Spring feeling in February

in #powerhousecreatives6 years ago (edited)

Recently I've been spending a lot of time inside. No, I didn't become lazy..

Two weeks ago, I had my regular professional teeth cleaning appointment. I do it every six to eight months to prevent any issues as I had some painful procedures in the past.

I usually have some bleeding here and there for a couple of days after the procedure however this time I had a lot of pain. First, I had strong pain in my jaw on the right side, then my head and throat started to hurt. I thought I was becoming sick and left it for a couple of days. I couldn't open my mouth properly and eating was close to impossible. Sleeping wasn't easy either as the pain in my jaw wouldn't stop even though I took some painkillers.

I went to the pharmacy and I was told that such a strong reaction is not normal and that I should call my dentist. This is honestly what I wanted to avoid but what must be done must be done. So I made another appointment.

I went there on Wednesday this week. I had a scan and after he checked it and looked in my mouth, he said that he didn't have good news for me. Oh no!

He told me that I had a wisdom tooth infection and the only thing he could do was removing it. He injected antibiotics in the place that is infected which caused me even more pain, but I was told that it should disappear after a few hours.

He was planning to remove all three wisdom teeth that I have. Yes, I only have three of them and this explain why I sometimes do stupid things as part of my wisdom was always missing 😊

But after he checked the scan, he saw that my nerves are in a position that is not ideal and that they could be easily damaged during the surgery, so he suggested not to touch two wisdom teeth because of that. Lucky me, the only one that he can remove is the one that is infected.

My surgery is in ten days and I have to somehow survive by then. I have strong painkillers, but they don't seem to be working very well so I stopped taking them at all. I'm so scared as I don't know what to expect but I will do anything to stop this pain as I can't bear it any longer.

And this is the reason why I spend most of my time inside. I do nothing productive because the only thing I can think of is the pain. It all hurts and it impact my mood a lot so I try to avoid any social contact right now 😊 My husband just needs to be patient with me 😊

But today was such a nice day and I had to get some vitamin D as well, so I decided to go for a walk. And I must admit that it helped me to relax a bit and I feel better now.

This is probably the most negative post from my side and I hope you will forgive me for that..

Here are some photos from my walk

ISO 100 1/400 sec. f/3.2 70 mm

ISO 80 1/400 sec. f/3.2 70 mm

ISO 80 1/400 sec. f/2.8 68 mm

ISO 80 1/400 sec. f/3.2 70 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/320 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 100 1/500 sec. f/3.5 70 mm

ISO 200 1/160 sec. f/2.8 70 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/2.8 70 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/2.8 70 mm

ISO 80 1/640 sec. f/2.8 70 mm


Thank you for reading,


Power House Creatives Logos FINAL_float.png


Oh no i hate the dentist. I feel it for you.

Im gald you got out and about today. Spring is in the air here in Ireland too so im off out with the family for a nice walk

Posted using Partiko Android

I already have nightmares and it's still 7 days before the surgery :D I think that one night before I probably won't be able to even close my eyes :D

Hope you had a great weekend, Paula!

Thank you for stopping by :)

you will be fine. try not to think about it. Treat your self instead as a distraction

lol on you losing you not having some wisdom because you only had 3 wisdom teeth... never heard that one before! Have a nice weekend Martina!

Hahaha, every day is a school day Dave :D

Thank you! I will try :D Have a nice weekend too!

Howdy there Martina! well that was 6 days ago, how are you feeling? You have to be getting close to your surgery. It will be great to get that thing out of there and this operation over with. It looks like spring there!

Sorry to hear that you are in pain Martina, hope it will fade away soon and you'll be able to enjoy life fully as you do. May spring bring a big smile on your face!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you Dan! There are still a few weeks to go and I think that the first days after the surgery won't be fun either so I'm already getting mentally ready for that. I was really hoping to have my wisdom teeth forever :D (or until they fall off themselves :D )

Tooth pain is horrible ❤🙏🎶 i am so sorry you're going through this phase right now. I can really sense your discomfort. And, i applaud you with your seemingly cheery blog post! That takes guts. All the best Martina ❤🐦🌞 one breath at a time. You've got this.

Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I was always so proud that I didn't have any issues with wisdom teeth and now this.. Well, when it's supposed to happen then it will happen.

Oh, I didn't want to complain too much and it is manageable to pretend being cheerful in a blog ;)

No doubt but, i will say it again good for you! I likely couldn't bring myself to blog with so much tooth pain. Hope it's over and a very distant memory soon 🙏😖🌄🎶🌻❤

It's wonderful that even when in physical pain, you can still see the beauty in the world around you Martina. It says so much about your character and now I know your name too.

One of the best ~ And it's natural antibiotics is Golden Seal. It doesn't have the side effects that medicinal antibiotics have and it's actually stronger. The other plant that is great for relieving tooth infection ~ The cause of the pain is garlic. If you get a clove of it ~ If you can bear it ~ Crush it slightly and hold it against the tooth.

The other thing to do is to join the @NaturalMedicine feed and request to join their discord channel. There are some great people there who may be able to offer you other suggestions as well. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

You are so kind to me! :) But believe me I'm not the best company right now :) I do try to keep my mood up as the situation won't change for almost two weeks so I still want to make the best out of it..

Thank you so much for the tips! I've never heard of Golden Seal but will check it out. I will try garlic and will see if I can stand it.. and I will definitely join their discord channel. I've heard so much about them but haven't approached them yet.

Thank you so much for your comment and support! :)

Have a lovely Sunday, Ally ;)

If you are able to get Golden Seal in a tincture ~ It would be the strongest. You may be able to get it from a Health Food store or if not ask someone at the Natural Medicine discord where to get it. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

Oh no delishtreats, I feel for you. I had the same problem and went through the same process a long time ago. I was in the dental chair for at least an hour and it took me a couple of weeks to recover. Hopefully all will go well for you but I recall feeling so much better once that impacted wisdom tooth was removed. All the best.

I'm sure it's going to be much better once it's removed but there are a few very painful days waiting for me first :)

Thank you for stopping by! Hope you had a great weekend!

Ohh wow that really sucks! At least he will only be taking one of them out! Try to keep yourself busy so you can trick your mind and allow yourself some time without pain.

Hope the upcoming days are easier for you and that the pain will subside somewhat! Hoping for the best in your surgery!

Thank you for your kind words! I'm getting kind of used to the pain as I have no other choice. I just can't eat properly and this is affecting my mood as well so I'm not a happy bunny recently, lol. But it's just one more week to go and then I should feel better :)

Maybe there is some kind of herbal tea or remedy that could take some of the pain away? Keep smiling :)

You need not apologize for being truthful about the pain you are going through. I much prefer an honest account to some fake version of your life! It’s nice however to see a glimpse of sunshine in your post.

Thank you for your kind words! It's nice to read comments like yours :)

Ahhhh sweet Martina I feel for you, My mum and dad forgot to give me a good set of teeth. I had so many dental appointments and pain that I even begin to hate the poor Guy. I am allergic to anestetics well most off them and those f(&@€ wisdom teeth well I have to go In to remove two after the skiing trip next week so I wish you strength and less pain. Love the blossom pictures the are springy like looking forward to nicer weather and All plants and trees coming to life again.
Blog to you soon
Take care

I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through such issues. Oh, it looks like we'll have a topic for discussion in 2 weeks or so :D We can compare the pain that we will be facing, lol.. just kidding :)

I have the same issue. My parents don't have good teeth either. I am lucky not to be allergic to anesthetics as I wouldn't survive a dentist appointment without them :D I have sentient gums and all these things that dentists do hurt so much..

I was surprised to see flowers, grass and new leaves coming out. It's been quite warm here and the next week will be warm as well. I just hope that it won't be freezing afterwards as everything would die..

Thank you for stopping by and for your support :)

Have fun on vacation and good luck with your surgery!

Thanks still a few days to go, than precious family time, and the dentist appointment that one i try not to think about yet