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RE: Spring feeling in February

Tooth pain is horrible ❤🙏🎶 i am so sorry you're going through this phase right now. I can really sense your discomfort. And, i applaud you with your seemingly cheery blog post! That takes guts. All the best Martina ❤🐦🌞 one breath at a time. You've got this.


Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I was always so proud that I didn't have any issues with wisdom teeth and now this.. Well, when it's supposed to happen then it will happen.

Oh, I didn't want to complain too much and it is manageable to pretend being cheerful in a blog ;)

No doubt but, i will say it again good for you! I likely couldn't bring myself to blog with so much tooth pain. Hope it's over and a very distant memory soon 🙏😖🌄🎶🌻❤