
That table…

…should be shared.

Most focus on the problems. Yet, few focus on the solutions. I call it the counter productive consciousness. It divides and conquers.

Some of your forward thinking ideas like data mining our vitals into decentralized systems have been proven to work. Look no further than Stanford's protein folding experiment which they crowd sourced for exponential calculation speeds. Great thoughts!

indeed - I can't take total credit for some of them as my own, just have maybe adapted what's already out there a little bit...

kind of interesting that [the Stanford project]9 is actually a similar tech model as Golem and - two recently-launched blockchain-based projects to build distributed networks of CPU power, Golem listing one of its uses as for scientific research... :-)

YES! I was hearing a lot about Copernicus back in 2012 when I still lived in Seattle - very cool to see the historical contexts of where all this smart processing came from. I'm going to look deeper into Golem. I'd love to think we can harness block-chain-like distribution for photon (energy) consumption sometime soon, too... We'll see!

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

You know that blockchain is already revolutioning the way to see transactions?

The medical/pharma model can not support a healthy population. It needs you sick/ill to feed it.

lest not forget that sickness and disease has always been a part of the human condition, and that western medicine has actually erradicated alot of diseases, extend alot of lives, and raised the standard of living for millions upon millions of people...

I am sorry about possibly saying something confrontational, but I was wondering. Did you leave the Jews out on purpose?

Wow, reading this is pretty uplifting for me! It seems like... Within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries, there has become a big shift in focus: from the true vision of the technology to the short-term monetary gains from speculation and capital investment interests. Four months ago I started helping a cryptocurrency start-up with their marketing and brand management. This start-up had a very large vision, to make kind action valuable and change the world. To make a long story short, I could easily see a need in the market for a cryptocurrency organization/community/company that could push mainstream adoption for the industry by focusing on creating content which worked towards educating consumers and engaging them within the currency's community. But that means identifying, coordinating, and facilitating communal and participatory platforms within the industry, which is honestly a lot of hard work. But you're right it should be done or at least attempted. Unfortunately, they saw more value in the speculative hype, rumors, and empty promises as a marketing direction and I was forced to leave. I've been a bit discouraged since then but reading your post has given me a bit more hope, keep working towards it! Thank you!

Your welcome, and thanks for the feedback - had totally forgotten about this story, and perhaps good for a refocus.

Yeah, this year has definitely seen a lot of projects jump in on the hype for the profit potential. And I confess, I'd originally got into it with big ideas of how it could change the world, yet myself got a bit blinded by the profit with Steemit. There is so much good that could potentially be accomplished integrating these technologies and forming new business models with them - though perhaps it's a psychological weakness to get distracted with short term gain potential, given those larger visions definitely need a longer time frame to unfold in.

Nonetheless. Here we are, continuing to move forward regardless.

If you haven't yet read "Blockchain Revolution" by Don & Alex Tapscott, you may be interested to check it out - t'is excellent! ;-)

Thank you for the reccomendation I will have to check it out!