📷 Water Droplet Photography Using Arduino! 用Arduino玩水滴攝影 + 教學!
Nerd Mode Activated
I've always wanted to do water droplet photography after seeing the cool images online taken by others. Today I would like to share with you my first serious attempt at water droplet photography!
To control the water drops, I used an Arduino hooked up to a simple circuit that opens and closes a solenoid valve automatically at regular intervals.
The Code 程式
The code is very simple: set pin 13 to output mode, then toggle it on for 250 ms, then off for 1500 ms, and repeat.
程式非常簡單:設定pin 13為輸出,然後開250 ms,接著關1500 ms,重複開關。
The Circuit 電路

The circuit consists of an Arduino connected to a TLP250 optocoupler which is used to drive a 24-volt solenoid valve.
The Setup 架設方式
With the electronics ready, the rest is just setting up the valve with a reservoir raised above a pan full of water used to catch the drops. A flash and reflector is placed at the pan to light the image.
Taking The Photo 拍照方法
I set the camera to 1~2 seconds exposure, f/11 at ISO 400. The flash is set to 1/8 power. With the lights turned on and the water dripping into the pan, I pre-focused the camera at the location of the water drop. Then I turned off the lights in the room except for a dim lamp. For each shot, I start the exposure, then I fire the flash manually when I see the water droplet hit the surface of the water in the pan. The short flash duration is what captures the images.
我將設定調成1~2秒曝光時間、f/11、ISO 400、閃光輸出1/8,厨房燈開著時把對焦設在水滴打到接水盤的位置。拍攝前先把燈關掉,留下一盞小夜燈開著。拍攝每一張照片是先按快門,然後看著接水盤,當水滴掉落時手動觸發閃光燈。照片其實是透過閃光燈短暫的一閃來捕捉一瞬間的影像。
Equipment Used / 使用攝影器材
- Camera: Canon EOS M
- Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8
- Flash: Canon Speedlite 430EX II
- Software: Adobe Lightroom

Wow, early good job, my Friend :)
Thank you @chrissysworld!
Your setup looks freaking complicated 😂 but I love your shots! Great first attempt at photographing droplets ;)
LOL yes it is kind of overkill to get a shot, it's the nerd in me ;)
Haha, I sensed it's the nerd in you :D I would rather have a friend to hold and squeeze a dropper for me 😂
I used a pot full of water to hold mine ;)
電路你都會....... 未免太強了....... XDDD
OMG !!!這個應該去投Science fair 嘛
很久都未在這裡看過 DIY 的電子類型的文章了!
這些文章有空出的tag 都可以 tag #steemstem 啊:D
@steemstem should see this !!!
可惜,我不知道這符不符合就沒投稿,加個 #steemstem tag先
Thanks @majidawan!
Cool! I used to have lots of fun with Arduino =D
Thanks, it was fun making this ;)
I think everybody is fascinated about these pictures, but the process behind these shots must have been unknown! till now!
Thank you for introducing in this world, scinece of beauty!
Enjoy @nature.art and every color!
Be happy!
Thanks so much for the comment @nature.art :)