Some of your forward thinking ideas like data mining our vitals into decentralized systems have been proven to work. Look no further than Stanford's protein folding experiment which they crowd sourced for exponential calculation speeds. Great thoughts!
indeed - I can't take total credit for some of them as my own, just have maybe adapted what's already out there a little bit...
kind of interesting that [the Stanford project]9 is actually a similar tech model as Golem and - two recently-launched blockchain-based projects to build distributed networks of CPU power, Golem listing one of its uses as for scientific research... :-)
YES! I was hearing a lot about Copernicus back in 2012 when I still lived in Seattle - very cool to see the historical contexts of where all this smart processing came from. I'm going to look deeper into Golem. I'd love to think we can harness block-chain-like distribution for photon (energy) consumption sometime soon, too... We'll see!