how people can work for blockchain.


If you have a dream to become independent and you work hard for it, you will do it. There are endless possibilities, especially for a growing technology like blockchain. And if you are a programmer you need not to worry. A friend said she know a head hunter who told her that for every programmer there are 8 jobs here in Norway. If you quit your job, you will always find something to do. The best is to make an idea into reality and doing or own projects if you can. I also experience this getting regularly requests on linkedin for jobs. I would recommend to start it as a hobby, and when it starts going good you can quit your job. However there are plenty projects you can work on where they are your client and you are your own boss. Once you quit a job you will start to see all the possible ways to earn money.

If you work much you don't have time to make money 💸💲📈 nor to use your brain.

I will follow you to see how you will develop.
Follow me too on @seelc

Great post. Good luck to you.
Your @seelc

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Excuse me for advertising. It is necessary to earn. I'll try to stop soon. :)

Escaping from 9-5 job is real a dream to everyone, to be free and do something you are really passionate about. Because for some 9-5 is the stopper for doing what their love. I believe on mindset that needed to be different from anybody else, because almost are looking for employment. However, for someone who dont want to be an average person must think very differently from average. Fight mediocrity! Great post @prameshtyagi wish you goodluck

You are so right. Mindset is key. If you work 9 - 5 you will earn 9 - 5 money have have the same limiedt outlook.

Thank you @hiroyamagishi

My aim is not to escape from contributeing towards society but I want freedom exercise that option as well as avenues to work on my passions.

An blockchain ecosystem in a way seems to provide that.

i'm also thinking learning how to code in blockchain, but there's a new technology emerging like "hash graph", what i saw on documentary, hash graph is way more efficient than blockchain, it has faster transaction and scalability. You might want to search it out, and let see what you think. :)

Hashgraph is a Distributed Ledger Technology

It seems like u are for seeing something that is yet to emerge. All the best for your endeavours

Sounds like a typical Millennial.

I guess most of us were employees and are slaves by our employers just because of a certain amount of salaries. We are dreaming to be financially free like of that above photo, we are dreaming that one day we are not working for the money but otherwise. Not many of us born with wealthy parents with their huge businesses.

Definitely, its not our fault that we are born average-wealth person but to stay the same will be our choice. This cryptocurrency has a great potential for us to be financially free if we managed it correctly and wisely. In fact, many of our fellow cryptonians earn huge and even they hit into thousands of dollars if not millions.

I agree, the potential is enormous! One of the key reason to make me join Steemit was that Dan Larimer said.."make governments irrelevant"! Now that is some potential :)

I agree with @luca1777, it's not the employers themselves but the taxes, rules and regulations that enslave everyone. And who makes those rules but the governments and politicians in league with the big corporations of course? Life, Liberty and Property are what we must regain & preserve.

Dan is super genius and we should support his initiatives and in turn be rewarded ourselves too

Agreed my friend :)

I would like to add one more point to it
My experience shows that flexi working is almost difficult in corporates like I want to work only 3 days a week or only 4 hrs day. I am ok to get 50% cut on my salary but corporates don’t allow that option very easily.

It is this requirement that also is easily filled by blockchain ecosystem

Elizah. Its not the employers that are keeping us slaves. Its ourselves! Until we "grow up" we can not blame others who act on our behalves let it be a president, a boss or just about anybody who you entitled to act on your behalf in any imaginable way. Life - ever since the beginnings- is a journey on the path of "good & bad". We are getting very close to the end of this journey and it`s a 50:50 chance if it ends with a total disaster or a total remodelling of the lost Paradise. While you can only think about working like on that picture above, you are lost in the deepest mud of "forgettance" of who we really are, i.e. you live in The Matrix.

That is another dimension of thinking and currently not being under discussion in this article.

yes so very true..so lucky for the people who was born rich...but me ,who was born by a very poor parent had to work hard for us to eat 3 times a week..ive experience also to work 8 am to 8 pm just to earn a 170 pesos..but i felt lucky now that i am part of this community @steem

I would like to follow your steps twirls real income from blockchain .. so i will follow
You so not to miss your new posts 😎

No new posts ?

Welcome !

same for me blockchain is the most interesting thing right now

do share how you intend to use it

Pramesh the tyagi. Your thoughts hit a nerve with the public. Everyone feels like they are trapped on "the Hamster Wheel" otherwise widely known as the rat race.

A tyagi is a Yogi or secret renunciate, or maybe it's really your name!.

I am glad to see so many people are actually thinking same way.

For Tyagi - it is my surname. And yes Tyagi’s are Brahmans who actually stopped taking any donations long back for their survival and instead started farming. And so they are called Tyagi’s.

Very interesting. I didn't know that background, only that tyagya is a kind of inner renunciation which is a great and very useful concept in itself.

I am ready to escape the paper pushing bullshit of modern society. Blockchain can have all that work :-).

Hope one day to be my own boss with that kind of flexibility. Still looking for the right opportunity that I can afford to create.