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RE: One of my favourite poems (by me )

in #poetry7 years ago

Powerful! The “it wasn’t even a proper goodbye “ hit me because it happened to me and I was the one walking away to move back to Ireland . Crushing! By as they say better to have loved and lost than not loved at all. Lots of people have never had feelings like that about someone else.


Im not glad you know the crushing feeling because it sucks , but im glad that i was able to translate how i felt and how you felt and how a lot others did as well , im thrilled that you liked the poem , i hope that you will like whats more to come down the road as well 😘😘💖

If that poem is anything to go by then I’m looking forward to your next post . 😍😍

You have no idea how much you made my day 😍😍

It was a class poem. Really touched me with a lot of emotions including guilt 😭😭! You def should be getting the good dosh for these ones !

Awww 😍😍💖💖💖💖 thank you !