Progressive Democracy [my take on goverment and soceity]

in #politics7 years ago

So heres my take on @aggroed challange for goverment types. While I planned to make my own long blog to lay out my political views as a follow up for my introduction, this sounds way more fun. So here we go.

A capitalist state under rule of the people with the intent to use the ingenuity of humans to push technology and soceity forward.

Key Criteria(goverment)

  • A represantive democracy, because even though sometimes people are "stupid", they voices should matter.
  • A rigourous system to control politicans by revealing their incomes and meetings and punishing all forms of bribery or self-enrichment, to protect us against the influnce of lobbyist or corrupt politicans in general.
  • You would need to tweak the whole voting progress and general party system to allow politicans to make their own choices without needing to uphold the oppinions of their party leadership against their better judgement.
  • Open Data aka Public Records of everything the goverment has is fingers in.
  • A platform for the people to post their ideas of new laws or improvements based on the open data, which after being voted up to a certain point, have to be heard in the parliament.
  • If an improvement has been made the persons responsible for the idea should be awarded. (Think 10% of the saved cost for example)

Reasoning on how it should work
Every voice should matter, but a direct goverment is in my oppinion not feasible for large populations even with our current technology. But in order for the system to gain the trust of the people, they would need to see that they can make an impact(by using the afromentioned platform) and see what their elected representatives are doing.

Key criteria(economy)

  • A capitalist system similiar to that of most countries, but with a few key differences.
  • The playing field has to be evend out between coorperations, so that larger competitors cannot prevent the rise of newcomers.
  • Certain ways to increase profit are taboo. Those include personnel costs, enviromental protection or stuff like planned obsolescence. In short everything that is detrimental to the future of humanity.
  • While all coorperation have to abide by those rules, cooperations dealing with things critical to soceity(like energy, roads, water, medical care, education and whatever the goverment decides to privatize) work a little bit different.
  • Cooperations dealing with soceity stuff are forbidden to drain money and ressources out of their systems by giving it away to investors(at least after they gained back their investmend + 1-10% interest) or payout to those in charge. (i.E. by limiting the wage gap between lowest and highest payed employe)
  • They also have to meet a certain standard of quality for their product mandated by the goverment or people get replaced.
  • In return they get their losses covered by the goverment and they gain a little bit extra to invest into research, which means that those coorperations just have to reduce their costs by advancing technological. Although this advancement could be made possible by a private person, because of the afromentioned open data.

I grew up with the idea, that capitalism works by making those successful with the best ideas. Although I can't say that this idea holds up to reality, I strongly believe, that it should be possible to reshape the face of capitalism to serve as a tool to further human progress. Although you could argue that there are a number of ideas to meet that goal, capitalism is our current system and people don't like change, therefore the transition would be easier.

The media has great influence over soceity, as they distribute information and oppinions. Therefore I want to give a few notes on that topic.

Key criteria(media, the 4th power in a state)

  • Media shouldn't be in the hands of private persons, but be paid by the goverment.
  • But the goverment also shouldn't have control about media as we had to learn in the past.
  • Steemit's reward systems is a good middle ground I guess.
  • Therefore everyone can write news articles and are getting paid if people like what they see.
  • There would be the need to control information for false information, defamation and what not of course.

Key criteria(General)

  • A universial public income. High enough that people can live of it and invest into their future.
  • Free education.
  • Make everything as simple as possible and as understandable as possible.

Stuff to avoid

  • Centralization of power.
  • Entrapment of people after they made mistakes.

How it should work
Oh well, seems like I mixed key criteria and inner workings together a little bit. But if there are questions left(which I guess are a few), I would be happy to discuss those in the comments.


Hey, I find your article really interesting! You just gained a follower ;)
I am also into politics and will write a few articles about similar topic and the political system in Germany. Maybe you'd like to read them, too!

Hey and you got a follow from me. German Politics is my main focus(since I'm from Germany) ^^

Well developed but all government increases in breadth over time and becomes more centralized, govt is death.

What I meant with central goverment, is the idea of a single parliament. I'm in favor of local goverment with many small parliaments, since they have a better picture of the local problems. Although you would still need a parliament coordinationg the different local branches, which in turn would have their eyes or even would be part of this central parliment in some way.
I can understand your Anti-Goverment Stance(Goverments weren't great in the past), which is way I want the system to change(or at least talk about how it could be changed for the moment), so it can prove itself to people like you again ^^

I have a better idea for a goverment. I would say that this is not realy too revealing about the actual goverment you try to describe, but that may just be because of that contest you are entering.

Yeah, the contest was about a short introduction of how you would like your goverment organized. The thing about Goverments is that there are many aspects you would need to consider and it would be loudricous one person could draw up an entire goverment plan. But if there are any aspects, that I should shed light upon, feel free to ask. :D

Well, I think that your goverment lacks some kind of spice, a core that makes it function differently. Your idea has not enough revolutionaizing in it. I feel that it is not realy going to lead to much of a change as some of those points you made have been already kind of being in use whithout bringing that hoped outcome.

Mhh I kinda agree and when I was younger revolution to something like communism or anything other than capitalsim sounded pretty sweet. But I realized some time ago, that radical change won't work, because people don't like change. Therefore I decided to look at specific problem and try to better them, while applying the above general principal to evalute my ideas.

Revolution of communisms has gone long ago. What I mean is that I think the very core must be changed to be able to make change. This core does not have to be more than a change in the idea for what the system works! That helped me to introduce my own goverment, that may appear as not actually changing anything.