Five Podcast on Sustainable Living for your Listening Pleasure

in #podcast7 years ago (edited)


EarBuds Podcast Collective

Almost eight months ago, I followed a call to action in a podcasting Facebook group. One of the ladies had the idea to ask fellow podcasters to share their favorite podcasts and themes with each other.

Before we knew it, this format was developed.

  • Create an email list.
  • A weekly email is sent out on Sunday evening with a weekly theme and five podcast episodes to listen to. One for each weekday.
  • Every week, a different person does the curation.
  • The founder creates the emails to go out to the public.

It was eight months ago that I threw my name in the hat and by the time I got the access to the google spreadsheet to claim my week, it was all filled up to February of this year.

This coming week is my week and I send the email with my suggestions and answers off today.

I am taking a wild guess here, but I am assuming that you are not on that mailing list and I thought I will share my selections with you here. If you are on the list, please ignore this post and wait for your email :)

My Curation

Here are the questions I was answering:​

1. What is your name?

Hello everyone, my name is Marianne West from The Sustainable Living Podcast

2. What is your theme?

Sustainable Living Plus

3. Why did you choose this theme?

Sustainable living and beyond has been on my mind for a long time. We have the responsibility to figure out how we can leave a planet for our children and theirs that is a pleasure to live on. It is time that we, the people, are taking matters into our hands and we can’t afford to sit back and trust that other’s will take care of the problems we are facing.

4. Your podcast episodes and where to find them?

First one (Monday)

Sustainable World Radio with Jill Cloutier
Episode 144
Click here to listen
53:42 minutes
In this episode, Jill and Bonnie Rose Weaver are talking about growing medicinal herbs in an Urban environment as a business.

Second one (Tuesday)

Earth Repair Radio with Andrew Millison
Episode 15
Listen from the website here
59:22 minutes
Andrew Millison teaches Permaculture on the University Level and is also presenting a free Permaculture course in April.
In this Interview with Mark Lakeman, they are addressing the issue of rising sea levels and what that means for coastal communities. A cultural change needs to happen before a political solution such as appropriate infrastructure creation is possible.

Third one (Wednesday)-

Do the Work with Diego Footer:
The Most Expensive Thing You Don’t Own
Episode 516
Listen on iTunes
Or here
19:57 min

This is a daily podcast from the perspective of a stay at home dad. Diego is making a living through podcasting about all kinds of regenerative projects. He has left a well-paying position in finance to be able to spend more time with his daughters while they are young.
This is Diego’s website

Fourth one (Thursday)

The Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko
Episode 2156
Listen here

Jack has deep roots in the Survival/Prepper as well as in the Permaculture communities. Once a week, his show is dedicated to listener questions. In this episode, he gives an update about a marketplace based on cryptocurrency, homeschooling, debt reduction and more.

Fifth one (Friday)

Sow Edible Permaculture Podcast
Episode 54
Listen to the podcast here

Amy and Stacy and their three children live on a homestead they have planned and build themselves. They prepared for this move for many years and their podcast is documenting their journey from the beginning of building their off-grid home and building the farm.
This is an episode with many updates how the winter is going for them so far.

5. Email/Twitter/Insta for people to contact you on if they want to chat about your episode choices.

[email protected]

6. Something you want to promote/something you’re passionate about.

I am the host and producer of The Sustainable Living Podcast.
We have been undergoing some changes and I would love to hear from people who are deeply committed to the concept of Sustainable Living and might want to be guest contributors to the podcast.

A free Introduction to Permaculture Course coming in April hosted by Oregon State University. {Click here for more info.]( You don't want to miss it!

7. A crowd-sourcing question you have, it can be about anything.

What topics do you want to hear about under the theme of Sustainable Living?

I hope you will enjoy this selection of podcasts. Let me know which one you liked the best. and of course, do listen to my podcast as well.


Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.


All images are my own unless otherwise cited.


My recent posts



Sledding - A Freewrite

Fluffy and Buffy- A Freewrite

Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Battling Cancer with the Gerson Therapy

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.




Award by @japhofin8or


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Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here


Wow! You sound really busy. All the podcasts sound great. Good luck to you for your week.

I am very busy! How did you know?