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RE: I don't want to work for anybody but for Blockchain - Part 1

in #prameshtyagi6 years ago

I guess most of us were employees and are slaves by our employers just because of a certain amount of salaries. We are dreaming to be financially free like of that above photo, we are dreaming that one day we are not working for the money but otherwise. Not many of us born with wealthy parents with their huge businesses.

Definitely, its not our fault that we are born average-wealth person but to stay the same will be our choice. This cryptocurrency has a great potential for us to be financially free if we managed it correctly and wisely. In fact, many of our fellow cryptonians earn huge and even they hit into thousands of dollars if not millions.


I agree, the potential is enormous! One of the key reason to make me join Steemit was that Dan Larimer said.."make governments irrelevant"! Now that is some potential :)

I agree with @luca1777, it's not the employers themselves but the taxes, rules and regulations that enslave everyone. And who makes those rules but the governments and politicians in league with the big corporations of course? Life, Liberty and Property are what we must regain & preserve.

Dan is super genius and we should support his initiatives and in turn be rewarded ourselves too

Agreed my friend :)

I would like to add one more point to it
My experience shows that flexi working is almost difficult in corporates like I want to work only 3 days a week or only 4 hrs day. I am ok to get 50% cut on my salary but corporates don’t allow that option very easily.

It is this requirement that also is easily filled by blockchain ecosystem

Elizah. Its not the employers that are keeping us slaves. Its ourselves! Until we "grow up" we can not blame others who act on our behalves let it be a president, a boss or just about anybody who you entitled to act on your behalf in any imaginable way. Life - ever since the beginnings- is a journey on the path of "good & bad". We are getting very close to the end of this journey and it`s a 50:50 chance if it ends with a total disaster or a total remodelling of the lost Paradise. While you can only think about working like on that picture above, you are lost in the deepest mud of "forgettance" of who we really are, i.e. you live in The Matrix.

That is another dimension of thinking and currently not being under discussion in this article.

yes so very lucky for the people who was born rich...but me ,who was born by a very poor parent had to work hard for us to eat 3 times a week..ive experience also to work 8 am to 8 pm just to earn a 170 pesos..but i felt lucky now that i am part of this community @steem